# Credits for Rhythm Heaven Mania ## Developed by * [Boxsubmus](https://boxsubmus.com) ## Programming * Starpelly ## Art * Ko Takeuchi * Starpelly * flaticon.com ## Fonts * Super_Tailx_50 (Logo fonts) * Christian Robertson (Roboto) * Nintendo (Rodin) ## Resources and Technologies * Original sounds by Nintendo * Unity * Adobe Photoshop 2022 * Roboto Font * Rodin Font * C# * Visual Studio 2022 * Newtonsoft.Json * DOTween * [Starpelly (The library)](https://github.com/Starpelly/Starpelly) * Some assets used with permission from: * [Rhythm Heaven Remix Editor (RHRE)](https://github.com/chrislo27/RhythmHeavenRemixEditor) * [RHRE SFX Database](https://github.com/chrislo27/RHRE-database) * [Polyrhythm Mania](https://github.com/chrislo27/PolyrhythmMania) * [StandaloneFileBrowser](https://github.com/gkngkc/UnityStandaloneFileBrowser) * [NaughtyBezierCurves](https://github.com/dbrizov/NaughtyBezierCurves) * [VorbisPlugin](https://github.com/khindemit/unity-wrapper-vorbis) ## Legal Crap This software is licensed under GNU GPL-3.0. [LICENSE.MD](https://github.com/RhythmHeavenDevelopment/RhythmHeavenMania/blob/master/LICENSE.md)