using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; namespace Rellac.Windows { /// <summary> /// Script to handle pull handles to expand the windows /// </summary> public class GUIWindowHandle : GUIPointerObject { /// <summary> /// Window to apply pull effect to /// </summary> [Tooltip("Window to apply pull effect to")] [SerializeField] private RectTransform parentWindow = null; /// <summary> /// Handle is locked and unusable /// </summary> [Tooltip("Handle is locked and unusable")] [SerializeField] private bool isLocked = false; /// <summary> /// Minimum width parent window can be set to /// </summary> [Tooltip("Minimum width parent window can be set to")] [SerializeField] private float minWidth = 50; /// <summary> /// Minimum height parent window can be set to /// </summary> [Tooltip("Minimum height parent window can be set to")] [SerializeField] private float minHeight = 50; /// <summary> /// Sprite to show for cursor when this handle is highlighted /// </summary> [Tooltip("Sprite to show for cursor when this handle is highlighted")] [SerializeField] private Texture2D cursor = null; /// <summary> /// Directional axis to pull window with this handle /// </summary> [Tooltip("Directional axis to pull window with this handle")] [SerializeField] private Axis axis = Axis.Horizontal; /// <summary> /// Fired when user pulls on the handle /// </summary> public UnityEvent onWindowPulled = null; Direction direction; private bool isGrabbed = false; private Vector2 initialMousePos; private Vector2 initialSize; private Vector2 initialPivot; void Start() { //register to pointer events onPointerDown.AddListener(SetIsGrabbed); onPointerDown.AddListener(parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling); onPointerEnter.AddListener(ShowCursor); onPointerExit.AddListener(ResetCursor); // find what direction we're pulling with this handle switch (axis) { case Axis.Horizontal: if (transform.position.x > parentWindow.position.x) { direction = Direction.Right; } else { direction = Direction.Left; } break; case Axis.Vertical: if (transform.position.y > parentWindow.position.y) { direction = Direction.Up; } else { direction = Direction.Down; } break; case Axis.Diagonal: if (transform.position.y > parentWindow.position.y) { if (transform.position.x > parentWindow.position.x) { direction = Direction.UpRight; } else { direction = Direction.UpLeft; } } else { if (transform.position.x > parentWindow.position.x) { direction = Direction.DownRight; } else { direction = Direction.DownLeft; } } break; } } void Update() { if (!isGrabbed) return; if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { isGrabbed = false; parentWindow.SetPivot(initialPivot); if (onWindowPulled != null) { onWindowPulled.Invoke(); } return; } Vector2 scaleOffset = ( - (Vector2)transform.lossyScale) +; Vector3 anchoredPosition = Input.mousePosition; anchoredPosition.z = 0; Vector2 mouseDelta = Vector2.Scale((Vector2)anchoredPosition - initialMousePos, scaleOffset) * 0.5f; Vector2 size = initialSize; switch (direction) { case Direction.Up: size += new Vector2(0, mouseDelta.y); break; case Direction.Down: size -= new Vector2(0, mouseDelta.y); break; case Direction.Left: size -= new Vector2(mouseDelta.x, 0); break; case Direction.Right: size += new Vector2(mouseDelta.x, 0); break; case Direction.UpRight: size += new Vector2(mouseDelta.x, mouseDelta.y); break; case Direction.UpLeft: size += new Vector2(-mouseDelta.x, mouseDelta.y); break; case Direction.DownRight: size += new Vector2(mouseDelta.x, -mouseDelta.y); break; case Direction.DownLeft: size += new Vector2(-mouseDelta.x, -mouseDelta.y); break; } // Keep Window within minimum size if (size.x < minWidth || size.y < minHeight) { Vector2 newsize = size; if (size.x < minWidth) { newsize.x = minWidth; } if (size.y < minHeight) { newsize.y = minHeight; } parentWindow.sizeDelta = newsize; return; } // set position & size parentWindow.sizeDelta = size; } /// <summary> /// Toggle interactivity of handle /// </summary> /// <param name="input">is interactive</param> public void SetIsLocked(bool input) { isLocked = input; parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling(); } /// <summary> /// Trigger that this handle has been grabbed /// </summary> public void SetIsGrabbed() { if (isLocked) return; isGrabbed = true; Vector3 anchoredPosition = Input.mousePosition; anchoredPosition.z = 0; initialMousePos = anchoredPosition; initialSize = parentWindow.sizeDelta; initialPivot = parentWindow.pivot; // Set Pivot to correct value based on direction so we don't need to offset movement switch (direction) { case Direction.Up: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(0.5f, 0)); break; case Direction.Down: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(0.5f, 1)); break; case Direction.Left: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(1, 0.5f)); break; case Direction.Right: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(0, 0.5f)); break; case Direction.UpRight: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(0, 0)); break; case Direction.UpLeft: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(1, 0)); break; case Direction.DownRight: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(0, 1)); break; case Direction.DownLeft: parentWindow.SetPivot(new Vector2(1, 1)); break; } parentWindow.SetAsLastSibling(); } /// <summary> /// Show the changed cursor when this handle is highlighted /// </summary> public void ShowCursor() { if (!isLocked && cursor != null) { Cursor.SetCursor(cursor, new Vector2(16, 16), CursorMode.Auto); } } /// <summary> /// Return the cursor to the default state /// </summary> public void ResetCursor() { if (cursor != null) { Cursor.SetCursor(null,, CursorMode.Auto); } } private enum Axis { Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal } private enum Direction { Up, Down, Left, Right, UpLeft, UpRight, DownLeft, DownRight } } }