using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using AutoLetterbox; namespace AutoLetterbox { /* ForceCameraRatio.cs * * Forces the assigned Cameras to a given Aspect Ratio by Letterboxing them horizontally or vertically * * 2015 * Written by Tom Elliott */ // A class for tracking individual Cameras and their Viewports [System.Serializable] public class CameraRatio { public enum CameraAnchor { Center, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight } [Tooltip("The Camera assigned to have an automatically calculated Viewport Ratio")] public Camera camera; [Tooltip("When a Camera Viewport is shrunk to fit a ratio, it will anchor the new Viewport Rectangle at the given point (relative to the original, unshrunk Viewport)")] public CameraAnchor anchor = CameraAnchor.Center; [HideInInspector] public Vector2 vectorAnchor; private Rect originViewPort; public CameraRatio (Camera _camera, Vector2 _anchor) { camera = _camera; vectorAnchor = _anchor; originViewPort = camera.rect; } /// /// Sets the Camera's current Viewport as the viewport measurements to fill on resizing /// public void ResetOriginViewport () { originViewPort = camera.rect; SetAnchorBasedOnEnum(anchor); } /// /// Sets the Anchor for this Camera when it is resized based on a given enum description /// /// public void SetAnchorBasedOnEnum (CameraAnchor _anchor) { switch (_anchor) { case CameraAnchor.Center: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); break; case CameraAnchor.Top: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(0.5f, 1f); break; case CameraAnchor.Bottom: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(0.5f, 0f); break; case CameraAnchor.Left: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(0f, 0.5f); break; case CameraAnchor.Right: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(1f, 0.5f); break; case CameraAnchor.TopLeft: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(0f, 1f); break; case CameraAnchor.TopRight: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(1f, 1f); break; case CameraAnchor.BottomLeft: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(0f, 0f); break; case CameraAnchor.BottomRight: vectorAnchor = new Vector2(1f, 0f); break; } } /// /// Forces a camera to render at a given ratio /// Creates a letter box effect if the new viewport does not match the current Window ratio /// /// /// public void CalculateAndSetCameraRatio (float _width, float _height, bool _horizontalLetterbox) { Rect localViewPort = new Rect(); // Force the viewport to a width and height accurate to the target ratio if (_horizontalLetterbox) { // current aspect is wider than target aspect so shorten down height of the viewport localViewPort.height = _height; localViewPort.width = 1; } else { // current aspect is taller than target aspect so thin down width of the viewport localViewPort.height = 1f; localViewPort.width = _width; } // Resize and position the viewport to fit in it's original position on screen (adhering to a given anchor point) Rect screenViewPortHorizontal = new Rect(); Rect screenViewPortVertical = new Rect(); // Calculate both a horizontally and vertically resized viewport screenViewPortHorizontal.width = originViewPort.width; screenViewPortHorizontal.height = originViewPort.width * (localViewPort.height / localViewPort.width); screenViewPortHorizontal.x = originViewPort.x; screenViewPortHorizontal.y = Mathf.Lerp(originViewPort.y, originViewPort.y + (originViewPort.height - screenViewPortHorizontal.height), vectorAnchor.y); screenViewPortVertical.width = originViewPort.height * (localViewPort.width / localViewPort.height); screenViewPortVertical.height = originViewPort.height; screenViewPortVertical.x = Mathf.Lerp(originViewPort.x, originViewPort.x + (originViewPort.width - screenViewPortVertical.width), vectorAnchor.x); screenViewPortVertical.y = originViewPort.y; // Use the best fitting of the two if (screenViewPortHorizontal.height >= screenViewPortVertical.height && screenViewPortHorizontal.width >= screenViewPortVertical.width) { if (screenViewPortHorizontal.height <= originViewPort.height && screenViewPortHorizontal.width <= originViewPort.width) { camera.rect = screenViewPortHorizontal; } else { camera.rect = screenViewPortVertical; } } else { if (screenViewPortVertical.height <= originViewPort.height && screenViewPortVertical.width <= originViewPort.width) { camera.rect = screenViewPortVertical; } else { camera.rect = screenViewPortHorizontal; } } } } // A class for tracking all cameras in a scene [System.Serializable] public class ForceCameraRatio : MonoBehaviour { public Vector2 ratio = new Vector2(16, 9); public bool forceRatioOnAwake = true; public bool listenForWindowChanges = true; public bool createCameraForLetterBoxRendering = true; public bool findCamerasAutomatically = true; public Color letterBoxCameraColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1); public List cameras; public Camera letterBoxCamera; private void Start () { // If no cameras have been assigned in editor, search for cameras in the scene if (findCamerasAutomatically) { FindAllCamerasInScene(); } else if (cameras == null || cameras.Count == 0) { cameras = new List(); } ValidateCameraArray(); // Set the origin viewport space for each Camera for (int i = 0; i < cameras.Count; i++) { cameras[i].ResetOriginViewport(); } // If requested, a Camera will be generated that renders a letter box Color if (createCameraForLetterBoxRendering) { letterBoxCamera = new GameObject().AddComponent(); letterBoxCamera.backgroundColor = letterBoxCameraColor; letterBoxCamera.cullingMask = 0; letterBoxCamera.depth = -100; letterBoxCamera.farClipPlane = 1; letterBoxCamera.useOcclusionCulling = false; letterBoxCamera.allowHDR = false; letterBoxCamera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Color; = "Letter Box Camera"; for (int i = 0; i < cameras.Count; i++) { if (cameras[i].camera.depth == -100) { Debug.LogError(cameras[i] + " has a depth of -100 and may conflict with the Letter Box Camera in Forced Camera Ratio!"); } } } if (forceRatioOnAwake) { CalculateAndSetAllCameraRatios(); } } private void Update () { if (listenForWindowChanges) { // Recalculate the viewport size if the window size has changed CalculateAndSetAllCameraRatios(); if (letterBoxCamera != null) { letterBoxCamera.backgroundColor = letterBoxCameraColor; } } } /// /// Returns the container class for a Camera and it's ratio by the _camera it contains /// Returns null if the given _camera is not being tracked /// /// /// private CameraRatio GetCameraRatioByCamera (Camera _camera) { if (cameras == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < cameras.Count; i++) { if (cameras[i] != null && cameras[i].camera == _camera) { return cameras[i]; } } return null; } /// /// Removes any null elements from the CameraRatio Array /// private void ValidateCameraArray() { for (int i = cameras.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cameras[i].camera == null) { cameras.RemoveAt(i); } } } /// /// Populates the tracked Camera Array with every Camera currently in the scene /// public void FindAllCamerasInScene () { Camera[] allCameras = FindObjectsOfType(); cameras = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < allCameras.Length; i++) { if ((createCameraForLetterBoxRendering || allCameras[i] != letterBoxCamera)) { // Ignore the Custom LetterBox Camera cameras.Add(new CameraRatio(allCameras[i], new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f))); } } } /// /// Loops through all cameras in scene (or that have been set in editor) /// Forces each camera to render at a given ratio /// Creates a letter box effect if the new viewport does not match the current Window ratio /// public void CalculateAndSetAllCameraRatios () { float targetAspect = ratio.x / ratio.y; float currentAspect = ((float)Screen.width) / ((float)Screen.height); bool horizontalLetterbox = false; float fullWidth = targetAspect / currentAspect; float fullHeight = currentAspect / targetAspect; if (currentAspect > targetAspect) { horizontalLetterbox = false; } for (int i = 0; i < cameras.Count; i++) { cameras[i].SetAnchorBasedOnEnum(cameras[i].anchor); cameras[i].CalculateAndSetCameraRatio(fullWidth, fullHeight, horizontalLetterbox); } } /// /// Set the anchor for a given Camera /// /// /// public void SetCameraAnchor (Camera _camera, Vector2 _anchor) { CameraRatio camera = GetCameraRatioByCamera(_camera); if (camera != null) { camera.vectorAnchor = _anchor; } } public CameraRatio[] GetCameras () { if (cameras == null) { cameras = new List(); } return cameras.ToArray(); } } }