using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using HeavenStudio.Games; namespace HeavenStudio.Common { public class TimingAccuracyDisplay : MonoBehaviour { public enum Rating { NG, OK, Just } public static TimingAccuracyDisplay instance { get; private set; } [SerializeField] GameObject NG; [SerializeField] GameObject OK; [SerializeField] GameObject Just; [SerializeField] GameObject MinimalJust; [SerializeField] GameObject MinimalOK; [SerializeField] GameObject MinimalNG; [SerializeField] Animator MetreAnim; [SerializeField] Transform arrowTransform; [SerializeField] Transform barTransform; [SerializeField] Transform barJustTransform; [SerializeField] Transform barOKTransform; [SerializeField] Transform barNGTransform; float targetArrowPos = 0f; // Start is called before the first frame update public void Start() { instance = this; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { arrowTransform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(arrowTransform.localPosition, new Vector3(0, targetArrowPos, 0), 4f * Time.deltaTime); } public void ResetArrow() { targetArrowPos = 0f; arrowTransform.localPosition =; StopStarFlash(); NG.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop(); OK.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop(); Just.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop(); MinimalNG.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop(); MinimalOK.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop(); MinimalJust.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Stop(); } public void StartStarFlash() { MetreAnim.Play("StarWarn", -1, 0f); } public void StopStarFlash() { MetreAnim.Play("NoPose", -1, 0f); } public void MakeAccuracyVfx(double time, bool late = false) { if (!OverlaysManager.OverlaysEnabled) return; GameObject it; Rating type = Rating.NG; // centre of the transfor would be "perfect ace" // move the object up or down the bar depending on hit time // use bar's scale Y for now, we're waiting for proper assets // this probably doesn't work float frac = 0f; float y = barTransform.position.y; // SetArrowPos(time); // no Clamp() because double time = System.Math.Max(Minigame.NgEarlyTime(), System.Math.Min(Minigame.NgLateTime(), time)); if (time >= Minigame.AceEarlyTime() && time <= Minigame.AceLateTime()) { type = Rating.Just; frac = (float)((time - Minigame.AceEarlyTime()) / (Minigame.AceLateTime() - Minigame.AceEarlyTime())); y = barJustTransform.localScale.y * frac - (barJustTransform.localScale.y * 0.5f); } else { if (time > 1.0) { // goes "down" if (time <= Minigame.JustLateTime()) { type = Rating.OK; frac = (float)((time - Minigame.AceLateTime()) / (Minigame.JustLateTime() - Minigame.AceLateTime())); y = ((barOKTransform.localScale.y - barJustTransform.localScale.y) * frac) + barJustTransform.localScale.y; } else { type = Rating.NG; frac = (float)((time - Minigame.JustLateTime()) / (Minigame.NgLateTime() - Minigame.JustLateTime())); y = ((barNGTransform.localScale.y - barOKTransform.localScale.y) * frac) + barOKTransform.localScale.y; } } else { // goes "up" if (time >= Minigame.JustEarlyTime()) { type = Rating.OK; frac = (float)((time - Minigame.JustEarlyTime()) / (Minigame.AceEarlyTime() - Minigame.JustEarlyTime())); y = ((barOKTransform.localScale.y - barJustTransform.localScale.y) * -frac) - barJustTransform.localScale.y; } else { type = Rating.NG; frac = (float)((time - Minigame.NgEarlyTime()) / (Minigame.JustEarlyTime() - Minigame.NgEarlyTime())); y = ((barNGTransform.localScale.y - barOKTransform.localScale.y) * -frac) - barOKTransform.localScale.y; } } y *= -0.5f; } targetArrowPos = (targetArrowPos + y) * 0.5f; if (PersistentDataManager.gameSettings.timingDisplayMinMode) { switch (type) { case Rating.OK: it = MinimalOK; break; case Rating.Just: it = MinimalJust; break; default: it = MinimalNG; break; } } else { switch (type) { case Rating.OK: it = OK; break; case Rating.Just: it = Just; break; default: it = NG; break; } } it.transform.position = barTransform.position + new Vector3(0, barTransform.localScale.y * y, 0); it.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().Play(); } } }