* Game: Pajama Party * Pajama Party: bg setup, Mako jump * Pajama Party: mako jumping * Pajama Party: prep landing anim references * Pajama Party: several anims, improved 3d scene * Pajama Party: bg cleanup * Pajama Party: Mako sleeping anims * Pajama Party: All Mako anims, add sounds to fs * Pajama Party: prep monkey prefab * Pajama Party: thrown pillow, prep sequences * Pajama Party: make embarrassed catch not loop whoops * Pajama Party: sound adjust, prefab work * Pajama Party: monkey spawning, basic jumping * Pajama Party: jump sequence no input detection or landing yet * Pajama Party: anims override * Pajama Party: jump cue functional comes with improvements and bugfixes to PlayerActionEvent * Pajama Party: sleep cue functional * Pajama Party: some notes * PlayerActionEvent: more bugfixes * Pajama Party: fully functional throw cue * Pajama Party: start animating sleep cue * Pajama Party: feature-complete * Pajama Party: unfuck layering * Pajama Party: icon also adds Fan Club's concept icon * Pajama Party: cues while unloaded
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