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# Discord-Exploits A program for creating exploited media files for discord written in Go. ## Usage ###### discord-exploits is a command line utility, meaning you have to run it through a terminal! ### Getting Help `discord-exploits -h` will show you what commands can be used and what you have to do ### Creating an Expanding Video file `discord-exploits -m expandingvideo -i .webm` The Program only supports .webm files ##### The video will be saved with a random file name in the directory in which you ran the command ##### You can use [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org) to convert a video to .webm ### Creating a "Virus" Image `discord-exploits -m virusimage -i .png` The Program currently only supports PNG, other files will be implemented in the future ##### The image will be saved with a random file name in the directory in which you ran the command ##### The image may get flagged by windows defender and will get removed. to restore the file, go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & Threat protection and restore the file ## Installation ### Via releases go to [the releases page](https://github.com/Schmenn/discord-exploits/releases) and download `discord-exploits.exe` ###### only windows amd64, pre-compiled executables for other systems are getting added in future versions ### Compiling it yourself ###### make sure you have [Go](https://golang.org) installed and in your path 1. Clone this repository `git clone https://github.com/Schmenn/discord-exploits` ###### If you don't have git installed, install it [here](https://git-scm.com) or download the code as a zip 2. Go into the folder `cd discord-exploits` 3. Compile it `go build` ###### the executable will have the name `discord-exploits` ## Features ### Current Features * Feature for creating a video that, when played on discord, will seem like infinite, because the duration keeps getting longer * Feature for creating an image then triggers other users' windows defender after being cached ### Upcoming Features * Feature for creating a video that, when played on discord, will look like it has got a huge negative duration * Feature for creating a video that, when played on discord, will look like it has got a constant duration of 0 ##### If you have any questions, feel free to ask me on ![Discord](https://img.shields.io/badge/Discord-Schmenn%231088-7289DA?style=flat-square)