# futurerestore _It is a hacked up idevicerestore wrapper, which allows manually specifying SEP and Baseband for restoring._ Latest compiled version can be found [here](https://github.com/tihmstar/futurerestore/releases). __Only use if you are sure what you're doing.__ --- # Features * Supports the following downgrade methods: * Prometheus 64-bit devices (generator and ApNonce collision mode) * Odysseus for 32-bit / 64-bit devices * Re-restoring 32-bit devices to iOS 9.x with [alitek123](https://github.com/alitek12)'s no-ApNonce method (alternative — [idevicererestore](https://downgrade.party)). * Allows restoring to non-matching firmware with custom SEP+baseband # Dependencies * ## External Libs Make sure these are installed * [libzip](https://github.com/nih-at/libzip); * [libcurl](https://github.com/curl/curl); * [openssl](https://github.com/openssl/openssl) (or CommonCrypto on macOS/OS X); * [libplist](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libplist); * [libusbmuxd](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libusbmuxd); * [libirecovery](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libirecovery); * [libimobiledevice](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice); * [img4tool](https://github.com/tihmstar/img4tool); * [liboffsetfinder64](https://github.com/tihmstar/liboffsetfinder64) * [libipatcher](https://github.com/tihmstar/libipatcher) * ## Submodules Make sure these projects compile on your system (install it's dependencies): * [jssy](https://github.com/tihmstar/jssy); * [tsschecker](https://github.com/tihmstar/tsschecker); * [idevicerestore](https://github.com/tihmstar/idevicerestore) ## Report an issue You can do it [here](https://github.com/tihmstar/futurerestore/issues). ### Restoring on Windows 10 1. Try to restore the device, error `-8` occurs; 2. Leave the device plugged in, it'll stay on the Recovery screen; 3. Head over to device manager under control panel in Windows; 4. Locate "Apple Recovery (iBoot) USB Composite Device" (at the bottom); 5. Right click and choose "Uninstall device". You may see a tick box that allows you to uninstall the driver software as well, tick that (all the three Apple mobile device entries under USB devices will disappear); 6. Unplug the device and re-plug it in; 7. Go back to futurerestore and send the restore command again (just press the up arrow to get it back, then enter). Error `-8` is now fixed, but the process will fail again after the screen of your device has turned green; 8. Go back to device manager and repeat the driver uninstall process as described above (step 4 to 6); 9. Go back to futurerestore once again and repeat the restore process; 10. The device will reboot and error `-10` will also be solved; 11. The restore will now proceed and succeed. ### Some about [cURL](https://github.com/curl/curl) * Linux: Follow [this guide](https://dev.to/jake/using-libcurl3-and-libcurl4-on-ubuntu-1804-bionic-184g) to use tsschecker on Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) as it requires libcurl3 which cannot coexist with libcurl4 on this OS. # Help _(might become outdated):_ Usage: `futurerestore [OPTIONS] iPSW` | option (short) | option (long) | description | |----------------|------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ` -t ` | ` --apticket PATH ` | Signing tickets used for restoring | | ` -u ` | ` --update ` | Update instead of erase install (requires appropriate APTicket) | | | | DO NOT use this parameter, if you update from jailbroken firmware! | | ` -w ` | ` --wait ` | Keep rebooting until ApNonce matches APTicket (ApNonce collision, unreliable) | | ` -d ` | ` --debug ` | Show all code, use to save a log for debug testing | | | ` --exit-recovery ` | Exit recovery mode and quit | | | ` --use-pwndfu ` | Restoring devices with Odysseus method. Device needs to be in pwned DFU mode already | | | ` --just-boot "-v" ` | Tethered booting the device from pwned DFU mode. You can optionally set ` boot-args ` | | | ` --latest-sep ` | Use latest signed sep instead of manually specifying one (may cause bad restore) | | ` -s ` | ` --sep PATH ` | SEP to be flashed | | ` -m ` | ` --sep-manifest PATH ` | BuildManifest for requesting SEP ticket | | | ` --latest-baseband ` | Use latest signed baseband instead of manually specifying one (may cause bad restore) | | ` -b ` | ` --baseband PATH ` | Baseband to be flashed | | ` -p ` | ` --baseband-manifest PATH ` | Buildmanifest for requesting baseband ticket | | | ` --no-baseband ` | Skip checks and don't flash baseband | | | | Only use this for device without a baseband (eg. iPod touch or some Wi-Fi only iPads) | --- ## 0) What futurerestore can do **Downgrade/Upgrade/Re-restore same mobile firmware version.** Whenever you read "downgrade" nowadays it means you can also upgrade and re-restore if you're on the same firmware version. Basically this allows restoring an firmware version and the installed firmware version doesn't matter. --- ## 1) Prometheus (64-bit device) - generator method ### Requirements - Jailbreak - signing ticket files (`.shsh`, `.shsh2`, `.plist`) with a generator - nonceEnabler patch enabled ### Info You can downgrade, if the destination firmware version is compatible with the **latest signed SEP and baseband** and if you **have a signing tickets files with a generator for that firmware version**. ### How to use 1. Device must be jailbroken and nonceEnabler patch must be active 2. Open signing ticket file and look up the generator * Looks like this: `generator0xde3318d224cf14a1` 3. Write the generator to device's NVRAM * Connect with SSH into the device and run `nvram com.apple.System.boot-nonce=0xde3318d224cf14a1` to set the generator *0xde3318d224cf14a1* * verify it with `nvram -p` 4. Connect your device in normal mode to computer 5. On the computer run `futurerestore -t ticket.shsh --latest-baseband --latest-sep ios.ipsw` ### Youtube Prometheus *Prometheus* Prometheus *nonceEnabler* ### Recommended methods to activate nonceEnabler patch #### Method 1: ios-kern-utils (iOS 7.x-10.x): 1. Install DEB-file of [ios-kern-utils](https://github.com/Siguza/ios-kern-utils/releases/) on device; 2. Run on the device `nvpatch com.apple.System.boot-nonce`. #### Method 2: Using special applications Use utilities for setting boot-nonce generator: 1. [PhœnixNonce](https://github.com/Siguza/PhoenixNonce) for iOS 9.x; 2. [v0rtexnonce](https://github.com/arx8x/v0rtexnonce) for iOS 10.x; 3. [Nonceset1112](https://github.com/julioverne/NonceSet112) for iOS 11.0-11.1.2; 4. [noncereboot1131UI](https://github.com/s0uthwest/noncereboot1131UI) for iOS 11.0-11.4b3; 5. [NonceReboot12xx](https://github.com/ur0/NonceReboot12XX) for iOS 12.0-12.1.2. #### Method 3: Using jailbreak tools Use jailbreak tools for setting boot-nonce generator: 1. [Meridian](https://meridian.sparkes.zone) for iOS 10.x; 2. [backr00m](https://nito.tv) or greeng0blin for tvOS 10.2-11.1; 3. [Electra and ElectraTV](https://coolstar.org/electra) for iOS and tvOS 11.x; 4. [unc0ver](https://unc0ver.dev) for iOS 11.0-12.2, 12.4.x; 5. [Chimera and ChimeraTV](https://chimera.sh) for iOS 12.0-12.2, 12.4 and tvOS 12.0-12.2, 12.4. ### Activate tfp0 if jailbreak doesn't allow it #### Method 1 (if jailbroken on iOS 9.2-9.3.x) * reboot; * reactivate jailbreak with [Luca Todesco](https://github.com/kpwn)'s [JailbreakMe](https://jbme.qwertyoruiop.com/); * done. #### Method 2 (if jailbroken on iOS 8.0-8.1 with [Pangu8](https://en.8.pangu.io)) * install this [untether DEB-file](http://apt.saurik.com/beta/pangu8-tfp0/io.pangu.xuanyuansword8_0.5_iphoneos-arm.deb) with included tfp0 patch #### Method 3 (if jailbroken on iOS 7.x with [Pangu7](https://en.7.pangu.io)) * install this [untether DEB-file](http://apt.saurik.com/debs/io.pangu.axe7_0.3_iphoneos-arm.deb) with included tfp0 patch #### Method 4 * Use [cl0ver](https://github.com/Siguza/cl0ver) for iOS 9.x. --- ## 2) Prometheus (64-bit device) - ApNonce collision method (Recovery mode); ### Requirements - Device with A7 chip on iOS 9.1 - 10.2 or iOS 10.3 beta 1; - Jailbreak doesn't required; - Signing ticket files (`.shsh`, `.shsh2`, `.plist`) with a customly chosen APNonce; - Signing ticket files needs to have one of the ApNonces, which the device generates a lot; ### Info You can downgrade if the destination firmware version, if it is compatible with the **latest signed SEP and baseband**. You also need to have **special signing ticket files**. If you don't know what this is, you probably can **NOT** use this method! ### How to use 1. Connect your device in normal or recovery mode; 2. On the computer run `futurerestore -w -t ticket.shsh --latest-baseband --latest-sep ios.ipsw` * If you have saved multiple signing tickets with different nonces you can specify more than one to speed up the process: `futurerestore -w -t t1.shsh -t t2.shsh -t t3.shsh -t t4.shsh --latest-baseband --latest-sep ios.ipsw` --- ## 3) Prometheus (64-bit device) - ApNonce collision method (DFU mode); ### Requirements - __Devices with A7 (iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad mini 2), A8 (iPhone 6 [+], iPad mini [2,3,4], iPod touch [6th generation]) and A8X (iPad Air 2) chips on all firmwares;__ - __Devices have been released after ~September, 2015 {PROBABLY};__ - Jailbreak doesn't required; - Signing ticket files (`.shsh`, `.shsh2`, `.plist`) with a customly chosen APNonce; - Signing ticket files needs to have one of the ApNonces, which the device generates a lot; - __[img4tool](https://github.com/tihmstar/img4tool) can't be used for Windows [problem with signing iBSS/iBEC], now it's TO-DO;__ ### Info You can downgrade if the destination firmware version, if it is compatible with the **latest signed SEP and baseband**. You also need to have **special signing ticket files**. If you don't know what this is, you probably can **NOT** use this method! ### How to use 1. Connect your device in DFU mode; 2. Use [irecovery](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libirecovery) for checking ApNonce, which booted in DFU; 3. Extract iBSS/iBEC from target firmware for downgrade (unsigned); 4. Check DFU-collisioned ApNonces with [irecovery](https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libirecovery), which booted in DFU. You can't automatically collision DFU ApNonces. __If ApNonce is not collisioned, "use hands" for DFU booting.__ __If ApNonce is successfully coliisioned, use this SHSH2 for sign iBSS/iBEC.__ 5. Use img4tool for sign iBSS: `img4tool -s ticket.shsh -c iBSS.signed -p `; 6. Use img4tool for sign iBEC: `img4tool -s ticket.shsh -c iBEC.signed -p `; 7. So, after signing we can boot into Recovery with irecovery. `irecovery -f iBSS.signed` - loading iBSS; `irecovery -f iBEC.signed` - loading iBEC; 8. So good! On the computer run `futurerestore -t ticket.shsh --latest-baseband --latest-sep -w ios.ipsw`. --- ## 4) Odysseus (32-bit / 64-bit devices) ### Requirements - futurerestore compiled with libipatcher; - Jailbreak or bootrom exploit (limera1n, checkm8); - **32-bit**: firmware keys for the device/destination firmware version must be public (check ipsw.me); - **64-bit**: devices with **A12** and **A13** chips is **NOT** compatible with this method; - Signing ticket files (`.shsh`, `.shsh2`, `.plist`) from by destination firmware (OTA blobs work too!). ### Info If you have a jailbroken device, you can downgrade to **any** firmware version you have blobs for. You can still get OTA blobs for iOS 6.1.3, 8.4.1 or 10.3.3 for some devices and use those. ### How to use 1. Get device into kDFU/pwnDFU * Pre-iPhone4s (limera1n devices): * Enter to pwnDFU mode with redsn0w or any other tool * iPhone 4s and later: * Enter to kDFU mode with kDFU app (cydia: repo.tihmstar.net) or by loading a pwniBSS from any existing odysseus bundle or * Enter to pwnDFU mode with [ipwndfu](https://github.com/axi0mx/ipwndfu) or use futurerestore for it; 2. Connect your device to computer in kDFU mode (or pwnDFU mode) 3. On the computer run `futurerestore --use-pwndfu -t ticket.shsh --latest-baseband ios.ipsw` ### Youtube Odysseus *Futurerestore + libipatcher* Odysseus *kDFU app* Odysseus *Enter kDFU mode (watch up to the point where the screen goes black)* *You can use **any** odysseus bundle for this* ## 5) iOS 9.x Re-restore bug (found by @alitek123) (only for 32-bit devices): ### Requirements - Jailbreak doesn't required; - Signing ticket files (`.shsh`, `.shsh2`, `.plist`) from by iOS 9.x without ApNonce (noNonce APTickets) ### Info If you have **signing tickets files for iOS 9.x**, which **do not contain a ApNonce**, you can restore to that firmware. ### How to use 1. Connect your device in DFU mode 2. On the computer run `futurerestore -t ticket.shsh --latest-baseband ios9.ipsw`