#!/usr/bin/python3 # Ingenious Redistribution System, A system built to redistribute media to the consumer. # Copyright (C) 2016 Cooper Hammond # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os, sys, time, re, select, requests, subprocess import urllib.request, urllib.parse from termcolor import colored from urllib.request import Request, urlopen from mutagen.id3 import APIC from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3 from mutagen.mp3 import MP3 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import youtube_dl, mutagen def download_album_art(album, band): try: search = "%s %s" % (album, band) url = "http://www.seekacover.com/cd/" + urllib.parse.quote_plus(search) page = requests.get(url).text soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser') done = False for img in soup.findAll('img'): if done == False: try: if search.lower() in img['title'].lower(): url = img['src'] urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, "cover.jpg" % album) # &PATH; done = True except Exception: pass except Exception: print ("%s There was an error parsing the album art of '%s'" % (output("e"), album) ) def embed_mp3(art_location, song_path): music = mutagen.id3.ID3(song_path) music.delall('APIC') music.add(APIC( encoding=0, mime="image/jpg", type=3, desc='', data=open(art_location, "rb").read() ) ) music.save() def find_mp3(song, author): try: print ("'%s' by '%s'\n" % (song, author)) query_string = urllib.parse.urlencode({"search_query" : ("%s %s lyrics" % (song, author))}) html_content = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.youtube.com/results?" + query_string) search_results = re.findall(r'href=\"\/watch\?v=(.{11})', html_content.read().decode()) in_song = False i = -1 given_up_score = 0 while in_song == False: if given_up_score >= 10: in_song = True i += 1 audio_url = ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + search_results[i]) title = (BeautifulSoup(urlopen(audio_url), 'html.parser')).title.string.lower() song_title = (song.lower()).split("/") for song in song_title: if song in title: in_song = True if in_song == False: given_up_score += 1 return audio_url except Exception as e: print ("%s There was an error finding the url of '%s'" % (output("e"), song) ) def rip_mp3(song, author, album, tracknum): audio_url = find_mp3(song, author) song = song.replace("/", "\\") command = 'youtube-dl --metadata-from-title "%(title)s" --extract-audio \ --audio-format mp3 --add-metadata ' + audio_url os.system(command) for filename in os.listdir("."): if str(audio_url).strip("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=") in filename: os.rename(filename, song + ".mp3") # &PATH; try: googled = search_google(song, author) mp3file = MP3(song + ".mp3", ID3=EasyID3) print ("\n%s Metadata parsing:" % output("s")) try: mp3file['title'] = song.replace("\\", "/") except Exception: mp3file['title'] = "" mp3file.save() print ('\t%s Title parsed: %s' % (output("g"), mp3file['title'])) mp3file['artist'] = author mp3file.save() print ('\t%s Author parsed: %s' % (output("g"), mp3file['artist'])) if album == "": for i, j in enumerate(googled): if "Album:" in j: album = (googled[i + 1]) try: mp3file['album'] = album mp3file.save() except Exception: mp3file['album'] = "" mp3file.save() print ('\t%s Album Auto-parsed: %s' % (output("g"), mp3file['album'])) else: try: mp3file['album'] = album mp3file.save() except Exception: mp3file['album'] = "" mp3file.save() print ('\t%s Album parsed: %s' % (output("g"), mp3file['album'])) if mp3file['album'][0] != "": try: download_album_art(mp3file['album'][0], author) embed_mp3("cover.jpg", song + ".mp3") # &PATH; print ("\t%s Album art Auto-parsed!" % output("g")) except Exception as e: print ("%s There was a problem with Auto-parsing the album art of: '%s'"\ % (output("e"), song)) print (e) for i, j in enumerate(googled): if "Released:" in j: date = (googled[i + 1]) try: mp3file['date'] = date except Exception: mp3file['date'] = "" mp3file.save() print ('\t%s Release date Auto-parsed: "%s"' % (output("g"), mp3file['date'][0])) if tracknum != "": mp3file['tracknumber'] = str(tracknum) mp3file.save() print ('\n%s "' % output("g") + song + '" by ' + author + ' downloaded successfully\n') except Exception as e: print (e) def output(string): if string == "q": return colored("[?]", "cyan", attrs=['bold']) elif string == "e": return colored("[-]", "red", attrs=['bold']) elif string == "g": return colored("[+]", "green", attrs=['bold']) elif string == "s": return colored("[*]", "blue", attrs=['bold']) def visible(element): if element.parent.name in ['style', 'script', '[document]', 'head', 'title']: return False elif re.match('', str(element)): return False return True def search_google(song_name, band, search_terms): try: string = "%s %s %s" % (song_name, band, search_terms) filename = 'http://www.google.com/search?q=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus(string) hdr = { 'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', } texts = BeautifulSoup(urlopen(Request(filename, headers=hdr)).read(), 'html.parser')\ .findAll(text=True) visible_texts = list(filter(visible, texts)) return visible_texts except Exception as e: print ("%s There was an error with Auto-parsing." % output("e")) return def get_album(album_name, artist, what_to_do, search, tried=False): visible_texts = search_google(album_name, artist, search) try: songs = [] num = True for i, j in enumerate(visible_texts): if 'Songs' in j: if visible_texts[i + 1] == "1": indexed = i while num == True: try: if type(int(visible_texts[indexed])) is int: a = visible_texts[indexed + 1] songs.append(a) indexed += 1 except: indexed += 1 if indexed >= 1000: num = False else: pass if what_to_do == "download": for i, j in enumerate(songs): rip_mp3(j, artist, album_name, i + 1, True) elif what_to_do == "stream": for i in songs: a = find_mp3(i, artist) command = 'mpv "%s" --no-video' % a os.system(command) except Exception as e: if str(e) == "local variable 'indexed' referenced before assignment" or str(e) == 'list index out of range': if tried != True: print ("%s Trying to find album ..." % output("s")) get_album(album_name, artist, what_to_do, "", True) else: print ("%s Could not find album '%s'" % (output("e"), album_)) exit(0) else: print ("%s There was an error with getting the contents \ of the album '%s':\n%s" % (output("e"), album_name, e) ) def get_torrent_url(args, category): try: search_url = 'http://kickass.mx/search.php?q=' + urllib.parse.quote_plus((" ".join(args) + \ " category:" + category)) search_request_response = requests.get(search_url, verify=True) soup = BeautifulSoup(search_request_response.text, 'html.parser') results, ran_out = 0, False i = 0 print ("") while True: movie_page = soup.find_all("a", class_="cellMainLink") for number in range(0,10): try: print ("%s. " % (number + 1) + movie_page[number].string) results += 1 except Exception: ran_out = True pass if ran_out == True: if results == 0: print (output('e') + " No results.\n") exit(0) else: print (output('e') + " End of results.") if results != 0: try: a = int(str(input("\n%s What torrent would you like? " % output("q")))) - 1 except Exception: a = 100; pass # This code is either hyper-efficient, or completely against every ettiquite. if a in tuple(range(0, 10)): search_url = requests.get('https://kat.cr' + movie_page[a].get('href'), verify=True) soup = BeautifulSoup(search_url.text, 'html.parser') torrent_url = 'https:' + soup.find_all('a', class_='siteButton')[0].get('href') return torrent_url except Exception as e: print ("%s There was an error getting the torrent url with '%s'" % (output("e"), args)) def rip_playlist(file_name, what_to_do): txt_file = open(file_name, 'r') things_that_went_wrong = [] something_went_wrong = False for line in txt_file: try: arr = line.strip("\n").split(": ") song = arr[0] artist = arr[1] if what_to_do == "download": rip_mp3(song, artist, "", "") elif what_to_do == "stream": os.system("mpv '%s' --no-video" % find_mp3(song, artist)) except Exception as e: something_went_wrong = True things_that_went_wrong.append(line) pass if something_went_wrong == True: print ("%s Something was wrong with the formatting of the following lines:" % output("e")) for i in things_that_went_wrong: print ("\t%s" % i) def main(): try: i = 0 args = sys.argv del args[i] what_to_do = args[i] del args[i] if what_to_do not in ("download", "stream"): raise Exception("no what-to-do") media = args[i] del args[i] if media == "song": song = (" ".join(args)).split(" by ") if what_to_do == "stream": command = 'mpv "%s" --no-video' % find_mp3(song[0], song[1]) os.system(command) elif what_to_do == "download": rip_mp3(song[0], song[1], "", "") elif media == "album": album_name = (" ".join(args)).split(" by ") get_album(album_name[0], album_name[1], what_to_do, "album") elif media == "playlist": rip_playlist(args[-1], what_to_do) elif media in ("comic", "book"): if what_to_do == "download": os.system("rtorrent '%s'" % get_torrent_url(args, media + "s")) exit(0) elif what_to_do == "stream": print ("\n%s Streaming is unavailable for comics and books.\n" % output("e")) exit(0) elif media == "movie": if what_to_do == "stream": os.system('peerflix "%s" -a -d --mpv' % get_torrent_url(args, 'movie')) exit(0) elif what_to_do == "download": os.system("rtorrent '%s'" % get_torrent_url(args, 'movie')) exit(0) elif media == "tv": if what_to_do == "stream": os.system('peerflix "%s" -a -d --mpv' % get_torrent_url(args, 'tv')) exit(0) elif what_to_do == "download": os.system("rtorrent '%s'" % get_torrent_url(args, 'tv')) exit(0) else: raise Exception("no media") except Exception as e: if str(e) in ("list index out of range", "no what-to-do", "no media"): print ("%s Either you used an invalid format, or a special character.\n" % output("e")) invalid_format() else: print ("%s Something went wrong:\n" % output("e") + repr(e) + "\n") def invalid_format(): # I feel like there should be an easier way to write out help for command-line interfaces ... print ("Usage:") print (""" irs (stream | download) movie irs (stream | download) tv irs (stream | download) (song | album) by <artist> irs (stream | download) playlist <txt-file-name> irs download (comic <title> <run> | book <title> by <author>) """) print ("Examples:") print (""" irs download book I, Robot by Isaac Asimov irs stream song Where Is My Mind by The Pixies irs download album A Night At The Opera by Queen irs stream movie Fight Club irs download tv mr.robot s01e01 irs stream playlist "Rock Save The Queen.txt" irs download comic Paper Girls 001 """) print ("\nFor more info see: https://github.com/kepoorhampond/IngeniousRedistributionSystem") if __name__ == '__main__': main()