import sys import re if sys.version_info[0] >= 3: from urllib.parse import urlencode from urllib.request import urlopen elif sys.version_info[0] < 3: from urllib import urlencode from urllib import urlopen else: print("Must be using Python 2 or 3") sys.exit(1) from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def find_url(args): """Finds the youtube video url for the requested song. The youtube query is constructed like this: " " so plugging in "Bohemian Rhapsody", "Queen", and "lyrics" would end up with a search for "Bohemian Rhapsody Queen lyrics" on youtube :param args: A dictionary with the following possible arguments :param-required song: song name :param-required artist: artist name :param search_terms: any additional search terms you may want to add to the search query :param first: a boolean, if true, just returns the first youtube search result :param caught_by_google: a boolean, if not false or none, turns on the captcha catcher :param download_first: a boolean, if true, downloads first video that youtube returnssearch query :rtype: A string of the youtube url for the song """ args = args if type(args) == dict else {} song_title = args.get("song") artist_name = args.get("artist") search_terms = args.get("search_terms") first = args.get("first") caught_by_google = args.get("caught_by_google") download_first = args.get("download_first") total_search_tries = args.get("total_search_tries") query = artist_name + " " + song_title if search_terms: query += " " + search_terms encoded_query = urlencode({"search_query": query}) url = "" + encoded_query soup = _get_url_data(url, caught_by_google) # if you want to inspect the html being requested # print(soup.prettify()) # with open("index.html", "wb") as f: # f.write(soup.prettify().encode('utf-8')) # Each of the tags in the results list have the following relevant # attributes: # "title": the title of the youtube video # "href": the youtube video code, namely the X's of # # "class": the classes of the link, used to identify the youtube title results = _find_links(soup) best_guess = None total_tries_counter = 0 if len(results) <= 0: raise Exception('There were no search results for "{}"'.format(query)) if first == True: return "" + results[0]["href"] scores = [] for index, link in enumerate(results): scores.append([ index, _score_song(song_title, artist_name, link["title"]), link["href"] ]) # sort by the score of the song sorted(scores, key=lambda x: x[1]) return "" + results[scores[0][0]]["href"] def _score_song(song_title, artist_name, video_title): """Scores the likelihood of the song audio being in the video based off of the video title. :param song_title: a string, the title of the song that you're looking for :param video_title: a string, the title of the video you're analyzing :rtype: an integer, the score of the song """ points = 0 song_title = _simplify(song_title) artist_name = _simplify(artist_name) video_title = _simplify(video_title) if song_title in video_title: points += 3 if artist_name in video_title: points += 3 points -= _count_garbage_phrases(video_title, song_title) return points def _simplify(string): """Lowercases and strips all non alphanumeric characters from the string :param string: a string to be modified :rtype: the modified string """ return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+', '', string) def _count_garbage_phrases(video_title, song_title): """Checks if there are any phrases in the title of the video that would indicate it doesn't have the audio we want :param string: a string, the youtube video title :param title: a string, the actual title of the song we're looking for :rtype: an integer, of the number of bad phrases in the song """ # Garbage phrases found through experiences of downloading the wrong song # TODO: add this into the config so the user can mess with it if they want garbage_phrases = ( "cover album live clean rare version full full album row at " "@ session how to npr music reimagined hr version" ).split(" ") bad_phrases = 0 for gphrase in garbage_phrases: # make sure we're not invalidating part of the title of the song if gphrase in song_title.lower(): continue # check if the garbage phrase is not in the video title if gphrase in video_title.lower(): bad_phrases += 1 return bad_phrases def _find_links(soup): """Finds youtube video links in the html soup :param soup: a BeautifulSoup(...) element :rtype: returns a list of valid youtube video links """ return list(filter(None, map(_find_link, soup.find_all("a")))) def _find_link(link): """Tests html tags to see if they contain a youtube video link. Should be used only with the find_links function in a map func. :param link: accepts an element from BeautifulSoup(...).find_all(...) :rtype: returns the link if it's an actual video link, otherwise, None """ try: class_to_check = str(" ".join(link["class"])) except KeyError: return # these classes are found by inspecting the html soup of a youtube search. valid_classes = [ "yt-simple-endpoint style-scope ytd-video-renderer", ("yt-uix-tile-link yt-ui-ellipsis yt-ui-ellipsis-2 " "yt-uix-sessionlink spf-link ") ] try: # Make sure it's not a playlist if "&list=" in link["href"]: return for valid_class in valid_classes: if valid_class in class_to_check: return link except KeyError: pass # TODO: build in the captcha cheater if the user is "caught" by google def _get_url_data(url, caught_by_google): """Gets parsed html from the specified url :param url: A string, the url to request and parse. :param caught_by_google: A boolean, will open and use the captcha cheat to get around google's captcha. :rtype: A BeautifulSoup class """ html_content = urlopen(url).read() return BeautifulSoup(html_content, 'html.parser')