class bc: HEADER = '\033[95m' OKBLUE = '\033[94m' OKGREEN = '\033[32m' WARNING = '\033[93m' FAIL = '\033[91m' ENDC = '\033[0m' BOLD = '\033[1m' UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' GRAY = '\033[30m' YELLOW = '\033[33m' def choose_from_spotify_list(thelist): thelist = list(thelist) print ("Results:") choice = "" while choice not in tuple(range(0, len(thelist[:5]))): for index, result in enumerate(thelist[:5]): type = result["type"] if type == "playlist": info = spotify.user(result["owner"]["id"]) try: display_info = " (" + str(info["followers"]["total"]) + " followers)" display_info += " - " + info["display_name"] except Exception: display_info = " - info couldn't be found" elif type == "album": info = spotify.album(result["id"]) display_info = " - " + info["artists"][0]["name"] print ("\t" + str(index) + ") " + result["name"] + display_info) choice = int(input(bc.YELLOW + "\nEnter result number: " + bc.ENDC)) return thelist[choice] def rip_spotify_list(search, type, id=None): spotify = spotipy.Spotify() results =, type=type) items = results[type + "s"]['items'] songs = [] if len(items) > 0: spotify_list = choose_from_spotify_list(items) list_type = spotify_list["type"] if list_type != "playlist": spotify_list = eval("spotify.%s" % list_type)(spotify_list["uri"]) else: try: spotify_list = spotify.user_playlist(spotify_list["owner"]["id"], \ playlist_id=spotify_list["uri"], fields="tracks,next") except spotipy.client.SpotifyException: print (bc.FAIL + "To download Spotify playlists, you need to supply client_id's" + bc.ENDC) exit(1) print (bc.YELLOW + "\nFetching tracks ..." + bc.ENDC, end="\r") for song in spotify_list["tracks"]["items"]: artist = spotify.artist(song["artists"][0]["id"]) songs.append([song["name"], artist["name"]]) print (bc.OKGREEN + "Found tracks!" + bc.ENDC) return songs else: print (bc.FAIL + "No results were found." + bc.ENDC) exit(1) import spotipy spotify = spotipy.Spotify() #results ="Star Wars Headspace", type="album") #results = results["albums"]["items"] print (rip_spotify_list("Brain Food", "playlist"))