# Legendary Game Launcher ### A free and open-source Epic Games Launcher replacement [![Discord](https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/695233346627698689/widget.png?style=shield)](https://discord.gg/UJKBwPw) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/legendary_gl?label=Follow%20us%20for%20updates%21&style=social)](https://twitter.com/legendary_gl) Legendary is an open-source game launcher that can download and install games from the Epic Games Store on Linux and Windows. It's name as a tongue-in-cheek play on tiers of [item rarity in many MMORPGs](https://wow.gamepedia.com/Quality). Right now it is in an early public testing stage and still needs a lot of work to work. But it does work! **What works:** - Authenticate with Epic - Download and install games and their DLC - Delta patching/updating of installed games - Launch games with online authentication **Planned:** - PyPI/PPA distribution - Simple GUI for managing/launching games - Importing installed games from the EGS launcher - Lots and lots of bug fixes, optimizations, and refactoring... ## Requirements - python 3.8+ **(64-bit)** - requests - setuptools (for installation) ## How to run/install ### Package Manager Depending on your Distro legendary may be available via (unofficial) packages that can be directly installed using your package manager. Check out the [Available Linux Packages](https://github.com/derrod/legendary/wiki/Available-Linux-Packages) wiki page for details. Currently this is limited to Arch Linux (AUR) but will hopefully be expanded to other distros rather soon. ### Standalone Download the latest `legendary` or `legendary.exe` binary from [the latest release](https://github.com/derrod/legendary/releases/latest) and move it to somewhere in your `$PATH`/`%PATH%`. Don't forget to `chmod +x` it on Linux. The Windows .exe and Linux executable were created with PyInstaller and will run standalone even without python being installed. Note that on Linux glibc >= 2.25 is required, so older distributions such as Ubuntu 16.04 or Debian stretch will not work. ### Python package (A PyPI package will follow once it has gotten more testing.) - Install python3.8, setuptools and requests - Clone the git repository - Run `python3.8 setup.py install` #### Ubuntu 20.04 example Ubuntu 20.04's standard repositories include everything needed to install legendary: ````bash sudo apt install python3 python3-requests python3-setuptools-git git clone https://github.com/derrod/legendary.git cd legendary sudo python3 setup.py install ```` Note that in this example we used `sudo` to install the package on the system, this may not be advisable depending on your setup. ### Directly from the repo (for dev/testing) - Install python3.8 and requests (optionally in a venv) - cd into `legendary/` (the folder with `cli.py`) - run `PYTHONPATH=.. python3.8 cli.py` ## Quickstart To log in: ```` $ legendary auth ```` Authentication is a little finicky since we have to go through the Epic website. The login page should open in your browser and after logging in you should be presented with a JSON response that contains a code, just copy and paste the code into your terminal to log in. Listing your games ```` $ legendary list-games ```` This will fetch a list of games available on your account, the first time may take a while depending on how many games you have. Installing a game ```` $ legendary download Anemone ```` **Important:** the name used for these commands is the app name, *not* the game's name! The app name is in the parentheses after the game title in the games list. List installed games and check for updates ```` $ legendary list-installed --check-updates ```` Launch (run) a game with online authentication ```` $ legendary launch Anemone ```` **Tip:** most games will run fine offline (`--offline`), and thus won't require launching through legendary for online authentication. You can run `legendary launch --offline --dry-run` to get a command line that will launch the game with all parameters that would be used by the Epic Launcher. These can then be entered into any other game launcher (e.g. Lutris/Steam) if the game requires them. ## Usage ```` usage: legendary [-h] [-v] [-y] [-V] {auth,download,uninstall,launch,list-games,list-installed,list-files} ... Legendary v0.0.X - "Codename" optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v Set loglevel to debug -y Default to yes for all prompts -V Print version and exit Commands: {auth,download,uninstall,launch,list-games,list-installed,list-files} auth Authenticate with EPIC download Download a game uninstall Uninstall (delete) a game launch Launch a game list-games List available (installable) games list-installed List installed games list-files List files in manifest Individual command help: Command: auth usage: legendary auth [-h] [--import] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --import Import EGS authentication data Command: download usage: legendary download [options] positional arguments: Name of the app optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --base-path Path for game installations (defaults to ~/legendary) --game-folder Folder for game installation (defaults to folder in metadata) --max-shared-memory Maximum amount of shared memory to use (in MiB), default: 1 GiB --max-workers Maximum amount of download workers, default: 2 * logical CPU --manifest Manifest URL or path to use instead of the CDN one (e.g. for downgrading) --old-manifest Manifest URL or path to use as the old one (e.g. for testing patching) --base-url Base URL to download from (e.g. to test or switch to a different CDNs) --force Ignore existing files (overwrite) --disable-patching Do not attempt to patch existing installations (download entire changed file) --download-only Do not mark game as intalled and do not run prereq installers after download --update-only Abort if game is not already installed (for automation) --dlm-debug Set download manager and worker processes' loglevel to debug --platform Platform override for download (disables install) --prefix Only fetch files whose path starts with (case insensitive) Command: uninstall usage: legendary uninstall [-h] positional arguments: Name of the app optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit Command: launch usage: legendary launch [options] Note: additional arguments are passed to the game positional arguments: Name of the app optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --offline Skip login and launch game without online authentication --skip-version-check Skip version check when launching game in online mode --override-username Override username used when launching the game (only works with some titles) --dry-run Print the command line that would have been used to launch the game and exit Command: list-games usage: legendary list-games [-h] [--platform ] [--include-ue] [--csv] [--tsv] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --platform Override platform that games are shown for --include-ue Also include Unreal Engine content in list --csv List games in CSV format --tsv List games in TSV format Command: list-installed usage: legendary list-installed [-h] [--check-updates] [--csv] [--tsv] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --check-updates Check for updates when listing installed games --csv List games in CSV format --tsv List games in TSV format Command: list-files usage: legendary list-files [-h] [--force-download] [--platform ] [--manifest ] [--csv] [--hashlist] positional arguments: Name of the app optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --force-download Always download instead of using on-disk manifest --platform Platform override for download (disables install) --manifest Manifest URL or path to use instead of the CDN one --csv Output in CSV format --hashlist Output file hash list in hashcheck/sha1sum compatible format ```` ## Config file Legendary supports some options as well as game specific configuration in `~/.config/legendary/config.ini`: ````ini [Legendary] log_level = debug ; maximum shared memory (in MiB) to use for installation max_memory = 1024 ; default install directory install_dir = /mnt/tank/games ; default settings to use (currently limited to WINE executable) [default] ; (linux) specify wine executable to use wine_executable = wine ; default environment variables to set (overriden by game specific ones) [default.env] WINEPREFIX = /home/user/legendary/.wine ; Settings to only use for "AppName" [AppName] ; launch game without online authentication by default offline = true ; Skip checking for updates when launching this game skip_update_check = true ; start parameters to use (in addition to the required ones) start_params = -windowed wine_executable = proton [AppName.env] ; environment variables to set for this game (mostly useful on linux) WINEPREFIX = /mnt/tank/games/Game/.wine DXVK_CONFIG_FILE = /mnt/tank/games/Game/dxvk.conf ````