#include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include inline bool isNotPrintable(char chr) { return isprint(chr) == false; } void nstool::processResFile(const std::shared_ptr& file, std::map& dict) { if (file == nullptr || !file->canRead() || file->length() == 0) { return; } std::stringstream in_stream; // populate string stream tc::ByteData cache = tc::ByteData(0x1000); file->seek(0, tc::io::SeekOrigin::Begin); for (int64_t pos = 0; pos < file->length();) { size_t bytes_read = file->read(cache.data(), cache.size()); in_stream << std::string((char*)cache.data(), bytes_read); pos += tc::io::IOUtil::castSizeToInt64(bytes_read); } // process stream std::string line, key, value; while (std::getline(in_stream, line)) { // read up to comment line if (line.find(";") != std::string::npos) line = line.substr(0, line.find(";")); // change chars to lower string std::transform(line.begin(), line.end(), line.begin(), ::tolower); // strip whitespace line.erase(std::remove(line.begin(), line.end(), ' '), line.end()); // strip nonprintable line.erase(std::remove_if(line.begin(), line.end(), isNotPrintable), line.end()); // skip lines that don't have '=' if (line.find("=") == std::string::npos) continue; key = line.substr(0,line.find("=")); value = line.substr(line.find("=")+1); // skip if key or value is empty if (key.empty() || value.empty()) continue; //std::cout << "[" + key + "]=(" + value + ")" << std::endl; dict[key] = value; } } void nstool::writeSubStreamToFile(const std::shared_ptr& in_stream, int64_t offset, int64_t length, const tc::io::Path& out_path, size_t cache_size) { writeStreamToStream(std::make_shared(tc::io::SubStream(in_stream, offset, length)), std::make_shared(tc::io::FileStream(out_path, tc::io::FileMode::OpenOrCreate, tc::io::FileAccess::Write)), cache_size); } void nstool::writeStreamToFile(const std::shared_ptr& in_stream, const tc::io::Path& out_path, size_t cache_size) { writeStreamToStream(in_stream, std::make_shared(tc::io::FileStream(out_path, tc::io::FileMode::OpenOrCreate, tc::io::FileAccess::Write)), cache_size); } void nstool::writeStreamToStream(const std::shared_ptr& in_stream, const std::shared_ptr& out_stream, size_t cache_size) { // iterate thru child files tc::ByteData cache = tc::ByteData(cache_size); size_t cache_read_len; in_stream->seek(0, tc::io::SeekOrigin::Begin); out_stream->seek(0, tc::io::SeekOrigin::Begin); for (int64_t remaining_data = in_stream->length(); remaining_data > 0;) { cache_read_len = in_stream->read(cache.data(), cache.size()); if (cache_read_len == 0) { throw tc::io::IOException("nstool::writeStreamToStream()", "Failed to read from source streeam."); } out_stream->write(cache.data(), cache_read_len); remaining_data -= int64_t(cache_read_len); } } std::string nstool::getTruncatedBytesString(const byte_t* data, size_t len, bool do_not_truncate) { if (data == nullptr) { return fmt::format(""); } std::string str = ""; if (len <= 8 || do_not_truncate) { str = tc::cli::FormatUtil::formatBytesAsString(data, len, true, ""); } else { str = fmt::format("{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}...{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[len-4], data[len-3], data[len-2], data[len-1]); } return str; }