def fix(line, data): try: hash = line[20:[pos for pos, char in enumerate(line) if char == '&'][0]].lower()#hash is end of prefix to first '&', lowercased except:#if no '&dn=' hash = line[20:] line = line + '&dn=' try: int(hash, 16)#check if hash is hexadecimal except: return if line.count('&') > 1:#look for trackers location = 0 tocheck = [] while location < len(line):#find all occurences of '&' location = line.find('&', location) if location == -1: break tocheck.append(location) location += 1 for index in tocheck:#iterate through occurences of '&' try: if (line[index + 1] == 't') and (line[index + 2] == 'r') and (line[index + 3] == '='):#if occurence is part of a tracker then ignore pass else:#if not, it's part of the title so replace it line = line[:index] + line[index + 1:] except IndexError: line = line[:index] + line[index + 1:] if line.count('&') > 1:#if it actually has only trackers now title = line[[pos for pos, char in enumerate(line) if char == '='][1] + 1:[pos for pos, char in enumerate(line) if char == '&'][1]]#title is second '=' to second '&' else: title = line[[pos for pos, char in enumerate(line) if char == '='][1] + 1:]#title is second '=' to end if no trackers else: title = line[[pos for pos, char in enumerate(line) if char == '='][1] + 1:]#title is second '=' to end if no trackers title = ''.join(char for char in title if ord(char) < 128)#strip non-ascii characters linesplit = ['magnet:?xt=urn:btih:', hash, '&dn=', title] data.append(linesplit) return data data = []#lists within list with open('everything.txt', encoding='utf-8') as file:#open file for line in file: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('magnet:?xt=urn:btih:'):#check for validity if 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' in line[20:]:#check for paste errors on my part secondline = line[line.find('magnet:?xt=urn:btih:', 20):]#the second magnet link in this line line = line[:line.find('magnet:?xt=urn:btih:', 20)]#the first magnet link in this line data = fix(secondline, data)#go ahead and add the second to data if 'magnetxturnbtih' in line[20:]:#paste errors that got symbols removed (and 'd' after the first '&', for some reason) hash = line[line.find('magnetxturnbtih', 20) + 15:line.find('n', line.find('magnetxturnbtih', 20) + 15)]#pull just the hash of the second magnet, which stretches from the end of the magnet prefix to the first occurrence of 'n' past the prefix title = line[line.find('n', line.find('magnetxturnbtih', 20) + 15) + 1:]#title stretches from that 'n' to the end (any trackers will be stripped out later) secondline = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + hash + '&dn=' + title#put it back together line = line[:line.find('magnetxturnbtih', 20)] data = fix(secondline, data) data = fix(line, data)#add split line to data for magnet in data: for character in ['`', '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '[', '{', ']', '}', '\\', '|', ';', ':', '\'', '\"', ',', '<', '>', '?', '/']: magnet[3] = magnet[3].replace(character, '')#get rid of symbols except '.' and '-' magnet[3] = magnet[3].replace(' ', '.')#replace spaces dic = {}#dictionary to eliminate duplicate hashes for i in sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[3]):#sorted data because it lets me replace null titles because the last duplicate keeps the title and nulls are listed first in sort dic[i[0] + i[1]] = i[2] + i[3] results = [] for value in sorted(dic, key=dic.get):#sort dictionary results.append('{}{}'.format(value, dic[value])) with open('output.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as output: for i in results: output.write(i + '\n')