package com.swmansion.gesturehandler; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import java.util.Arrays; public class b { private static int a = 11; private static MotionEvent.PointerProperties[] b; private static MotionEvent.PointerCoords[] u; final int[] c = new int[a]; int d; public int e; public View f; public int g; public float h; public float i; public boolean j; public boolean k = true; public float l; public float m; public int n; d o; public i p; public c q; int r; boolean s; boolean t; private float[] v; private float w; private float x; private boolean y; private static boolean a(float paramFloat) { return !Float.isNaN(paramFloat); } private void b(int paramInt) { int j = this.g; if (j == paramInt) return; this.g = paramInt; d d1 = this.o; d1.d++; if (d.a(paramInt)) { for (int k = 0; k < d1.b; k++) { b b1 = d1.a[k]; if (d.a(b1, this)) if (paramInt == 5) { b1.c(); b1.t = false; } else { d1.a(b1); } } d1.b(); } if (paramInt == 4) { d1.a(this); } else if ((j != 4 && j != 5) || this.s) { a(paramInt, j); } d1.d--; if (d1.c || d1.d != 0) { d1.e = true; } else { d1.a(); } b(paramInt, j); } public final T a(float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2, float paramFloat3, float paramFloat4, float paramFloat5, float paramFloat6) { if (this.v == null) this.v = new float[6]; float[] arrayOfFloat = this.v; arrayOfFloat[0] = paramFloat1; arrayOfFloat[1] = paramFloat2; arrayOfFloat[2] = paramFloat3; arrayOfFloat[3] = paramFloat4; arrayOfFloat[4] = paramFloat5; arrayOfFloat[5] = paramFloat6; if (!a(paramFloat5) || !a(paramFloat1) || !a(paramFloat3)) { if (!a(paramFloat5) || a(paramFloat1) || a(paramFloat3)) { if (!a(paramFloat6) || !a(paramFloat4) || !a(paramFloat2)) { if (a(paramFloat6) && !a(paramFloat4)) { if (a(paramFloat2)) return (T)this; throw new IllegalArgumentException("When height is set one of top or bottom pads need to be defined"); } return (T)this; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have all of top, bottom and height defined"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("When width is set one of left or right pads need to be defined"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot have all of left, right and width defined"); } public final T a(boolean paramBoolean) { this.y = paramBoolean; return (T)this; } protected void a() {} public final void a(int paramInt) { int[] arrayOfInt = this.c; if (arrayOfInt[paramInt] == -1) { int j = 0; while (j < this.d) { int k = 0; while (true) { int[] arrayOfInt1 = this.c; if (k < arrayOfInt1.length && arrayOfInt1[k] != j) { k++; continue; } break; } if (k != this.c.length) j++; } arrayOfInt[paramInt] = j; this.d++; } } final void a(int paramInt1, int paramInt2) { i i1 = this.p; if (i1 != null) i1.a((T)this, paramInt1, paramInt2); } protected void a(MotionEvent paramMotionEvent) { b(1); } public final boolean a(View paramView, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2) { float f2; float f6; float f7; float f3 = paramView.getWidth(); float f4 = paramView.getHeight(); float[] arrayOfFloat = this.v; float f5 = 0.0F; float f1 = 0.0F; if (arrayOfFloat != null) { f6 = arrayOfFloat[0]; f5 = arrayOfFloat[1]; f7 = arrayOfFloat[2]; float f8 = arrayOfFloat[3]; if (a(f6)) { f2 = 0.0F - f6; } else { f2 = 0.0F; } if (a(f5)) f1 = 0.0F - f8; f5 = f3; if (a(f7)) f5 = f3 + f7; f3 = f4; if (a(f8)) f3 = f4 + f8; arrayOfFloat = this.v; float f10 = arrayOfFloat[4]; float f9 = arrayOfFloat[5]; f4 = f5; f8 = f2; if (a(f10)) if (!a(f6)) { f8 = f7 - f10; f4 = f5; } else { f4 = f5; f8 = f2; if (!a(f7)) { f4 = f6 + f10; f8 = f2; } } f7 = f4; f5 = f1; f6 = f8; f2 = f3; if (a(f9)) if (!a(f1)) { f5 = f3 - f9; f7 = f4; f6 = f8; f2 = f3; } else { f7 = f4; f5 = f1; f6 = f8; f2 = f3; if (!a(f3)) { f2 = f1 + f9; f7 = f4; f5 = f1; f6 = f8; } } } else { f6 = 0.0F; f2 = f4; f7 = f3; } return (paramFloat1 >= f6 && paramFloat1 <= f7 && paramFloat2 >= f5 && paramFloat2 <= f2); } public final boolean a(b paramb) { int j = 0; while (true) { int[] arrayOfInt = this.c; if (j < arrayOfInt.length) { if (arrayOfInt[j] != -1 && paramb.c[j] != -1) return true; j++; continue; } return false; } } public final T b(boolean paramBoolean) { if (this.f != null) c(); this.k = paramBoolean; return (T)this; } protected void b() {} protected void b(int paramInt1, int paramInt2) {} public final void b(MotionEvent paramMotionEvent) { // Byte code: // 0: aload_0 // 1: getfield k : Z // 4: ifeq -> 763 // 7: aload_0 // 8: getfield g : I // 11: istore #4 // 13: iload #4 // 15: iconst_3 // 16: if_icmpeq -> 763 // 19: iload #4 // 21: iconst_1 // 22: if_icmpeq -> 763 // 25: iconst_5 // 26: istore #7 // 28: iload #4 // 30: iconst_5 // 31: if_icmpeq -> 763 // 34: aload_0 // 35: getfield d : I // 38: ifgt -> 42 // 41: return // 42: aload_1 // 43: invokevirtual getPointerCount : ()I // 46: istore #4 // 48: aload_0 // 49: getfield d : I // 52: istore #5 // 54: iconst_0 // 55: istore #8 // 57: iload #4 // 59: iload #5 // 61: if_icmpeq -> 70 // 64: iconst_1 // 65: istore #4 // 67: goto -> 121 // 70: iconst_0 // 71: istore #4 // 73: aload_0 // 74: getfield c : [I // 77: astore #12 // 79: iload #4 // 81: aload #12 // 83: arraylength // 84: if_icmpge -> 118 // 87: aload #12 // 89: iload #4 // 91: iaload // 92: iconst_m1 // 93: if_icmpeq -> 109 // 96: aload #12 // 98: iload #4 // 100: iaload // 101: iload #4 // 103: if_icmpeq -> 109 // 106: goto -> 64 // 109: iload #4 // 111: iconst_1 // 112: iadd // 113: istore #4 // 115: goto -> 73 // 118: iconst_0 // 119: istore #4 // 121: iload #4 // 123: ifne -> 132 // 126: aload_1 // 127: astore #12 // 129: goto -> 607 // 132: aload_1 // 133: invokevirtual getActionMasked : ()I // 136: istore #5 // 138: iload #5 // 140: ifeq -> 233 // 143: iload #5 // 145: iconst_5 // 146: if_icmpne -> 152 // 149: goto -> 233 // 152: bipush #6 // 154: istore #4 // 156: iload #5 // 158: iconst_1 // 159: if_icmpeq -> 182 // 162: iload #5 // 164: bipush #6 // 166: if_icmpne -> 172 // 169: goto -> 182 // 172: iload #5 // 174: istore #4 // 176: iconst_m1 // 177: istore #5 // 179: goto -> 291 // 182: aload_1 // 183: invokevirtual getActionIndex : ()I // 186: istore #6 // 188: aload_1 // 189: iload #6 // 191: invokevirtual getPointerId : (I)I // 194: istore #7 // 196: iload #6 // 198: istore #5 // 200: aload_0 // 201: getfield c : [I // 204: iload #7 // 206: iaload // 207: iconst_m1 // 208: if_icmpeq -> 288 // 211: iload #6 // 213: istore #5 // 215: aload_0 // 216: getfield d : I // 219: iconst_1 // 220: if_icmpne -> 291 // 223: iconst_1 // 224: istore #4 // 226: iload #6 // 228: istore #5 // 230: goto -> 291 // 233: aload_1 // 234: invokevirtual getActionIndex : ()I // 237: istore #6 // 239: aload_1 // 240: iload #6 // 242: invokevirtual getPointerId : (I)I // 245: istore #4 // 247: iload #6 // 249: istore #5 // 251: aload_0 // 252: getfield c : [I // 255: iload #4 // 257: iaload // 258: iconst_m1 // 259: if_icmpeq -> 288 // 262: iload #6 // 264: istore #5 // 266: iload #7 // 268: istore #4 // 270: aload_0 // 271: getfield d : I // 274: iconst_1 // 275: if_icmpne -> 291 // 278: iconst_0 // 279: istore #4 // 281: iload #6 // 283: istore #5 // 285: goto -> 291 // 288: iconst_2 // 289: istore #4 // 291: aload_0 // 292: getfield d : I // 295: istore #7 // 297: iload #7 // 299: istore #6 // 301: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.b : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties; // 304: ifnonnull -> 332 // 307: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.a : I // 310: istore #6 // 312: iload #6 // 314: anewarray android/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties // 317: putstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.b : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties; // 320: iload #6 // 322: anewarray android/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords // 325: putstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.u : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords; // 328: iload #7 // 330: istore #6 // 332: iload #6 // 334: ifle -> 390 // 337: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.b : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties; // 340: astore #12 // 342: iload #6 // 344: iconst_1 // 345: isub // 346: istore #7 // 348: aload #12 // 350: iload #7 // 352: aaload // 353: ifnonnull -> 390 // 356: aload #12 // 358: iload #7 // 360: new android/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties // 363: dup // 364: invokespecial : ()V // 367: aastore // 368: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.u : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords; // 371: iload #7 // 373: new android/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords // 376: dup // 377: invokespecial : ()V // 380: aastore // 381: iload #6 // 383: iconst_1 // 384: isub // 385: istore #6 // 387: goto -> 332 // 390: aload_1 // 391: invokevirtual getX : ()F // 394: fstore_2 // 395: aload_1 // 396: invokevirtual getY : ()F // 399: fstore_3 // 400: aload_1 // 401: aload_1 // 402: invokevirtual getRawX : ()F // 405: aload_1 // 406: invokevirtual getRawY : ()F // 409: invokevirtual setLocation : (FF)V // 412: aload_1 // 413: invokevirtual getPointerCount : ()I // 416: istore #10 // 418: iconst_0 // 419: istore #7 // 421: iload #8 // 423: iload #10 // 425: if_icmpge -> 539 // 428: aload_1 // 429: iload #8 // 431: invokevirtual getPointerId : (I)I // 434: istore #11 // 436: iload #4 // 438: istore #6 // 440: iload #7 // 442: istore #9 // 444: aload_0 // 445: getfield c : [I // 448: iload #11 // 450: iaload // 451: iconst_m1 // 452: if_icmpeq -> 522 // 455: aload_1 // 456: iload #8 // 458: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.b : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties; // 461: iload #7 // 463: aaload // 464: invokevirtual getPointerProperties : (ILandroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties;)V // 467: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.b : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties; // 470: iload #7 // 472: aaload // 473: aload_0 // 474: getfield c : [I // 477: iload #11 // 479: iaload // 480: putfield id : I // 483: aload_1 // 484: iload #8 // 486: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.u : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords; // 489: iload #7 // 491: aaload // 492: invokevirtual getPointerCoords : (ILandroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords;)V // 495: iload #4 // 497: istore #6 // 499: iload #8 // 501: iload #5 // 503: if_icmpne -> 516 // 506: iload #4 // 508: iload #7 // 510: bipush #8 // 512: ishl // 513: ior // 514: istore #6 // 516: iload #7 // 518: iconst_1 // 519: iadd // 520: istore #9 // 522: iload #8 // 524: iconst_1 // 525: iadd // 526: istore #8 // 528: iload #6 // 530: istore #4 // 532: iload #9 // 534: istore #7 // 536: goto -> 421 // 539: aload_1 // 540: invokevirtual getDownTime : ()J // 543: aload_1 // 544: invokevirtual getEventTime : ()J // 547: iload #4 // 549: iload #7 // 551: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.b : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties; // 554: getstatic com/swmansion/gesturehandler/b.u : [Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords; // 557: aload_1 // 558: invokevirtual getMetaState : ()I // 561: aload_1 // 562: invokevirtual getButtonState : ()I // 565: aload_1 // 566: invokevirtual getXPrecision : ()F // 569: aload_1 // 570: invokevirtual getYPrecision : ()F // 573: aload_1 // 574: invokevirtual getDeviceId : ()I // 577: aload_1 // 578: invokevirtual getEdgeFlags : ()I // 581: aload_1 // 582: invokevirtual getSource : ()I // 585: aload_1 // 586: invokevirtual getFlags : ()I // 589: invokestatic obtain : (JJII[Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerProperties;[Landroid/view/MotionEvent$PointerCoords;IIFFIIII)Landroid/view/MotionEvent; // 592: astore #12 // 594: aload_1 // 595: fload_2 // 596: fload_3 // 597: invokevirtual setLocation : (FF)V // 600: aload #12 // 602: fload_2 // 603: fload_3 // 604: invokevirtual setLocation : (FF)V // 607: aload_0 // 608: aload #12 // 610: invokevirtual getX : ()F // 613: putfield h : F // 616: aload_0 // 617: aload #12 // 619: invokevirtual getY : ()F // 622: putfield i : F // 625: aload_0 // 626: aload #12 // 628: invokevirtual getPointerCount : ()I // 631: putfield n : I // 634: aload_0 // 635: aload_0 // 636: aload_0 // 637: getfield f : Landroid/view/View; // 640: aload_0 // 641: getfield h : F // 644: aload_0 // 645: getfield i : F // 648: invokevirtual a : (Landroid/view/View;FF)Z // 651: putfield j : Z // 654: aload_0 // 655: getfield y : Z // 658: ifeq -> 696 // 661: aload_0 // 662: getfield j : Z // 665: ifne -> 696 // 668: aload_0 // 669: getfield g : I // 672: istore #4 // 674: iload #4 // 676: iconst_4 // 677: if_icmpne -> 685 // 680: aload_0 // 681: invokevirtual c : ()V // 684: return // 685: iload #4 // 687: iconst_2 // 688: if_icmpne -> 695 // 691: aload_0 // 692: invokevirtual d : ()V // 695: return // 696: aload_0 // 697: aload #12 // 699: iconst_1 // 700: invokestatic a : (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;Z)F // 703: putfield l : F // 706: aload_0 // 707: aload #12 // 709: iconst_1 // 710: invokestatic b : (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;Z)F // 713: putfield m : F // 716: aload_0 // 717: aload #12 // 719: invokevirtual getRawX : ()F // 722: aload #12 // 724: invokevirtual getX : ()F // 727: fsub // 728: putfield w : F // 731: aload_0 // 732: aload #12 // 734: invokevirtual getRawY : ()F // 737: aload #12 // 739: invokevirtual getY : ()F // 742: fsub // 743: putfield x : F // 746: aload_0 // 747: aload #12 // 749: invokevirtual a : (Landroid/view/MotionEvent;)V // 752: aload #12 // 754: aload_1 // 755: if_acmpeq -> 763 // 758: aload #12 // 760: invokevirtual recycle : ()V // 763: return } public boolean b(b paramb) { if (paramb == this || this.q != null); return false; } public final void c() { int j = this.g; if (j == 4 || j == 0 || j == 2) { a(); b(3); } } public final boolean c(b paramb) { if (paramb != this) { c c1 = this.q; if (c1 != null) return c1.a(this, paramb); } return false; } public final void d() { int j = this.g; if (j == 4 || j == 0 || j == 2) b(1); } public boolean d(b paramb) { if (paramb == this) return true; c c1 = this.q; return (c1 != null) ? c1.b(this, paramb) : false; } public final void e() { int j = this.g; if (j == 0 || j == 2) b(4); } public boolean e(b paramb) { if (paramb == this) return false; if (this.q != null); return false; } public final void f() { if (this.g == 0) b(2); } public final void g() { int j = this.g; if (j == 2 || j == 4) b(5); } public final void h() { this.f = null; this.o = null; Arrays.fill(this.c, -1); this.d = 0; b(); } public final float i() { return this.l - this.w; } public final float j() { return this.m - this.x; } public String toString() { String str; View view = this.f; if (view == null) { view = null; } else { str = view.getClass().getSimpleName(); } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); stringBuilder.append(getClass().getSimpleName()); stringBuilder.append("@["); stringBuilder.append(this.e); stringBuilder.append("]:"); stringBuilder.append(str); return stringBuilder.toString(); } } /* Location: C:\Users\august\Desktop\tik\df_rn_kit\classes.jar.jar!\com\swmansion\gesturehandler\b.class * Java compiler version: 6 (50.0) * JD-Core Version: 1.1.3 */