diff --git a/Source/Samples/Sections/Widgets/EntrySection.cs b/Source/Samples/Sections/Widgets/EntrySection.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..880018861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Source/Samples/Sections/Widgets/EntrySection.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+using Gtk;
+namespace Samples
+    [Section(Name= "Entry", Category = Category.Widgets)]
+    class EntrySection : ListSection
+    {
+        public EntrySection()
+        {
+            AddItem(CreateSimpleEntry());
+            AddItem(CreateSimpleRightAlignedTextEntry());
+            AddItem(CreateMaxLimitEntry());
+            AddItem(CreatePlaceholderEntry());
+            AddItem(CreateInvisibleCharEntry());
+        }
+        public (string, Widget) CreateSimpleEntry()
+        {
+            var entry = new Entry("Initial Text");
+            entry.TooltipText = "This is the tooltip!";
+            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");
+            return ("Simple entry:", entry);
+        }
+        public (string, Widget) CreateSimpleRightAlignedTextEntry()
+        {
+            var entry = new Entry("Text is Right Aligned");
+            entry.Xalign = 1f;
+            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");
+            return ("Right aligned text entry:", entry);
+        }
+        public (string, Widget) CreateMaxLimitEntry()
+        {
+            var entry = new Entry("123");
+            entry.MaxLength = 3;
+            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");
+            return ("Text length limited entry:", entry);
+        }
+        public (string, Widget) CreatePlaceholderEntry()
+        {
+            var entry = new Entry();
+            entry.PlaceholderText = "Please fill with information";
+            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");
+            return ("Placeholder text entry:", entry);
+        }
+        public (string, Widget) CreateInvisibleCharEntry()
+        {
+            var entry = new Entry("Invisible text entry");
+            entry.Visibility = false;
+            entry.InvisibleChar = '\u2022';
+            entry.InvisibleCharSet = true;
+            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");
+            return ("Invisible text entry:", entry);
+        }
+    }