diff --git a/doc/en/Gtk/TreeView.xml b/doc/en/Gtk/TreeView.xml
index 261f7a1ee..362525ee9 100644
--- a/doc/en/Gtk/TreeView.xml
+++ b/doc/en/Gtk/TreeView.xml
@@ -7,8 +7,120 @@
Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.
- To be added
- To be added
+ A widget for displaying both trees and lists.
+ Widget that displays any object that implements the
+ interface.
+ To create a tree or list in GTK#, you need to use the interface, in conjunction with the
+ widget. This widget is designed around a
+ Model/View/Controller design and consists of four major parts:
+ , the tree view widget
+ , the view column.
+ The cell renderers (
+ and others).
+ , the model interface.
+ The View is composed of the first three, while the last is the
+ Model. One of the prime benefits of the MVC design is that
+ multiple views can be created of a single model. For example,
+ a model mapping the file system could be created for a file
+ manager. Many views could be created to display various parts
+ of the file system, but only one copy need be kept in memory.
+ The purpose of the cell renderers is to provide extensibility
+ to the widget and to allow multiple ways of rendering the same
+ type of data. For example, consider how to render a boolean
+ variable. Should you render it as a string of "True" or
+ "False", "On" or "Off", or should you render it as a checkbox?
+namespace Samples {
+ using System;
+ using System.Drawing;
+ using GLib;
+ using Gtk;
+ using GtkSharp;
+ public class TreeView {
+ public static void Main (string[] args)
+ {
+ TreeStore store = null;
+ Application.Init ();
+ store = new TreeStore ((int)TypeFundamentals.TypeString,
+ (int)TypeFundamentals.TypeString);
+ TreeIter iter = new TreeIter ();
+ for (int i=0; i<0; i++)
+ {
+ GLib.Value Name = new GLib.Value ("Demo " + i.ToString());
+ GLib.Value Type = new GLib.Value ("Data " + i.ToString());
+ store.Append (out iter);
+ store.SetValue (iter, 0, Name);
+ store.SetValue (iter, 1, Type);
+ }
+ Window win = new Window ("TreeView List Demo");
+ win.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (delete_cb);
+ win.DefaultSize = new Size (400,250);
+ ScrolledWindow sw = new ScrolledWindow ();
+ win.Add (sw);
+ TreeView tv = new TreeView (store);
+ tv.HeadersVisible = true;
+ TreeViewColumn DemoCol = new TreeViewColumn ();
+ CellRenderer DemoRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
+ DemoCol.Title = "Demo";
+ DemoCol.PackStart (DemoRenderer, true);
+ DemoCol.AddAttribute (DemoRenderer, "text", 0);
+ tv.AppendColumn (DemoCol);
+ TreeViewColumn DataCol = new TreeViewColumn ();
+ CellRenderer DataRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
+ DataCol.Title = "Data";
+ DataCol.PackStart (DataRenderer, false);
+ DataCol.AddAttribute (DataRenderer, "text", 1);
+ tv.AppendColumn (DataCol);
+ sw.Add (tv);
+ sw.Show();
+ win.ShowAll ();
+ Application.Run ();
+ }
+ private static void delete_cb (System.Object o, DeleteEventArgs args)
+ {
+ Application.Quit ();
+ args.RetVal = true;
+ }
+ }
+ Gtk.Container