// Gnome.CanvasItem.custom - Gnome CanvasItem class customizations
// Author: Rachel Hestilow <hestilow@ximian.com>
// Copyright (C) 2002 Rachel Hestilow
// This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the Lesser GNU General 
// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
                static extern System.IntPtr gnome_canvas_item_new (IntPtr group, GLib.GType type, IntPtr null_terminator);
                static extern void g_object_ref (IntPtr raw);
                public CanvasItem (Gnome.CanvasGroup group, GLib.GType type)
                	: base (gnome_canvas_item_new (group.Handle, type, IntPtr.Zero))
                	g_object_ref (Handle);
		static extern void gnome_canvas_item_i2c_affine(IntPtr raw, double[] affine);

		public void I2cAffine(out double[] affine) {
                        affine = new double [6];
			gnome_canvas_item_i2c_affine(Handle, affine);

		static extern void gnome_canvas_item_i2w_affine(IntPtr raw, double[] affine);

		public void I2wAffine(out double[] affine) {
                        affine = new double [6];
			gnome_canvas_item_i2w_affine(Handle, affine);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_realize (IntPtr handle);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_realize (GLib.GType gtype, RealizeDelegate cb);

		delegate void RealizeDelegate (IntPtr item);

                static RealizeDelegate RealizeCallback;

                static void Realize_cb (IntPtr item)
                        CanvasItem obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (item, false) as CanvasItem;
                        obj.Realize ();

                static void OverrideRealize (GLib.GType gtype)
                        if (RealizeCallback == null)
                                RealizeCallback = new RealizeDelegate (Realize_cb);
                        gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_realize (gtype, RealizeCallback);

		[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof(Gnome.CanvasItem), ConnectionMethod="OverrideRealize")]
		protected virtual void Realize ()
			gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_realize (Handle);

		static extern double gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_point (IntPtr handle, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, out IntPtr actual_item_handle);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_point (GLib.GType gtype, PointDelegate cb);

		delegate double PointDelegate (IntPtr item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, out IntPtr actual_item_handle);

                static PointDelegate PointCallback;

                static double Point_cb (IntPtr item, double x, double y, int cx, int cy, out IntPtr actual_item_handle)
                        CanvasItem obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (item, false) as CanvasItem;
			CanvasItem actual_item;
                        double result = obj.Point (x, y, cx, cy, out actual_item);
			actual_item_handle = actual_item != null ? actual_item.Handle : IntPtr.Zero;
			return result;

                static void OverridePoint (GLib.GType gtype)
                        if (PointCallback == null)
                                PointCallback = new PointDelegate (Point_cb);
                        gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_point (gtype, PointCallback);

		[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof(Gnome.CanvasItem), ConnectionMethod="OverridePoint")]
		protected virtual double Point (double x, double y, int cx, int cy, out CanvasItem actual_item)
			IntPtr actual_item_handle;
			double result = gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_point (Handle, x, y, cx, cy, out actual_item_handle);
			actual_item = GLib.Object.GetObject (actual_item_handle, false) as CanvasItem;
			return result;

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_draw (IntPtr handle, IntPtr drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_draw (GLib.GType gtype, DrawDelegate cb);

		delegate void DrawDelegate (IntPtr handle, IntPtr drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height);

                static DrawDelegate DrawCallback;

                static void Draw_cb (IntPtr handle, IntPtr drawable_handle, int x, int y, int width, int height)
                        CanvasItem obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (handle, false) as CanvasItem;
                        Gdk.Drawable drawable = GLib.Object.GetObject (drawable_handle, false) as Gdk.Drawable;
                        obj.Draw (drawable, x, y, width, height);

                static void OverrideDraw (GLib.GType gtype)
                        if (DrawCallback == null)
                                DrawCallback = new DrawDelegate (Draw_cb);
                        gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_draw (gtype, DrawCallback);

		[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof(Gnome.CanvasItem), ConnectionMethod="OverrideDraw")]
		protected virtual void Draw (Gdk.Drawable drawable, int x, int y, int width, int height)
			gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_draw (Handle, drawable.Handle, x, y, width, height);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_render (IntPtr handle, ref CanvasBuf buf);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_render (GLib.GType gtype, RenderDelegate cb);

		delegate void RenderDelegate (IntPtr handle, ref CanvasBuf buf);

                static RenderDelegate RenderCallback;

                static void Render_cb (IntPtr handle, ref CanvasBuf buf)
                        CanvasItem obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (handle, false) as CanvasItem;
                        obj.Render (ref buf);

		[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof(Gnome.CanvasItem), ConnectionMethod="OverrideRender")]
                static void OverrideRender (GLib.GType gtype)
                        if (RenderCallback == null)
                                RenderCallback = new RenderDelegate (Render_cb);
                        gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_render (gtype, RenderCallback);

		protected virtual void Render (ref CanvasBuf buf)
			gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_render (Handle, ref buf);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_update (IntPtr handle, double[] affine, ref Art.SVP clip_path, int flags);

		static extern void gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_update (GLib.GType gtype, UpdateDelegate cb);

		delegate void UpdateDelegate (IntPtr item, IntPtr affine_ptr, IntPtr clip_path, int flags);

                static UpdateDelegate UpdateCallback;

                static void Update_cb (IntPtr item, IntPtr affine_ptr, IntPtr clip_path_handle, int flags)
                        CanvasItem obj = GLib.Object.GetObject (item, false) as CanvasItem;
			double[] affine = new double [6];
			Marshal.Copy (affine_ptr, affine, 0, 6);
			Art.SVP clip_path;
			if (clip_path_handle == IntPtr.Zero)
				clip_path = Art.SVP.Zero;
				clip_path = (Art.SVP) Marshal.PtrToStructure (clip_path_handle, typeof(Art.SVP));
                        obj.Update (affine, ref clip_path, flags);

                static void OverrideUpdate (GLib.GType gtype)
                        if (UpdateCallback == null)
                                UpdateCallback = new UpdateDelegate (Update_cb);
                        gnomesharp_canvas_item_override_update (gtype, UpdateCallback);

		[GLib.DefaultSignalHandler (Type=typeof(Gnome.CanvasItem), ConnectionMethod="OverrideUpdate")]
		protected virtual void Update (double[] affine, ref Art.SVP clip_path, int flags)
			gnomesharp_canvas_item_base_update (Handle, affine, ref clip_path, flags);