gtk-sharp [00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 06 02 00 00 00 24 00 00 52 53 41 31 00 04 00 00 01 00 01 00 71 EB 6C 55 75 52 9C BF 72 44 F7 A6 EA 05 62 84 F9 EA E0 3B CF F2 CC 13 2C 9C 49 0A B3 09 EA B0 B5 6B CE 44 9D F5 03 D9 C0 A8 1E 52 05 85 CD BE 70 E2 FB 90 43 4B AC 04 FA 62 22 A8 00 98 B7 A1 A7 B3 AF 99 1A 41 23 24 BB 43 25 F6 B8 65 BB 64 EB F6 D1 C2 06 D5 73 2D DF BC 70 A7 38 9E E5 3E 0C 24 6E 32 79 74 1A D0 05 03 E4 98 42 E1 9B F3 7B 19 8B 40 21 26 CB 36 89 C2 EA 64 96 A4 7C B4] Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Accessing and manipulates the selected rows of a . System.Object Method System.Boolean Tests if a specified node is currently selected. a a Method System.Boolean Tests if a specified path is currently selected. a a Method System.Void Selects all the nodes in the view. Method System.Void Selects a specified node in the view. a Method System.Void Selects a node by path. a Method System.Void Selects all the nodes in a specified range. a a Method System.Void Unselects all the nodes in the view. Method System.Void Unselects a specified node. a Method System.Void Unselects a specified node by path. a Method System.Void Unselects all the nodes in a specified range. a a Method System.Void Unselects all the nodes in a specified range. a a Property Gtk.SelectionMode Selection mode currently is use. a Property Gtk.NodeView The view associated with this selection object. a Property Gtk.ITreeNode[] The currently selected nodes. a Event System.EventHandler The currently selected row(s) changed. Property Gtk.ITreeNode The Multiple selection mode is in use. The selected node The currently selected node This property does not make sense in the Multiple selection mode. Therefore it will throw an exception when used under this mode.