// gapi-fixup.cs - xml alteration engine.
// Authors:
//   Mike Kestner <mkestner@speakeasy.net>
//   Stephan Sundermann <stephansundermann@gmail.com>
// Copyright (c) 2003 Mike Kestner
// Copyright (c) 2013 Stephan Sundermann
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
// License along with this program; if not, write to the
// Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
// Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

namespace GtkSharp.Parsing {

	using System;
	using System.IO;
	using System.Xml;
	using System.Xml.XPath;

	public class Fixup  {

		public static int Main (string[] args)
			if (args.Length < 2) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Usage: gapi-fixup --metadata=<filename> --api=<filename> --symbols=<filename>");
				return 0;

			string api_filename = "";
			XmlDocument api_doc = new XmlDocument ();
			XmlDocument meta_doc = new XmlDocument ();
			XmlDocument symbol_doc = new XmlDocument ();

			foreach (string arg in args) {

				if (arg.StartsWith("--metadata=")) {

					string meta_filename = arg.Substring (11);

					try {
						Stream stream = File.OpenRead (meta_filename);
						meta_doc.Load (stream);
						stream.Close ();
					} catch (XmlException e) {
						Console.WriteLine ("Invalid meta file.");
						Console.WriteLine (e);
						return 1;

				} else if (arg.StartsWith ("--api=")) {

					api_filename = arg.Substring (6);

					try {
						Stream stream = File.OpenRead (api_filename);
						api_doc.Load (stream);
						stream.Close ();
					} catch (XmlException e) {
						Console.WriteLine ("Invalid api file.");
						Console.WriteLine (e);
						return 1;

				} else if (arg.StartsWith ("--symbols=")) {

					string symbol_filename = arg.Substring (10);

					try {
						Stream stream = File.OpenRead (symbol_filename);
						symbol_doc.Load (stream);
						stream.Close ();
					} catch (XmlException e) {
						Console.WriteLine ("Invalid api file.");
						Console.WriteLine (e);
						return 1;

				} else {
					Console.WriteLine ("Usage: gapi-fixup --metadata=<filename> --api=<filename>");
					return 1;

			XPathNavigator meta_nav = meta_doc.CreateNavigator ();
			XPathNavigator api_nav = api_doc.CreateNavigator ();

			XPathNodeIterator copy_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/copy-node");
			while (copy_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = copy_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", String.Empty);
				XPathExpression expr = api_nav.Compile (path);
				string parent = copy_iter.Current.Value;
				XPathNodeIterator parent_iter = api_nav.Select (parent);
				bool matched = false;
				while (parent_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlNode parent_node = ((IHasXmlNode)parent_iter.Current).GetNode ();
					XPathNodeIterator path_iter = parent_iter.Current.Clone ().Select (expr);
					while (path_iter.MoveNext ()) {
						XmlNode node = ((IHasXmlNode)path_iter.Current).GetNode ();
						parent_node.AppendChild (node.Clone ());
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <copy-node path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);

			XPathNodeIterator rmv_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/remove-node");
			while (rmv_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = rmv_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", "");
				XPathNodeIterator api_iter = api_nav.Select (path);
				bool matched = false;
				while (api_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlElement api_node = ((IHasXmlNode)api_iter.Current).GetNode () as XmlElement;
					api_node.ParentNode.RemoveChild (api_node);
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <remove-node path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);

			XPathNodeIterator add_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/add-node");
			while (add_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = add_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", "");
				XPathNodeIterator api_iter = api_nav.Select (path);
				bool matched = false;
				while (api_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlElement api_node = ((IHasXmlNode)api_iter.Current).GetNode () as XmlElement;
					foreach (XmlNode child in ((IHasXmlNode)add_iter.Current).GetNode().ChildNodes)
						api_node.AppendChild (api_doc.ImportNode (child, true));
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <add-node path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);
			XPathNodeIterator change_node_type_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/change-node-type");
			while (change_node_type_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = change_node_type_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", "");
				XPathNodeIterator api_iter = api_nav.Select (path);
				bool matched = false;
				while (api_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlElement node = ( (IHasXmlNode) api_iter.Current).GetNode () as XmlElement;
					XmlElement parent = node.ParentNode as XmlElement;
					XmlElement new_node = api_doc.CreateElement (change_node_type_iter.Current.Value);
					foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)
						new_node.AppendChild (child.Clone ());
					foreach (XmlAttribute attribute in node.Attributes)
						new_node.Attributes.Append ( (XmlAttribute) attribute.Clone ());
					parent.ReplaceChild (new_node, node);
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <change-node-type path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);

			XPathNodeIterator attr_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/attr");
			while (attr_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = attr_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", "");
				string attr_name = attr_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("name", "");
				XPathNodeIterator api_iter = api_nav.Select (path);
				bool matched = false;
				while (api_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlElement node = ((IHasXmlNode)api_iter.Current).GetNode () as XmlElement;
					node.SetAttribute (attr_name, attr_iter.Current.Value);
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <attr path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);

			XPathNodeIterator move_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/move-node");
			while (move_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = move_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", "");
				XPathExpression expr = api_nav.Compile (path);
				string parent = move_iter.Current.Value;
				XPathNodeIterator parent_iter = api_nav.Select (parent);
				bool matched = false;
				while (parent_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlNode parent_node = ((IHasXmlNode)parent_iter.Current).GetNode ();
					XPathNodeIterator path_iter = parent_iter.Current.Clone ().Select (expr);
					while (path_iter.MoveNext ()) {
						XmlNode node = ((IHasXmlNode)path_iter.Current).GetNode ();
						parent_node.AppendChild (node.Clone ());
						node.ParentNode.RemoveChild (node);
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <move-node path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);
			XPathNodeIterator remove_attr_iter = meta_nav.Select ("/metadata/remove-attr");
			while (remove_attr_iter.MoveNext ()) {
				string path = remove_attr_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("path", "");
				string name = remove_attr_iter.Current.GetAttribute ("name", "");
				XPathNodeIterator api_iter = api_nav.Select (path);
				bool matched = false;
				while (api_iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlElement node = ( (IHasXmlNode) api_iter.Current).GetNode () as XmlElement;
					node.RemoveAttribute (name);
					matched = true;
				if (!matched)
					Console.WriteLine ("Warning: <remove-attr path=\"{0}\"/> matched no nodes", path);

			if (symbol_doc != null) {
				XPathNavigator symbol_nav = symbol_doc.CreateNavigator ();
				XPathNodeIterator iter = symbol_nav.Select ("/api/*");
				while (iter.MoveNext ()) {
					XmlNode sym_node = ((IHasXmlNode)iter.Current).GetNode ();
					XPathNodeIterator parent_iter = api_nav.Select ("/api");
					if (parent_iter.MoveNext ()) {
						XmlNode parent_node = ((IHasXmlNode)parent_iter.Current).GetNode ();
						parent_node.AppendChild (api_doc.ImportNode (sym_node, true));

			api_doc.Save (api_filename);
			return 0;