gtk-sharp0.0.0.0neutralGtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.Convenient message window presents a with an image representing the
(Error, Question, etc.) alongside some message text.
It is available as a convenience. You could construct the equivalent of
from without too much effort, but
saves typing.
The is displayed using , which
automatically makes the modal and waits for the user to respond to it.
returns when any
in the is clicked or the is closed.
After returns, you are responsible for hiding (using ) or destroying (using ) the dialog if you wish to do so.
A simple message dialog
MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (parent_window,
ButtonsType.Close, "Error loading file");
int result = md.Run ();
A yes/no message dialog
MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (parent_window,
ButtonsType.YesNo, "Are you sure you want to quit?");
ResponseType result = (ResponseType)md.Run ();
if (result == ResponseType.Yes)
If you would like the to not be modal, set the property to .
md.Modal = false;
Gtk.DialogAtk.ImplementorGLib.IWrapperGLib.IWrapperSystem.IDisposableMethodSystem.VoidDisposes the resources associated with the object.ConstructorInternal constructor
Pointer to the C object.
An instance of , wrapping the C object.This is an internal constructor, and should not be used by user code.ConstructorCreates an instance of
an object of type
an object of type
an object of type
an object of type
an object of type an object of type
Creates an instance of
MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog
(parent_window, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent,
Gtk.MessageType.Error, Gtk.ButtonsType.Close, "Error loading file");
PropertyGtk.MessageTypeThe of the an object of type The of the PropertyGLib.GTypeTo be addeda To be addedConstructorTo be added
a a To be added