gda-sharp Gtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details. Quark list (lists of KEY == VALUES's). Parameter lists are used primary in the parsing and creation of connection strings. GLib.Opaque Method System.Void Adds new key->value pairs from the given string. a a If cleanup is set to true, the previous contents will be discarded before adding the new pairs. Method System.String Searches for the value identified by name in the Gda.QuarkList. a a , the value associated with the given key if found, or null if not found. To be added Method System.Void Removes an entry from the QuarkList, given its name. a To be added Method System.Void Releases all memory occupied by the Gda.QuarkList. To be added Constructor To be added a To be added Constructor Default constructor. Creates a new GdaQuarkList, which is a set of key->value pairs, very similar to GLib's GHashTable, but with the only purpose to make easier the parsing and creation of data source connection strings. Constructor Creates a new GdaQuarkList given a connection string. a To be added