// This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
// Happy coding!!! - GtkSharp Team

using Gtk;

namespace Samples
    [Section(ContentType = typeof(Entry), Category = Category.Widgets)]
    class EntrySection : ListSection
        public EntrySection()

        public (string, Widget) CreateSimpleEntry()
            var entry = new Entry("Initial Text");
            entry.TooltipText = "This is the tooltip!";

            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");

            return ("Simple entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateSimpleRightAlignedTextEntry()
            var entry = new Entry("Text is Right Aligned");
            entry.Xalign = 1f;

            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");

            return ("Right aligned text entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateMaxLimitEntry()
            var entry = new Entry("123");
            entry.MaxLength = 3;

            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");

            return ("Text length limited entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreatePlaceholderEntry()
            var entry = new Entry();
            entry.PlaceholderText = "Please fill with information";

            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");

            return ("Placeholder text entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateInvisibleCharEntry()
            var entry = new Entry("Invisible text entry");
            entry.Visibility = false;
            entry.InvisibleChar = '\u2022';
            entry.InvisibleCharSet = true;

            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(sender, "Changed");

            return ("Invisible text entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateCustomActionsEntry()
            var entry = new Entry();
            entry.PlaceholderText = "Search";
            entry.SetIconFromIconName(EntryIconPosition.Primary, "edit-find-symbolic");
            entry.SetIconFromIconName(EntryIconPosition.Secondary, "edit-clear-symbolic");

            entry.IconRelease += (o, args) =>
                switch (args.P0)
                    case EntryIconPosition.Primary:
                        ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(o, "Clicked Search Icon");

                        entry.Text = string.Empty;
                        ApplicationOutput.WriteLine(o, "Clicked Clear Icon");

            return ("Custom actions entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateProgressEntry()
            var entry = new Entry();
            entry.PlaceholderText = "Progress Entry";
            entry.ProgressFraction = 0f;
            entry.MaxLength = 20;

            entry.Changed += (sender, e) => entry.ProgressFraction = (float)entry.Text.Length / entry.MaxLength;

            return ("Progress entry:", entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateCompletionEntry()
            // create completion object and assign it to entry
            var completion = new EntryCompletion();
            var entry = new Entry();
            entry.Completion = completion;

            // create values store
            var store = new ListStore(typeof(string));
            store.AppendValues("An example to search for");
            store.AppendValues("Better example");
            store.AppendValues("Better and bigger example");
            store.AppendValues("Some other example");

            // assign treemodel as the completion
            completion.Model = store;

            // lets override the default match function so we can use the contains mode
            // instead of the default startswith
            completion.MatchFunc = (EntryCompletion comp, string key, TreeIter iter) =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                    return false;

                var o = comp.Model.GetValue(iter, 0);
                var stringToSearch = o as string;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringToSearch))
                    return stringToSearch.IndexOf(key, System.StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0;

                return false;

            completion.TextColumn = 0;

            return ("Completion Entry:",entry);

        public (string, Widget) CreateInsensitiveEntry()
            var entry = new Entry();
            entry.Text = "Cannot change this";

            entry.Sensitive = false;

            return ("Insensitive entry:", entry);