pango-sharp0.0.0.0neutralGtk# is thread aware, but not thread safe; See the Gtk# Thread Programming for details.Stores information about the attributes of a single character.System.ValueTypeFieldPango.LogAttrReturns an empty MethodPango.LogAttrInternal method
an object of type an object of type This is an internal method, and should not be used by user code.PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not a line break is allowed before this character.a PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not a line break is required before this character.a PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not a break is allowed before this character when doing character wrap.a PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not this is a whitespace character.a PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not the cursor can appear in front of this character.a PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not this is the first character in a word.a
Note that in degenerate cases, you could have both this
propery and set
on the same character, most likely for sentences (e.g. no
space after a period, so the next sentence starts right
PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not this is the first non-word character after a word.a
Note that in degenerate cases, you could have both this
propery and set
on the same character, most likely for sentences (e.g. no
space after a period, so the next sentence starts right
PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not this character is a sentence boundary.a
There are two ways to divide sentences. The first assigns
all intersentence whitespace/control/format chars to some
sentence, so all characters are in some sentence; denotes the
boundaries in this case. See and for the other
PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not this is the first character in a sentence.a
There are two ways to divide sentences. The first is the
method used by (qv). The
second way is to consider intersentence characters to not
be part of any sentence, in which case identifies the
first character in a sentence and identifies the
first non-sentence character after a sentence.
PropertySystem.BooleanWhether or not this is the first non-sentence character after a sentence.a
There are two ways to divide sentences. The first is the
method used by (qv). The
second way is to consider intersentence characters to not
be part of any sentence, in which case identifies the
first character in a sentence and identifies the
first non-sentence character after a sentence.
PropertySystem.BooleanWhether Backspace deletes individual characters rather than complete grapheme clusters.a