diff --git a/Source/OpenTK/OpenAL/EfxTokens.cs b/Source/OpenTK/OpenAL/EfxTokens.cs index 4238712e..ca217b4d 100644 --- a/Source/OpenTK/OpenAL/EfxTokens.cs +++ b/Source/OpenTK/OpenAL/EfxTokens.cs @@ -40,151 +40,150 @@ namespace OpenTK.OpenAL.Enums public enum EfxEffectf : int { ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.1f - AL_REVERB_DENSITY = 0x0001, + ReverbDensity = 0x0001, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.1f - AL_REVERB_DIFFUSION = 0x0002, + ReverbDiffusion = 0x0002, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.32f - AL_REVERB_GAIN = 0x0003, + ReverbGain = 0x0003, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.89f - AL_REVERB_GAINHF = 0x0004, + ReverbGainHF = 0x0004, ///Reverb Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.1f .. 20.0f] Default: 1.49f - AL_REVERB_DECAY_TIME = 0x0005, + ReverbDecayTime = 0x0005, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.1f .. 2.0f] Default: 0.83f - AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO = 0x0006, + ReverbDecayHFRatio = 0x0006, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 3.16f] Default: 0.05f - AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN = 0x0007, + ReverbReflectionsGain = 0x0007, ///Reverb Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.3f] Default: 0.007f - AL_REVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY = 0x0008, + ReverbReflectionsDelay = 0x0008, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 1.26f - AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN = 0x0009, + ReverbLateReverbGain = 0x0009, ///Reverb Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.1f] Default: 0.011f - AL_REVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY = 0x000A, + ReverbLateReverbDelay = 0x000A, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.892f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.994f - AL_REVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF = 0x000B, + ReverbAirAbsorptionGainHF = 0x000B, ///Reverb Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 0.0f - AL_REVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 0x000C, + ReverbRoomRolloffFactor = 0x000C, ///Chorus Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 1.1f - AL_CHORUS_RATE = 0x0003, + ChorusRate = 0x0003, ///Chorus Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.1f - AL_CHORUS_DEPTH = 0x0004, + ChorusDepth = 0x0004, ///Chorus Parameter. Range [-1.0f .. +1.0f] Default: +0.25f - AL_CHORUS_FEEDBACK = 0x0005, + ChorusFeedback = 0x0005, ///Chorus Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.016f] Default: 0.016f - AL_CHORUS_DELAY = 0x0006, + ChorusDelay = 0x0006, ///Distortion Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.2f - AL_DISTORTION_EDGE = 0x0001, + DistortionEdge = 0x0001, ///Distortion Parameter. Range [0.01f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.05f - AL_DISTORTION_GAIN = 0x0002, + DistortionGain = 0x0002, ///Distortion Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [80.0f .. 24000.0f] Default: 8000.0f - AL_DISTORTION_LOWPASS_CUTOFF = 0x0003, + DistortionLowpassCutoff = 0x0003, ///Distortion Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [80.0f .. 24000.0f] Default: 3600.0f - AL_DISTORTION_EQCENTER = 0x0004, + DistortionEQCenter = 0x0004, ///Distortion Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [80.0f .. 24000.0f] Default: 3600.0f - AL_DISTORTION_EQBANDWIDTH = 0x0005, + DistortionEQBandwidth = 0x0005, ///Echo Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.207f] Default: 0.1f - AL_ECHO_DELAY = 0x0001, + EchoDelay = 0x0001, ///Echo Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.404f] Default: 0.1f - AL_ECHO_LRDELAY = 0x0002, + EchoLRDelay = 0x0002, ///Echo Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 0.99f] Default: 0.5f - AL_ECHO_DAMPING = 0x0003, + EchoDamping = 0x0003, ///Echo Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.5f - AL_ECHO_FEEDBACK = 0x0004, + EchoFeedback = 0x0004, ///Echo Parameter. Range [-1.0f .. +1.0f] Default: -1.0f - AL_ECHO_SPREAD = 0x0005, + EchoSpread = 0x0005, ///Flanger Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 0.27f - AL_FLANGER_RATE = 0x0003, + FlangerRate = 0x0003, ///Flanger Parameter. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_FLANGER_DEPTH = 0x0004, + FlangerDepth = 0x0004, ///Flanger Parameter. Range [-1.0f .. +1.0f] Default: -0.5f - AL_FLANGER_FEEDBACK = 0x0005, + FlangerFeedback = 0x0005, ///Flanger Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.004f] Default: 0.002f - AL_FLANGER_DELAY = 0x0006, + FlangerDelay = 0x0006, ///Frequencyshifter Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [0.0f .. 24000.0f] Default: 0.0f - AL_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER_FREQUENCY = 0x0001, + FrequencyShifterFrequency = 0x0001, ///Vocalmorpher Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 1.41f - AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_RATE = 0x0006, + VocalMorpherRate = 0x0006, ///Ringmodulator Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [0.0f .. 8000.0f] Default: 440.0f - AL_RING_MODULATOR_FREQUENCY = 0x0001, + RingModulatorFrequency = 0x0001, ///Ringmodulator Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [0.0f .. 24000.0f] Default: 800.0f - AL_RING_MODULATOR_HIGHPASS_CUTOFF = 0x0002, + RingModulatorHighpassCutoff = 0x0002, ///Autowah Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0001f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.06f - AL_AUTOWAH_ATTACK_TIME = 0x0001, + AutowahAttackTime = 0x0001, ///Autowah Parameter. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0001f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.06f - AL_AUTOWAH_RELEASE_TIME = 0x0002, + AutowahReleaseTime = 0x0002, ///Autowah Parameter. Range [2.0f .. 1000.0f] Default: 1000.0f - AL_AUTOWAH_RESONANCE = 0x0003, + AutowahResonance = 0x0003, ///Autowah Parameter. Range [0.00003f .. 31621.0f] Default: 11.22f - AL_AUTOWAH_PEAK_GAIN = 0x0004, + AutowahPeakGain = 0x0004, ///Equalizer Parameter. Range [0.126f .. 7.943f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_LOW_GAIN = 0x0001, + EqualizerLowGain = 0x0001, ///Equalizer Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [50.0f .. 800.0f] Default: 200.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_LOW_CUTOFF = 0x0002, + EqualizerLowCutoff = 0x0002, ///Equalizer Parameter. Range [0.126f .. 7.943f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_MID1_GAIN = 0x0003, + EqualizerMid1Gain = 0x0003, ///Equalizer Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [200.0f .. 3000.0f] Default: 500.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_MID1_CENTER = 0x0004, + EqualizerMid1Center = 0x0004, ///Equalizer Parameter. Range [0.01f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_MID1_WIDTH = 0x0005, + EqualizerMid1Width = 0x0005, ///Equalizer Parameter. Range [0.126f .. 7.943f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_MID2_GAIN = 0x0006, + EqualizerMid2Gain = 0x0006, ///Equalizer Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [1000.0f .. 8000.0f] Default: 3000.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_MID2_CENTER = 0x0007, + EqualizerMid2Center = 0x0007, ///Equalizer Parameter. Range [0.01f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_MID2_WIDTH = 0x0008, + EqualizerMid2Width = 0x0008, ///Equalizer Parameter. Range [0.126f .. 7.943f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_HIGH_GAIN = 0x0009, + EqualizerHighGain = 0x0009, ///Equalizer Parameter. Unit: Hz Range [4000.0f .. 16000.0f] Default: 6000.0f - AL_EQUALIZER_HIGH_CUTOFF = 0x000A, + EqualizerHighCutoff = 0x000A, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_DENSITY = 0x0001, + EaxReverbDensity = 0x0001, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_DIFFUSION = 0x0002, + EaxReverbDiffusion = 0x0002, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.32f - AL_EAXREVERB_GAIN = 0x0003, + EaxReverbGain = 0x0003, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.89f - AL_EAXREVERB_GAINHF = 0x0004, + EaxReverbGainHF = 0x0004, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_GAINLF = 0x0005, + EaxReverbGainLF = 0x0005, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Unit: Seconds Range [0.1f .. 20.0f] Default: 1.49f - AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_TIME = 0x0006, + EaxReverbDecayTime = 0x0006, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.1f .. 2.0f] Default: 0.83f - AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFRATIO = 0x0007, + EaxReverbDecayHFRatio = 0x0007, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.1f .. 2.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_LFRATIO = 0x0008, + EaxReverbDecayLFRatio = 0x0008, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 3.16f] Default: 0.05f - AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_GAIN = 0x0009, + EaxReverbReflectionsGain = 0x0009, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.3f] Default: 0.007f - AL_EAXREVERB_REFLECTIONS_DELAY = 0x000A, + EaxReverbReflectionsDelay = 0x000A, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 1.26f - AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_GAIN = 0x000C, + EaxReverbLateReverbGain = 0x000C, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Unit: Seconds Range [0.0f .. 0.1f] Default: 0.011f - AL_EAXREVERB_LATE_REVERB_DELAY = 0x000D, - + EaxReverbLateReverbDelay = 0x000D, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.075f .. 0.25f] Default: 0.25f - AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_TIME = 0x000F, + EaxReverbEchoTime = 0x000F, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_ECHO_DEPTH = 0x0010, + EaxReverbEchoDepth = 0x0010, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.04f .. 4.0f] Default: 0.25f - AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_TIME = 0x0011, + EaxReverbModulationTime = 0x0011, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_MODULATION_DEPTH = 0x0012, + EaxReverbModulationDepth = 0x0012, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.892f .. 1.0f] Default: 0.994f - AL_EAXREVERB_AIR_ABSORPTION_GAINHF = 0x0013, + EaxReverbAirAbsorptionGainHF = 0x0013, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Unit: Hz Range [1000.0f .. 20000.0f] Default: 5000.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_HFREFERENCE = 0x0014, + EaxReverbHFReference = 0x0014, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Unit: Hz Range [20.0f .. 1000.0f] Default: 250.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_LFREFERENCE = 0x0015, + EaxReverbLFReference = 0x0015, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Range [0.0f .. 10.0f] Default: 0.0f - AL_EAXREVERB_ROOM_ROLLOFF_FACTOR = 0x0016, + EaxReverbRoomRolloffFactor = 0x0016, } public enum EfxEffect3f : int @@ -198,47 +197,47 @@ namespace OpenTK.OpenAL.Enums public enum EfxEffecti : int { ///Chorus Parameter. Unit: (0) Sinusoid, (1) Triangle [0 .. 1] Default: 1 - AL_CHORUS_WAVEFORM = 0x0001, + ChorusWaveform = 0x0001, ///Chorus Parameter. Unit: Degrees Range [-180 .. 180] Default: 90 - AL_CHORUS_PHASE = 0x0002, + ChorusPhase = 0x0002, ///Flanger Parameter. Unit: (0) Sinusoid, (1) Triangle Range [0 .. 1] Default: 1 - AL_FLANGER_WAVEFORM = 0x0001, + FlangerWaveform = 0x0001, ///Flanger Parameter. Range [-180 .. +180] Default: 0 - AL_FLANGER_PHASE = 0x0002, + FlangerPhase = 0x0002, ///Frequencyshifter Parameter. Unit: (0) Down, (1) Up, (2) Off Range [0 .. 2] Default: 0 - AL_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER_LEFT_DIRECTION = 0x0002, + FrequencyShifterLeftDirection = 0x0002, ///Frequencyshifter Parameter. Unit: (0) Down, (1) Up, (2) Off Range [0 .. 2] Default: 0 - AL_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER_RIGHT_DIRECTION = 0x0003, + FrequencyShifterRightDirection = 0x0003, ///Vocalmorpher Parameter. Unit: Use enum EfxFormantFilterSettings Range [0 .. 29] Default: 0, AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEME_A - AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEA = 0x0001, + VocalMorpherPhonemeA = 0x0001, ///Vocalmorpher Parameter. Unit: Semitones Range [-24 .. +24] Default: 0 - AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEA_COARSE_TUNING = 0x0002, + VocalMorpherPhonemeACoarseTuning = 0x0002, ///Vocalmorpher Parameter. Unit: Use enum EfxFormantFilterSettings Range [0 .. 29] Default: 10, AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEME_ER - AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEB = 0x0003, + VocalMorpherPhonemeB = 0x0003, ///Vocalmorpher Parameter. Unit: Semitones Range [-24 .. +24] Default: 0 - AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_PHONEMEB_COARSE_TUNING = 0x0004, + VocalMorpherPhonemeBCoarseTuning = 0x0004, ///Vocalmorpher Parameter. Unit: (0) Sinusoid, (1) Triangle, (2) Sawtooth Range [0 .. 2] Default: 0 - AL_VOCAL_MORPHER_WAVEFORM = 0x0005, + VocalMorpherWaveform = 0x0005, ///Pitchshifter Parameter. Unit: Semitones Range [-12 .. +12] Default: +12 - AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_COARSE_TUNE = 0x0001, + PitchShifterCoarseTune = 0x0001, ///Pitchshifter Parameter. Unit: Cents Range [-50 .. +50] Default: 0 - AL_PITCH_SHIFTER_FINE_TUNE = 0x0002, + PitchShifterFineTune = 0x0002, ///Ringmodulator Parameter. Unit: (0) Sinusoid, (1) Sawtooth, (2) Square Range [0 .. 2] Default: 0 - AL_RING_MODULATOR_WAVEFORM = 0x0003, + RingModulatorWaveform = 0x0003, ///Compressor Parameter. Unit: (0) Off, (1) On Range [0 .. 1] Default: 1 - AL_COMPRESSOR_ONOFF = 0x0001, + CompressorOnoff = 0x0001, ///Reverb Parameter. Unit: (0) False, (1) True Range [AL_FALSE .. AL_TRUE] Default: AL_TRUE - AL_REVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT = 0x000D, + ReverbDecayHFLimit = 0x000D, ///EAXReverb effect parameters. Unit: (0) False, (1) True Range [AL_FALSE .. AL_TRUE] Default: AL_TRUE - AL_EAXREVERB_DECAY_HFLIMIT = 0x0017, + EaxReverbDecayHFLimit = 0x0017, AL_EFFECT_FIRST_PARAMETER = 0x0000,// deprecated? AL_EFFECT_LAST_PARAMETER = 0x8000, // deprecated? @@ -285,21 +284,21 @@ namespace OpenTK.OpenAL.Enums ///Effect type definitions to be used with AL_EFFECT_TYPE. public enum EfxEffectType : int { - AL_EFFECT_NULL = 0x0000, /* Can also be used as an Effect Object ID */ - AL_EFFECT_REVERB = 0x0001, - AL_EFFECT_CHORUS = 0x0002, - AL_EFFECT_DISTORTION = 0x0003, - AL_EFFECT_ECHO = 0x0004, - AL_EFFECT_FLANGER = 0x0005, - AL_EFFECT_FREQUENCY_SHIFTER = 0x0006, - AL_EFFECT_VOCAL_MORPHER = 0x0007, - AL_EFFECT_PITCH_SHIFTER = 0x0008, - AL_EFFECT_RING_MODULATOR = 0x0009, - AL_EFFECT_AUTOWAH = 0x000A, - AL_EFFECT_COMPRESSOR = 0x000B, - AL_EFFECT_EQUALIZER = 0x000C, + EffectNull = 0x0000, /* Can also be used as an Effect Object ID */ + EffectReverb = 0x0001, + EffectChorus = 0x0002, + EffectDistortion = 0x0003, + EffectEcho = 0x0004, + EffectFlanger = 0x0005, + EffectFrequencyShifter = 0x0006, + EffectVocalMorpher = 0x0007, + EffectPitchShifter = 0x0008, + EffectRingModulator = 0x0009, + EffectAutowah = 0x000A, + EffectCompressor = 0x000B, + EffectEqualizer = 0x000C, - AL_EFFECT_EAXREVERB = 0x8000, + EffectEaxReverb = 0x8000, // works on native HW only } #endregion Effect @@ -333,21 +332,21 @@ namespace OpenTK.OpenAL.Enums public enum EfxFilterf : int { ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_LOWPASS_GAIN = 0x0001, + LowpassGain = 0x0001, ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_LOWPASS_GAINHF = 0x0002, + LowpassGainHF = 0x0002, ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_HIGHPASS_GAIN = 0x0001, + HighpassGain = 0x0001, ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_HIGHPASS_GAINLF = 0x0002, + HighpassGainLF = 0x0002, ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_BANDPASS_GAIN = 0x0001, + BandpassGain = 0x0001, ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_BANDPASS_GAINLF = 0x0002, + BandpassGainLF = 0x0002, ///Range [0.0f .. 1.0f] Default: 1.0f - AL_BANDPASS_GAINHF = 0x0003, + BandpassGainHF = 0x0003, } // Filter type @@ -356,17 +355,17 @@ namespace OpenTK.OpenAL.Enums AL_FILTER_FIRST_PARAMETER = 0x0000, // deprecated? AL_FILTER_LAST_PARAMETER = 0x8000, // deprecated? - /// Used with the enum EfxFilterType as Parameter. - AL_FILTER_TYPE = 0x8001, + /// Used with the enum EfxFilterType as Parameter to select a filter logic. + FilterType = 0x8001, } ///Filter type definitions to be used with AL_FILTER_TYPE. public enum EfxFilterType : int { - AL_FILTER_NULL = 0x0000, // Can also be used as a Filter Object ID - AL_FILTER_LOWPASS = 0x0001, - AL_FILTER_HIGHPASS = 0x0002, - AL_FILTER_BANDPASS = 0x0003, + FilterNull = 0x0000, // Can also be used as a Filter Object ID + FilterLowpass = 0x0001, + FilterHighpass = 0x0002, + FilterBandpass = 0x0003, } #endregion Filter Object