#region License // // XInputJoystick.cs // // Author: // Stefanos A. // // Copyright (c) 2006-2013 Stefanos Apostolopoulos // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using OpenTK.Input; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Diagnostics; namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows { class XInputJoystick : IJoystickDriver2, IDisposable { // All XInput devices use the same Guid // (only one GamePadConfiguration entry required) static readonly Guid guid = new Guid("78696e70757400000000000000000000"); // equiv. to "xinput" XInput xinput = new XInput(); #region IJoystickDriver2 Members public JoystickState GetState(int index) { XInputState xstate; XInputErrorCode error = xinput.GetState((XInputUserIndex)index, out xstate); JoystickState state = new JoystickState(); if (error == XInputErrorCode.Success) { state.SetIsConnected(true); state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0, xstate.GamePad.ThumbLX); state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis1, xstate.GamePad.ThumbLY); state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis2, xstate.GamePad.ThumbRX); state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis3, xstate.GamePad.ThumbRY); state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis4, xstate.GamePad.LeftTrigger); state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis5, xstate.GamePad.RightTrigger); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.DPadUp) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button1, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.DPadDown) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button2, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.DPadLeft) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button3, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.DPadRight) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button4, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.Start) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button5, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.Back) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button6, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.LeftThumb) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button7, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.RightThumb) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button8, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.LeftShoulder) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button9, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.RightShoulder) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button10, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.A) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button11, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.B) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button12, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.X) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button13, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.Y) != 0); state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button14, (xstate.GamePad.Buttons & XInputButtons.Guide) != 0); } return state; } public JoystickCapabilities GetCapabilities(int index) { XInputDeviceCapabilities xcaps; XInputErrorCode error = xinput.GetCapabilities( (XInputUserIndex)index, XInputCapabilitiesFlags.Default, out xcaps); if (error == XInputErrorCode.Success) { //GamePadType type = TranslateSubType(xcaps.SubType); int buttons = TranslateButtons(xcaps.GamePad.Buttons); int axes = TranslateAxes(ref xcaps.GamePad); return new JoystickCapabilities(axes, buttons, 0, true); } return new JoystickCapabilities(); } public string GetName(int index) { return String.Empty; } public Guid GetGuid(int index) { return guid; } public bool SetVibration(int index, float left, float right) { left = MathHelper.Clamp(left, 0.0f, 1.0f); right = MathHelper.Clamp(right, 0.0f, 1.0f); XInputVibration vibration = new XInputVibration( (ushort)(left * UInt16.MaxValue), (ushort)(right * UInt16.MaxValue)); return xinput.SetState((XInputUserIndex)index, ref vibration) == XInputErrorCode.Success; } #endregion #region Private Members int TranslateAxes(ref XInputGamePad pad) { int count = 0; count += pad.ThumbLX != 0 ? 1 : 0; count += pad.ThumbLY != 0 ? 1 : 0; count += pad.ThumbRX != 0 ? 1 : 0; count += pad.ThumbRY != 0 ? 1 : 0; count += pad.LeftTrigger != 0 ? 1 : 0; count += pad.RightTrigger != 0 ? 1 : 0; return count; } int NumberOfSetBits(int i) { i = i - ((i >> 1) & 0x55555555); i = (i & 0x33333333) + ((i >> 2) & 0x33333333); return (((i + (i >> 4)) & 0x0F0F0F0F) * 0x01010101) >> 24; } int TranslateButtons(XInputButtons xbuttons) { return NumberOfSetBits((int)xbuttons); } #if false // Todo: Implement JoystickType enumeration GamePadType TranslateSubType(XInputDeviceSubType xtype) { switch (xtype) { case XInputDeviceSubType.ArcadePad: return GamePadType.ArcadePad; case XInputDeviceSubType.ArcadeStick: return GamePadType.ArcadeStick; case XInputDeviceSubType.DancePad: return GamePadType.DancePad; case XInputDeviceSubType.DrumKit: return GamePadType.DrumKit; case XInputDeviceSubType.FlightStick: return GamePadType.FlightStick; case XInputDeviceSubType.GamePad: return GamePadType.GamePad; case XInputDeviceSubType.Guitar: return GamePadType.Guitar; case XInputDeviceSubType.GuitarAlternate: return GamePadType.AlternateGuitar; case XInputDeviceSubType.GuitarBass: return GamePadType.BassGuitar; case XInputDeviceSubType.Wheel: return GamePadType.Wheel; case XInputDeviceSubType.Unknown: default: return GamePadType.Unknown; } } #endif enum XInputErrorCode { Success = 0, DeviceNotConnected } enum XInputDeviceType : byte { GamePad } enum XInputDeviceSubType : byte { Unknown = 0, GamePad = 1, Wheel = 2, ArcadeStick = 3, FlightStick = 4, DancePad = 5, Guitar = 6, GuitarAlternate = 7, DrumKit = 8, GuitarBass = 0xb, ArcadePad = 0x13 } enum XInputCapabilities { ForceFeedback = 0x0001, Wireless = 0x0002, Voice = 0x0004, PluginModules = 0x0008, NoNavigation = 0x0010, } enum XInputButtons : ushort { DPadUp = 0x0001, DPadDown = 0x0002, DPadLeft = 0x0004, DPadRight = 0x0008, Start = 0x0010, Back = 0x0020, LeftThumb = 0x0040, RightThumb = 0x0080, LeftShoulder = 0x0100, RightShoulder = 0x0200, Guide = 0x0400, // Undocumented, requires XInputGetStateEx + XINPUT_1_3.dll or higher A = 0x1000, B = 0x2000, X = 0x4000, Y = 0x8000 } [Flags] enum XInputCapabilitiesFlags { Default = 0, GamePadOnly = 1 } enum XInputBatteryType : byte { Disconnected = 0x00, Wired = 0x01, Alkaline = 0x02, NiMH = 0x03, Unknown = 0xff } enum XInputBatteryLevel : byte { Empty = 0x00, Low = 0x01, Medium = 0x02, Full = 0x03 } enum XInputUserIndex { First = 0, Second, Third, Fourth, Any = 0xff } #pragma warning disable 0649 // field is never assigned struct XInputThresholds { public const int LeftThumbDeadzone = 7849; public const int RightThumbDeadzone = 8689; public const int TriggerThreshold = 30; } struct XInputGamePad { public XInputButtons Buttons; public byte LeftTrigger; public byte RightTrigger; public short ThumbLX; public short ThumbLY; public short ThumbRX; public short ThumbRY; } struct XInputState { public int PacketNumber; public XInputGamePad GamePad; } struct XInputVibration { public ushort LeftMotorSpeed; public ushort RightMotorSpeed; public XInputVibration(ushort left, ushort right) { LeftMotorSpeed = left; RightMotorSpeed = right; } } struct XInputDeviceCapabilities { public XInputDeviceType Type; public XInputDeviceSubType SubType; public short Flags; public XInputGamePad GamePad; public XInputVibration Vibration; } struct XInputBatteryInformation { public XInputBatteryType Type; public XInputBatteryLevel Level; } class XInput : IDisposable { IntPtr dll; internal XInput() { // Try to load the newest XInput***.dll installed on the system // The delegates below will be loaded dynamically from that dll dll = Functions.LoadLibrary("XINPUT1_4"); if (dll == IntPtr.Zero) dll = Functions.LoadLibrary("XINPUT1_3"); if (dll == IntPtr.Zero) dll = Functions.LoadLibrary("XINPUT1_2"); if (dll == IntPtr.Zero) dll = Functions.LoadLibrary("XINPUT1_1"); if (dll == IntPtr.Zero) dll = Functions.LoadLibrary("XINPUT9_1_0"); if (dll == IntPtr.Zero) throw new NotSupportedException("XInput was not found on this platform"); // Load the entry points we are interested in from that dll GetCapabilities = (XInputGetCapabilities)Load("XInputGetCapabilities", typeof(XInputGetCapabilities)); GetState = // undocumented XInputGetStateEx with support for the "Guide" button (requires XINPUT_1_3+) (XInputGetState)Load("XInputGetStateEx", typeof(XInputGetState)) ?? // documented XInputGetState (no support for the "Guide" button) (XInputGetState)Load("XInputGetState", typeof(XInputGetState)); SetState = (XInputSetState)Load("XInputSetState", typeof(XInputSetState)); } #region Private Members Delegate Load(string name, Type type) { IntPtr pfunc = Functions.GetProcAddress(dll, name); if (pfunc != IntPtr.Zero) return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(pfunc, type); return null; } #endregion #region Internal Members internal XInputGetCapabilities GetCapabilities; internal XInputGetState GetState; internal XInputSetState SetState; [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] internal delegate XInputErrorCode XInputGetCapabilities( XInputUserIndex dwUserIndex, XInputCapabilitiesFlags dwFlags, out XInputDeviceCapabilities pCapabilities); [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] internal delegate XInputErrorCode XInputGetState ( XInputUserIndex dwUserIndex, out XInputState pState ); [SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity] internal delegate XInputErrorCode XInputSetState ( XInputUserIndex dwUserIndex, ref XInputVibration pVibration ); #endregion #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } void Dispose(bool manual) { if (manual) { if (dll != IntPtr.Zero) { Functions.FreeLibrary(dll); dll = IntPtr.Zero; } } } #endregion } #endregion #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } void Dispose(bool manual) { if (manual) { xinput.Dispose(); } else { Debug.Print("{0} leaked, did you forget to call Dispose()?", typeof(XInputJoystick).Name); } } #if DEBUG ~XInputJoystick() { Dispose(false); } #endif #endregion } }