using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Xml.XPath; using Bind.GL2; using Bind.Structures; using Delegate=Bind.Structures.Delegate; using Enum=Bind.Structures.Enum; namespace Bind.ES { class ESGenerator : Generator { public ESGenerator(string nsName, string dirName) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(nsName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("nsName"); if (dirName == null) dirName = nsName; glTypemap = "GL2/"; csTypemap = ""; enumSpec = dirName + "/signatures.xml"; enumSpecExt = String.Empty; glSpec = dirName + "/signatures.xml"; glSpecExt = String.Empty; functionOverridesFile = dirName + "/overrides.xml"; importsFile = "Core.cs"; delegatesFile = "Delegates.cs"; enumsFile = "Enums.cs"; wrappersFile = "ES.cs"; Settings.ImportsClass = "Core"; Settings.DelegatesClass = "Delegates"; Settings.OutputClass = "GL"; Settings.OutputNamespace = "OpenTK.Graphics." + nsName; Settings.OutputPath = Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, dirName); } public override DelegateCollection ReadDelegates(StreamReader specFile) { DelegateCollection delegates = new DelegateCollection(); XPathDocument specs = new XPathDocument(specFile); XPathDocument overrides = new XPathDocument(new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Settings.InputPath, functionOverridesFile))); foreach (XPathNavigator nav in new XPathNavigator[] { specs.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/signatures"), overrides.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/overrides/add") }) { if (nav != null) { foreach (XPathNavigator node in nav.SelectChildren("function", String.Empty)) { var name = node.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty); // Check whether we are adding to an existing delegate or creating a new one. Delegate d = null; if (delegates.ContainsKey(name)) { d = delegates[name]; } else { d = new Delegate(); d.Name = name; d.Version = node.GetAttribute("version", String.Empty); d.Category = node.GetAttribute("category", String.Empty); } foreach (XPathNavigator param in node.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.Element)) { switch (param.Name) { case "returns": d.ReturnType.CurrentType = param.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty); break; case "param": Parameter p = new Parameter(); p.CurrentType = param.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty); p.Name = param.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty); string element_count = param.GetAttribute("elementcount", String.Empty); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(element_count)) element_count = param.GetAttribute("count", String.Empty); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(element_count)) p.ElementCount = Int32.Parse(element_count); p.Flow = Parameter.GetFlowDirection(param.GetAttribute("flow", String.Empty)); d.Parameters.Add(p); break; } } //d.Translate(overrides); delegates.Add(d); } } } return delegates; } public override Dictionary ReadTypeMap(StreamReader specFile) { return base.ReadTypeMap(specFile); } public override Dictionary ReadCSTypeMap(StreamReader specFile) { return base.ReadCSTypeMap(specFile); } public override EnumCollection ReadEnums(StreamReader specFile) { // First, read all enum definitions from spec and override file. // Afterwards, read all token/enum overrides from overrides file. // Every single enum is merged into EnumCollection enums = new EnumCollection(); Enum all = new Enum() { Name = Settings.CompleteEnumName }; XPathDocument specs = new XPathDocument(specFile); XPathDocument overrides = new XPathDocument(new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Settings.InputPath, functionOverridesFile))); foreach (XPathNavigator nav in new XPathNavigator[] { specs.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/signatures"), overrides.CreateNavigator().SelectSingleNode("/overrides/add") }) { if (nav != null) { foreach (XPathNavigator node in nav.SelectChildren("enum", String.Empty)) { Enum e = new Enum() { Name = node.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty), Type = node.GetAttribute("type", String.Empty) }; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Name)) throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Empty name for enum element {0}", node.ToString())); foreach (XPathNavigator param in node.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.Element)) { Constant c = null; switch (param.Name) { case "token": c = new Constant { Name = param.GetAttribute("name", String.Empty), Value = param.GetAttribute("value", String.Empty) }; break; case "use": c = new Constant { Name = param.GetAttribute("token", String.Empty), Reference = param.GetAttribute("enum", String.Empty), Value = param.GetAttribute("token", String.Empty), }; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(); } Utilities.Merge(all, c); try { if (!e.ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Name)) { e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); } else if (e.ConstantCollection[c.Name].Value != c.Value) { Console.WriteLine("[Warning] Conflicting token {0}.{1} with value {2} != {3}", e.Name, c.Name, e.ConstantCollection[c.Name].Value, c.Value); } } catch (ArgumentException ex) { Console.WriteLine("[Warning] Failed to add constant {0} to enum {1}: {2}", c.Name, e.Name, ex.Message); } } Utilities.Merge(enums, e); } } } Utilities.Merge(enums, all); return enums; } } }