#region License // // The Open Toolkit Library License // // Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do // so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #endregion using System; namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10 { #pragma warning disable 1591 public enum AlphaFunction { Never = ((int)0X0200), Less = ((int)0X0201), Equal = ((int)0X0202), Lequal = ((int)0X0203), Greater = ((int)0X0204), Notequal = ((int)0X0205), Gequal = ((int)0X0206), Always = ((int)0X0207), } public enum BeginMode { Points = ((int)0X0000), Lines = ((int)0X0001), Lineloop = ((int)0X0002), Linestrip = ((int)0X0003), Triangles = ((int)0X0004), Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005), Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006), } public enum BlendingFactorDest { Zero = ((int)0), Srccolor = ((int)0X0300), Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301), Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302), Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303), Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304), Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305), One = ((int)1), } public enum BlendingFactorSrc { Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306), Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307), Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308), } public enum Boolean { False = ((int)0), True = ((int)1), } [Flags] public enum ClearBufferMask { Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100), Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400), Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000), } public enum CullFaceMode { Front = ((int)0X0404), Back = ((int)0X0405), Frontandback = ((int)0X0408), } public enum DataType { Byte = ((int)0X1400), Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401), Short = ((int)0X1402), Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403), Float = ((int)0X1406), Fixed = ((int)0X140c), } public enum EnableCap { Pointsmooth = ((int)0X0b10), Linesmooth = ((int)0X0b20), Cullface = ((int)0X0b44), Lighting = ((int)0X0b50), Colormaterial = ((int)0X0b57), Fog = ((int)0X0b60), Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71), Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90), Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1), Alphatest = ((int)0X0bc0), Dither = ((int)0X0bd0), Blend = ((int)0X0be2), Colorlogicop = ((int)0X0bf2), Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11), Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1), Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037), Rescalenormal = ((int)0X803a), Vertexarray = ((int)0X8074), Normalarray = ((int)0X8075), Colorarray = ((int)0X8076), Texturecoordarray = ((int)0X8078), Multisample = ((int)0X809d), Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e), Samplealphatoone = ((int)0X809f), Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0), } public enum ErrorCode { Noerror = ((int)0), Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500), Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501), Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502), Stackoverflow = ((int)0X0503), Stackunderflow = ((int)0X0504), Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505), } public enum Extensions { Oescompressedpalettedtexture = ((int)1), Oesreadformat = ((int)1), Oesversion10 = ((int)1), } public enum FogMode { Exp = ((int)0X0800), Exp2 = ((int)0X0801), } public enum FogParameter { Fogdensity = ((int)0X0b62), Fogstart = ((int)0X0b63), Fogend = ((int)0X0b64), Fogmode = ((int)0X0b65), Fogcolor = ((int)0X0b66), } public enum FrontFaceDirection { Cw = ((int)0X0900), Ccw = ((int)0X0901), } public enum GetPName { Smoothpointsizerange = ((int)0X0b12), Smoothlinewidthrange = ((int)0X0b22), Maxlights = ((int)0X0d31), Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33), Maxmodelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0d36), Maxprojectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0d38), Maxtexturestackdepth = ((int)0X0d39), Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a), Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50), Redbits = ((int)0X0d52), Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53), Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54), Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55), Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56), Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57), Maxelementsvertices = ((int)0X80e8), Maxelementsindices = ((int)0X80e9), Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d), Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e), Maxtextureunits = ((int)0X84e2), Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2), Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3), Implementationcolorreadtypeoes = ((int)0X8b9a), Implementationcolorreadformatoes = ((int)0X8b9b), } public enum HintMode { Dontcare = ((int)0X1100), Fastest = ((int)0X1101), Nicest = ((int)0X1102), } public enum HintTarget { Perspectivecorrectionhint = ((int)0X0c50), Pointsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c51), Linesmoothhint = ((int)0X0c52), Polygonsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c53), Foghint = ((int)0X0c54), } public enum LightModelParameter { Lightmodeltwoside = ((int)0X0b52), Lightmodelambient = ((int)0X0b53), } public enum LightName { Light0 = ((int)0X4000), Light1 = ((int)0X4001), Light2 = ((int)0X4002), Light3 = ((int)0X4003), Light4 = ((int)0X4004), Light5 = ((int)0X4005), Light6 = ((int)0X4006), Light7 = ((int)0X4007), } public enum LightParameter { Ambient = ((int)0X1200), Diffuse = ((int)0X1201), Specular = ((int)0X1202), Position = ((int)0X1203), Spotdirection = ((int)0X1204), Spotexponent = ((int)0X1205), Spotcutoff = ((int)0X1206), Constantattenuation = ((int)0X1207), Linearattenuation = ((int)0X1208), Quadraticattenuation = ((int)0X1209), } public enum LogicOp { Clear = ((int)0X1500), And = ((int)0X1501), Andreverse = ((int)0X1502), Copy = ((int)0X1503), Andinverted = ((int)0X1504), Noop = ((int)0X1505), Xor = ((int)0X1506), Or = ((int)0X1507), Nor = ((int)0X1508), Equiv = ((int)0X1509), Invert = ((int)0X150a), Orreverse = ((int)0X150b), Copyinverted = ((int)0X150c), Orinverted = ((int)0X150d), Nand = ((int)0X150e), Set = ((int)0X150f), } public enum MaterialParameter { Emission = ((int)0X1600), Shininess = ((int)0X1601), Ambientanddiffuse = ((int)0X1602), } public enum MatrixMode { Modelview = ((int)0X1700), Projection = ((int)0X1701), Texture = ((int)0X1702), } public enum PixelFormat { Alpha = ((int)0X1906), Rgb = ((int)0X1907), Rgba = ((int)0X1908), Luminance = ((int)0X1909), Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a), } public enum PixelInternalFormat { Palette4rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b90), Palette4rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b91), Palette4r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b92), Palette4rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b93), Palette4rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b94), Palette8rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b95), Palette8rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b96), Palette8r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b97), Palette8rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b98), Palette8rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b99), } public enum PixelStoreParameter { Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5), Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05), } public enum PixelType { Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033), Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034), Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363), } public enum ShadingModel { Flat = ((int)0X1d00), Smooth = ((int)0X1d01), } public enum StencilOp { Keep = ((int)0X1e00), Replace = ((int)0X1e01), Incr = ((int)0X1e02), Decr = ((int)0X1e03), } public enum StringName { Vendor = ((int)0X1f00), Renderer = ((int)0X1f01), Version = ((int)0X1f02), Extensions = ((int)0X1f03), } public enum TextureEnvMode { Add = ((int)0X0104), Modulate = ((int)0X2100), Decal = ((int)0X2101), } public enum TextureEnvParameter { Textureenvmode = ((int)0X2200), Textureenvcolor = ((int)0X2201), } public enum TextureEnvTarget { Textureenv = ((int)0X2300), } public enum TextureMagFilter { Nearest = ((int)0X2600), Linear = ((int)0X2601), } public enum TextureMinFilter { Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700), Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701), Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702), Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703), } public enum TextureParameterName { Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800), Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801), Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802), Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803), } public enum TextureUnit { Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0), Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1), Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2), Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3), Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4), Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5), Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6), Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7), Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8), Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9), Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca), Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb), Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc), Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd), Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce), Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf), Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0), Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1), Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2), Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3), Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4), Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5), Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6), Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7), Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8), Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9), Texture26 = ((int)0X84da), Texture27 = ((int)0X84db), Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc), Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd), Texture30 = ((int)0X84de), Texture31 = ((int)0X84df), } public enum TextureWrapMode { Repeat = ((int)0X2901), Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f), } }