#region --- License ---
/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 the OpenTK team
* See license.txt for license info
* Implemented by Andy Gill
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Math
/// Represents a Quaternion
public struct Quaternion
#region Fields
/// The vector part of the quaternion
public Vector3 XYZ;
/// The w component of the quaternion
public float W;
public static Quaternion Identity = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1);
#region Constructors
/// Construct a new Quaternion from vector and w components
/// The vector part
/// The w part
public Quaternion(Vector3 v, float w)
XYZ = v;
W = w;
/// Construct a new Quaternion
/// The x component
/// The y component
/// The z component
/// The w component
public Quaternion(float x, float y, float z, float w)
XYZ = new Vector3(x, y, z);
W = w;
#region Functions
#region pubilc void ToAxisAngle(out Vector3 axis, out float angle)
/// Convert the current quaternion to axis angle representation
/// The resultant axis
/// The resultant angle
public void ToAxisAngle(out Vector3 axis, out float angle)
Quaternion q = this;
if (q.W > 1.0f)
angle = 2.0f * (float)System.Math.Acos(q.W);
float den = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(1.0 - q.W * q.W);
axis = q.XYZ;
if (den > 0.0001f)
axis = q.XYZ / den;
#region public float Length
/// Gets the length (magnitude) of the quaternion.
public float Length
return (float)System.Math.Sqrt(W * W + XYZ.LengthSquared);
#region public float LengthSquared
/// Gets the square of the quaternion length (magnitude).
public float LengthSquared
return W * W + XYZ.LengthSquared;
#region public void Normalize()
/// Scales the Quaternion to unit length.
public void Normalize()
float scale = 1.0f / this.Length;
XYZ *= scale;
W *= scale;
#region public void Conjugate()
/// Convert this quaternion to its conjugate
public void Conjugate()
#region Operator overloads
public static Quaternion operator +(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
left.XYZ += right.XYZ;
left.W += right.W;
return left;
public static Quaternion operator -(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
left.XYZ -= right.XYZ;
left.W -= right.W;
return left;
public static Quaternion operator *(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
float w = left.W * right.W - Vector3.Dot(left.XYZ, right.XYZ);
left.XYZ = right.W * left.XYZ + left.W * right.XYZ + Vector3.Cross(left.XYZ, right.XYZ);
left.W = w;
return left;
unsafe public static explicit operator float*(Quaternion q)
return &q.XYZ.X;
public static explicit operator IntPtr(Quaternion q)
return (IntPtr)(&q.XYZ.X);
#region Static functions
#region Add
/// Add two quaternions
/// The first operand
/// The second operand
/// The result of the addition
public static Quaternion Add(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
left.XYZ += right.XYZ;
left.W += right.W;
return left;
/// Add two quaternions
/// The first operand
/// The second operand
/// The result of the addition
public static void Add(ref Quaternion left, ref Quaternion right, out Quaternion result)
result.XYZ = left.XYZ + right.XYZ;
result.W = left.W + right.W;
#region Sub
public static Quaternion Sub(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
left.XYZ -= right.XYZ;
left.W -= right.W;
return left;
public static void Sub(ref Quaternion left, ref Quaternion right, out Quaternion result)
result.XYZ = left.XYZ - right.XYZ;
result.W = left.W - right.W;
#region Mult
public static Quaternion Mult(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
float w = left.W * right.W - Vector3.Dot(left.XYZ, right.XYZ);
left.XYZ = right.W * left.XYZ + left.W * right.XYZ + Vector3.Cross(left.XYZ, right.XYZ);
left.W = w;
return left;
public static void Mult(ref Quaternion left, ref Quaternion right, out Quaternion result)
result.W = left.W * right.W - Vector3.Dot(left.XYZ, right.XYZ);
result.XYZ = right.W * left.XYZ + left.W * right.XYZ + Vector3.Cross(left.XYZ, right.XYZ);
#region Conjugate
/// Get the conjugate of the given quaternion
/// The quaternion
/// The conjugate of the given quaternion
public static Quaternion Conjugate(Quaternion q)
q.XYZ = -q.XYZ;
return q;
/// Get the conjugate of the given quaternion
/// The quaternion
/// The conjugate of the given quaternion
public static void Conjugate(ref Quaternion q, out Quaternion result)
result.XYZ = -q.XYZ;
result.W = q.W;
#region Invert
/// Get the inverse of the given quaternion
/// The quaternion to invert
/// The inverse of the given quaternion
public static Quaternion Invert(Quaternion q)
float lengthSq = q.LengthSquared;
if (lengthSq != 0.0)
float i = 1.0f / lengthSq;
q.XYZ *= -i;
q.W *= i;
return q;
/// Get the inverse of the given quaternion
/// The quaternion to invert
/// The inverse of the given quaternion
public static void Invert(ref Quaternion q, out Quaternion result)
float lengthSq = q.LengthSquared;
if (lengthSq != 0.0)
float i = 1.0f / lengthSq;
result.XYZ = q.XYZ * -i;
result.W = q.W * i;
result = q;
#region Normalize
/// Scale the given quaternion to unit length
/// The quaternion to normalize
/// The normalized quaternion
public static Quaternion Normalize(Quaternion q)
float scale = 1.0f / q.Length;
q.XYZ *= scale;
q.W *= scale;
return q;
/// Scale the given quaternion to unit length
/// The quaternion to normalize
/// The normalized quaternion
public static void Normalize(ref Quaternion q, out Quaternion result)
float scale = 1.0f / q.Length;
result.XYZ = q.XYZ * scale;
result.W = q.W * scale;
#region FromAxisAngle
/// Build a quaternion from the given axis and angle
/// The axis to rotate about
/// The rotation angle in radians
public static Quaternion FromAxisAngle(Vector3 axis, float angle)
if (axis.LengthSquared == 0.0f)
return Identity;
Quaternion result = Identity;
angle *= 0.5f;
result.XYZ = axis * (float)System.Math.Sin(angle);
result.W = (float)System.Math.Cos(angle);
return Normalize(result);
#region Slerp
/// Do Spherical linear interpolation between two quaternions
/// The first quaternion
/// The second quaternion
/// The blend factor
/// A smooth blend between the given quaternions
public static Quaternion Slerp(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2, float blend)
// if either input is zero, return the other.
if (q1.LengthSquared == 0.0f)
if (q2.LengthSquared == 0.0f)
return Identity;
return q2;
else if (q2.LengthSquared == 0.0f)
return q1;
float cosHalfAngle = q1.W * q2.W + Vector3.Dot(q1.XYZ, q2.XYZ);
if (cosHalfAngle >= 1.0f || cosHalfAngle <= -1.0f)
// angle = 0.0f, so just return one input.
return q1;
else if (cosHalfAngle < 0.0f)
q2.XYZ = -q2.XYZ;
q2.W = -q2.W;
cosHalfAngle = -cosHalfAngle;
float blendA;
float blendB;
if (cosHalfAngle < 0.99f)
// do proper slerp for big angles
float halfAngle = (float)System.Math.Acos(cosHalfAngle);
float sinHalfAngle = (float)System.Math.Sin(halfAngle);
float oneOverSinHalfAngle = 1.0f / sinHalfAngle;
blendA = (float)System.Math.Sin(halfAngle * (1.0f - blend)) * oneOverSinHalfAngle;
blendB = (float)System.Math.Sin(halfAngle * blend) * oneOverSinHalfAngle;
// do lerp if angle is really small.
blendA = 1.0f - blend;
blendB = blend;
Quaternion result = new Quaternion(blendA * q1.XYZ + blendB * q2.XYZ, blendA * q1.W + blendB * q2.W);
if (result.LengthSquared > 0.0f)
return Normalize(result);
return Identity;
#region public override string ToString()
/// Returns a System.String that represents the current Quaternion.
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("V: {0}, W: {1}", XYZ, W);