using System; using System.Diagnostics; using OpenTK; namespace Examples.Shapes { public sealed partial class SierpinskiTetrahedron: DrawableShape { public enum eSubdivisions { /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 4 triangles. Zero = 0, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 16 triangles. One = 1, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 64 triangles. Two = 2, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 256 triangles. Three = 3, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 1024 triangles. Four = 4, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 4096 triangles. Five = 5, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 16384 triangles. Six = 6, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 65536 triangles. Seven = 7, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 262144 triangles. Eight = 8, /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron using 1048576 triangles. Nine = 9, } /// Creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron which is centered at (0,0,0) and fits into a sphere of radius 1f, or a diameter of 2f /// Default: 1f. /// The number of subdivisions of the Tetrahedron. /// public SierpinskiTetrahedron( double scale, eSubdivisions subdivs, bool useDL ) : base( useDL ) { TetrahedronFace[] Triangles; switch ( subdivs ) { case eSubdivisions.Zero: CreateDefaultTetrahedron( scale, out Triangles ); break; case eSubdivisions.One: case eSubdivisions.Two: case eSubdivisions.Three: case eSubdivisions.Four: case eSubdivisions.Five: case eSubdivisions.Six: case eSubdivisions.Seven: case eSubdivisions.Eight: case eSubdivisions.Nine: CreateDefaultTetrahedron( scale, out Triangles ); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)subdivs; i++ ) { TetrahedronFace[] temp; SubdivideTetrahedron( ref Triangles, out temp ); Triangles = temp; } break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "Subdivisions other than contained in the enum cause overflows and are not allowed." ); } PrimitiveMode = OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.BeginMode.Triangles; SierpinskiTetrahedron.GetVertexArray( ref Triangles, out VertexArray ); IndexArray = null; } internal static void GetVertexArray( ref TetrahedronFace[] input, out VertexT2dN3dV3d[] output ) { output = new VertexT2dN3dV3d[input.Length * 3]; int counter = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++ ) { input[i].GetVertices( out output[counter + 0], out output[counter + 1], out output[counter + 2] ); counter += 3; } } /// Generates the lowest subdivision mesh, which consists of 4 Triangles. internal static void CreateDefaultTetrahedron( double scale, out TetrahedronFace[] array ) { Vector3d[] Points = new Vector3d[4]; Points[0] = new Vector3d( 0.0 * scale, 0.0 * scale, 1.0 * scale ); Points[1] = new Vector3d( -0.816 * scale, 0.471 * scale, -0.333 * scale ); Points[2] = new Vector3d( 0.816 * scale, 0.471 * scale, -0.333 * scale ); Points[3] = new Vector3d( 0.0 * scale, -0.943 * scale, -0.333 * scale ); Vector2d[] TexCoords = new Vector2d[4]; TexCoords[0] = new Vector2d( 0.0, 0.0 ); TexCoords[1] = new Vector2d( 1.0, 0.0 ); TexCoords[2] = new Vector2d( 0.0, 1.0 ); TexCoords[3] = new Vector2d( 1.0, 1.0 ); Vector3d Normal; array = new TetrahedronFace[4]; FindNormal( ref Points[0], ref Points[2], ref Points[1], ref Points[3], out Normal ); array[0] = new TetrahedronFace( ref Points[0], ref TexCoords[2], ref Points[2], ref TexCoords[0], ref Points[1], ref TexCoords[1], ref Points[3], ref Normal ); FindNormal( ref Points[0], ref Points[3], ref Points[2], ref Points[1], out Normal ); array[1] = new TetrahedronFace( ref Points[0], ref TexCoords[0], ref Points[3], ref TexCoords[1], ref Points[2], ref TexCoords[2], ref Points[1], ref Normal ); FindNormal( ref Points[0], ref Points[1], ref Points[3], ref Points[2], out Normal ); array[2] = new TetrahedronFace( ref Points[0], ref TexCoords[2], ref Points[1], ref TexCoords[1], ref Points[3], ref TexCoords[3], ref Points[2], ref Normal ); FindNormal( ref Points[1], ref Points[2], ref Points[3], ref Points[0], out Normal ); array[3] = new TetrahedronFace( ref Points[1], ref TexCoords[3], ref Points[2], ref TexCoords[2], ref Points[3], ref TexCoords[1], ref Points[0], ref Normal ); } /// Subdivides each triangle into 4 new ones. private void SubdivideTetrahedron( ref TetrahedronFace[] source, out TetrahedronFace[] output ) { output = new TetrahedronFace[source.Length * 4]; int counter = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < source.Length; i++ ) { source[i].SubdivideSierpinski( out output[counter + 0], out output[counter + 1], out output[counter + 2], out output[counter + 3] ); counter += 4; // every source triangle emits 4 new triangles } } /// A, B and C are the triangle whos normal is to be determined. D is the 4th Point in the Tetraeder which does not belong to the triangle. internal static void FindNormal( ref Vector3d A, ref Vector3d B, ref Vector3d C, ref Vector3d D, out Vector3d result ) { Vector3d temp1, temp2, temp3; Vector3d.Sub( ref A, ref D, out temp1 ); Vector3d.Sub( ref B, ref D, out temp2 ); Vector3d.Sub( ref C, ref D, out temp3 ); Vector3d.Add( ref temp1, ref temp2, out result ); result.Add( ref temp3 ); result.Normalize(); } internal static void FindNormal( ref Vector3d A, ref Vector3d B, ref Vector3d C, out Vector3d result ) { Vector3d temp1, temp2; Vector3d.Sub( ref A, ref B, out temp1 ); temp1.Normalize(); Vector3d.Sub( ref C, ref B, out temp2 ); temp2.Normalize(); Vector3d.Cross( ref temp1, ref temp2, out result ); result.Mult( -1.0 ); result.Normalize(); } } }