#region --- License ---
/* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos
* See license.txt for license info
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenTK.Math;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL.Enums;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace OpenTK.Fonts { }
namespace OpenTK.Graphics
/// Provides methods to perform layout and print hardware accelerated text.
public class TextPrinter : ITextPrinter
//static Regex break_point = new Regex("[ .,/*-+?\\!=]", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
//static char[] split_chars = new char[] { ' ', '\n', '\t', ',', '.', '/', '?', '!', ';', '\\', '-', '+', '*', '=' };
static bool functionality_checked = false;
static ITextPrinterImplementation printer;
float[] viewport = new float[6];
// 8 chars by default
Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[8 * 8]; // Interleaved, vertex, texcoord, vertex, etc...
ushort[] indices = new ushort[6 * 8];
#region --- Constructor ---
/// Constructs a new DefaultLayoutProvider object.
public TextPrinter() { }
#region static void CheckNeededFunctionality()
/// Checks the machine's capabilities and selects the fastest method to print text.
static void CheckNeededFunctionality()
printer = (ITextPrinterImplementation)new DisplayListTextPrinter();
GL.SupportsExtension("VERSION_1_5") ?
(ITextPrinterImplementation)new VboTextPrinter() :
GL.SupportsExtension("ARB_vertex_buffer_object") ? null :
GL.SupportsExtension("VERSION_1_1") ? null : null;
if (printer == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("TextPrinter requires at least OpenGL 1.1 support.");
functionality_checked = true;
Debug.Print("Using {0} for font printing.", printer);
#region --- ITextPrinter Members ---
#region public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle)
/// Prepares text for drawing.
/// The string to draw.
/// The font to use for drawing.
/// The handle to the cached text. Use this to draw the text with the Draw() function.
public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle)
this.Prepare(text, font, out handle, 0, false, StringAlignment.Near, false);
#region public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle, float width, bool wordWarp)
/// Prepares text for drawing.
/// The string to draw.
/// The font to use for drawing.
/// The handle to the cached text. Use this to draw the text with the Draw() function.
/// Not implemented.
/// Not implemented.
public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle, float width, bool wordWarp)
this.Prepare(text, font, out handle, width, wordWarp, StringAlignment.Near, false);
#region public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle, float width, bool wordWarp, StringAlignment alignment)
/// Prepares text for drawing.
/// The string to draw.
/// The font to use for drawing.
/// The handle to the cached text. Use this to draw the text with the Draw() function.
/// Not implemented.
/// Not implemented.
/// Not implemented.
public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle, float width, bool wordWarp, StringAlignment alignment)
this.Prepare(text, font, out handle, width, wordWarp, alignment, false);
#region public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle, float width, bool wordWarp, StringAlignment alignment, bool rightToLeft)
/// Prepares text for drawing.
/// The string to draw.
/// The font to use for drawing.
/// The handle to the cached text. Use this to draw the text with the Draw() function.
/// Not implemented.
/// Not implemented.
/// Not implemented.
/// Not implemented.
/// Occurs when OpenGL 1.1 is not supported.
public void Prepare(string text, TextureFont font, out TextHandle handle, float width, bool wordWarp, StringAlignment alignment, bool rightToLeft)
if (!functionality_checked)
int num_indices;
PerformLayout(text, font, width, wordWarp, alignment, rightToLeft, ref vertices, ref indices, out num_indices);
handle = printer.Load(vertices, indices, num_indices);
handle.font = font;
#region void PerformLayout(string text, TextureFont font, float width, bool wordWarp, StringAlignment alignment, bool rightToLeft, ref Vector2[] vertices, ref ushort[] indices, out int num_indices)
// Performs layout on the given string.
void PerformLayout(string text, TextureFont font, float width, bool wordWarp, StringAlignment alignment,
bool rightToLeft, ref Vector2[] vertices, ref ushort[] indices, out int num_indices)
if (text == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Parameter cannot be null.", "text");
if (text.Length > 8192)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("text", text.Length, "Text length must be between 1 and 8192 characters");
if (wordWarp || rightToLeft || alignment != StringAlignment.Near)
throw new NotImplementedException();
while (8 * text.Length > vertices.Length)
vertices = new Vector2[vertices.Length << 1];
while (6 * text.Length > indices.Length)
indices = new ushort[indices.Length << 1];
num_indices = 6 * text.Length;
//Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[8 * text.Length]; // Interleaved, vertex, texcoord, vertex, etc...
//ushort[] indices = new ushort[6 * text.Length];
float x_pos = 0, y_pos = 0;
ushort i = 0, index_count = 0, vertex_count = 0, last_break_point = 0;
Box2 rect = new Box2();
float char_width, char_height, measured_width, measured_height;
int texture;
// Every character comprises of 4 vertices, forming two triangles. We generate an index array which
// indexes vertices in a triangle-strip fashion. To create a single strip for the whole string, we
// need to add a degenerate triangle (0 height) to connect the last vertex of the previous line with
// the first vertex of the next line.
// This algorithm works for left-to-right scripts.
if (alignment == StringAlignment.Near && !rightToLeft || alignment == StringAlignment.Far && rightToLeft)
foreach (char c in text)
if (Char.IsSeparator(c))
last_break_point = index_count;
if (c != '\n' && c != '\r')
font.GlyphData(c, out char_width, out char_height, out rect, out texture);
vertices[vertex_count].X = x_pos; // Vertex
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = y_pos;
vertices[vertex_count].X = rect.Left; // Texcoord
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = rect.Top;
vertices[vertex_count].X = x_pos; // Vertex
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = y_pos + char_height;
vertices[vertex_count].X = rect.Left; // Texcoord
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = rect.Bottom;
vertices[vertex_count].X = x_pos + char_width; // Vertex
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = y_pos + char_height;
vertices[vertex_count].X = rect.Right; // Texcoord
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = rect.Bottom;
vertices[vertex_count].X = x_pos + char_width; // Vertex
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = y_pos;
vertices[vertex_count].X = rect.Right; // Texcoord
vertices[vertex_count++].Y = rect.Top;
indices[index_count++] = (ushort)(vertex_count - 8);
indices[index_count++] = (ushort)(vertex_count - 6);
indices[index_count++] = (ushort)(vertex_count - 4);
indices[index_count++] = (ushort)(vertex_count - 4);
indices[index_count++] = (ushort)(vertex_count - 2);
indices[index_count++] = (ushort)(vertex_count - 8);
font.MeasureString(text.Substring(i, 1), out measured_width, out measured_height, false);
x_pos += measured_width;
else if (c == '\n')
//x_pos = layoutRect.Left;
x_pos = 0;
y_pos += font.Height;
else if (alignment != StringAlignment.Center)
throw new NotImplementedException("This feature is not yet implemented. Sorry for the inconvenience.");
throw new NotImplementedException("This feature is not yet implemented. Sorry for the inconvenience.");
#region public void Draw(TextHandle handle)
/// Draws the cached text referred to by the TextHandle.
/// The TextHandle to the cached text.
public void Draw(TextHandle handle)
GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, handle.font.Texture);
#region public void Draw(string text, TextureFont font)
/// Draws dynamic text without caching. Not implemented yet!
/// The System.String to draw.
/// The OpenTK.Graphics.TextureFont to draw the text in.
public void Draw(string text, TextureFont font)
int num_indices;
PerformLayout(text, font, 0, false, StringAlignment.Near, false, ref vertices, ref indices, out num_indices);
printer.Draw(vertices, indices, num_indices);
#region public void Begin()
/// Sets up OpenGL state for drawing text.
public void Begin()
GL.GetFloat(GetPName.Viewport, viewport);
// Prepare to draw text. We want pixel perfect precision, so we setup a 2D mode,
// with size equal to the window (in pixels).
// While we could also render text in 3D mode, it would be very hard to get
// pixel-perfect precision.
GL.Ortho(viewport[0], viewport[2], viewport[3], viewport[1], -1.0, 1.0);
GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha);
#region public void End()
/// Restores OpenGL state.
public void End()