<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <member name="F:Examples.WinForms.DerivedGLControl.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.DerivedGLControl.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.DerivedGLControl.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="M:Examples.Utilities.ColorToRgba32(System.Drawing.Color)">
            Converts a System.Drawing.Color to a System.Int32.
            <param name="c">The System.Drawing.Color to convert.</param>
            <returns>A System.Int32 containing the R, G, B, A values of the
            given System.Drawing.Color in the Rbga32 format.</returns>
        <member name="F:Examples.Tests.S04_Input_Logger.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tests.S04_Input_Logger.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tests.S04_Input_Logger.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tests.S04_Input_Logger.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="F:Examples.WinForms.W01_First_Window.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W01_First_Window.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W01_First_Window.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W01_First_Window.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.Textures">
            Demonstrates simple OpenGL Texturing.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Textures.OnLoad(System.EventArgs)">
            Setup OpenGL and load resources here.
            <param name="e">Not used.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Textures.OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs)">
            Respond to resize events here.
            <param name="e">Contains information on the new GameWindow size.</param>
            <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Textures.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Add your game logic here.
            <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
            <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Textures.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            Add your game rendering code here.
            <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
            <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Textures.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T08_VBO.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Prepares the next frame for rendering.
            Place your control logic here. This is the place to respond to user input,
            update object positions etc.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T08_VBO.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.T10_GLSL_Cube">
            Demonstrates how to load and use a simple OpenGL shader program. Example is incomplete (documentation).
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T10_GLSL_Cube.OnLoad(System.EventArgs)">
            This is the place to load resources that change little
            during the lifetime of the GameWindow. In this case, we
            check for GLSL support, and load the shaders.
            <param name="e">Not used.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T10_GLSL_Cube.OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs)">
            Called when the user resizes the window.
            <param name="e">Contains the new width/height of the window.</param>
            You want the OpenGL viewport to match the window. This is the place to do it!
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T10_GLSL_Cube.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Prepares the next frame for rendering.
            Place your control logic here. This is the place to respond to user input,
            update object positions etc.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T10_GLSL_Cube.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            Place your rendering code here.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T10_GLSL_Cube.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="F:Examples.ExampleLauncher.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.ExampleLauncher.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.ExampleLauncher.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="M:Examples.ExampleLauncher.Main">
            The main entry point for the application.
        <member name="T:Examples.ExampleLauncher.ExampleInfo">
            Contains the information necessary to display and launch an example thorugh the ExampleLauncer.
        <member name="F:Examples.WinForms.W04_Multiple_GLControls.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W04_Multiple_GLControls.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W04_Multiple_GLControls.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window">
            Demonstrates the GameWindow class.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window.Keyboard_KeyDown(OpenTK.Input.KeyboardDevice,OpenTK.Input.Key)">
            Occurs when a key is pressed.
            <param name="sender">The KeyboardDevice which generated this event.</param>
            <param name="key">The key that was pressed.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window.OnLoad(System.EventArgs)">
            Setup OpenGL and load resources here.
            <param name="e">Not used.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window.OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs)">
            Respond to resize events here.
            <param name="e">Contains information on the new GameWindow size.</param>
            <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Add your game logic here.
            <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
            <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            Add your game rendering code here.
            <param name="e">Contains timing information.</param>
            <remarks>There is no need to call the base implementation.</remarks>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T01_Simple_Window.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W03_Extensions.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="F:Examples.WinForms.W03_Extensions.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W03_Extensions.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W03_Extensions.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.T02_Vertex_Arrays">
            Demonstrates Vertex Arrays (in system memory).  Example is incomplete (documentation).
            Broken since release 0.3.12.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T02_Vertex_Arrays.OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs)">
            Called when the user resizes the window.
            <param name="e">Contains the new width/height of the window.</param>
            You want the OpenGL viewport to match the window. This is the place to do it!
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T02_Vertex_Arrays.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Prepares the next frame for rendering.
            Place your control logic here. This is the place to respond to user input,
            update object positions etc.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T02_Vertex_Arrays.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            Place your rendering code here.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T02_Vertex_Arrays.Launch">
            Launches this example.
            Provides a simple way for the example launcher to launch the examples.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.Fonts">
            Tests Font loading and rendering.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Fonts.OnLoad(System.EventArgs)">
            To maintain high rendering performance, we need to cache the text
            we wish to draw, for each font we want to draw it with. To achieve
            this, we use the TextPrinter.Prepare() method, which returns a
            TextHandle - i.e. a handle to the cached text.
            We can use these TextHandles with the TextPrinter.Draw() method
            to draw text with very high performance.
            <param name="e"></param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Fonts.OnUnload(System.EventArgs)">
            It is important that we need to call the Dispose() methods to reclaim of
            each and every TextHandle and TextureFont to reclaim the unamanged
            (OpenGL) resources they are using.
            <param name="e"></param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Fonts.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            To render pixel-perfect text, we have to setup a 2d display projection
            with a width/height that corresponds to our current Viewport.
            In OpenGL this can be easily achieved using the GL.Ortho method.
            It is still possible to render text in a 3d projection, but it will
            be very hard to achieve pixel-perfect precision.
            To achieve the highest possible performance, render your 3d scene first.
            At the end of the RenderFrame call, setup a 2d projection and render all
            text in one go.
            <param name="e"></param>
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Fonts.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.Text">
            Shows how to render and scroll large amounts of text.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.Text.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="T:Examples.IExample">
            This interface is is used by the ExampleLauncher to identify OpenTK examples,
            your applications do not need to implement or use it.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T07_Display_Lists_Flower.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W02_Immediate_Mode_Cube.Main">
            Entry point of this example.
        <member name="F:Examples.WinForms.W02_Immediate_Mode_Cube.components">
            Required designer variable.
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W02_Immediate_Mode_Cube.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
            Clean up any resources being used.
            <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
        <member name="M:Examples.WinForms.W02_Immediate_Mode_Cube.InitializeComponent">
            Required method for Designer support - do not modify
            the contents of this method with the code editor.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.T04_Vertex_Lighting">
            Demonstrates fixed-function OpenGL lighting.  Example is incomplete (documentation).
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T04_Vertex_Lighting.OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs)">
            Called when the user resizes the window.
            <param name="e">Contains the new width/height of the window.</param>
            You want the OpenGL viewport to match the window. This is the place to do it!
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T04_Vertex_Lighting.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Prepares the next frame for rendering.
            Place your control logic here. This is the place to respond to user input,
            update object positions etc.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T04_Vertex_Lighting.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            Place your rendering code here.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T04_Vertex_Lighting.Launch">
            Launches this example.
            Provides a simple way for the example launcher to launch the examples.
        <member name="T:Examples.Tutorial.T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube">
            Demonstrates immediate mode rendering. Example is incomplete, and will probably go away in the future.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube.OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs)">
            Called when the user resizes the window.
            <param name="e">Contains the new width/height of the window.</param>
            You want the OpenGL viewport to match the window. This is the place to do it!
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube.OnUpdateFrame(OpenTK.UpdateFrameEventArgs)">
            Prepares the next frame for rendering.
            Place your control logic here. This is the place to respond to user input,
            update object positions etc.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube.OnRenderFrame(OpenTK.RenderFrameEventArgs)">
            Place your rendering code here.
        <member name="M:Examples.Tutorial.T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube.Main">
            Entry point of this example.