#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos * See license.txt for license info */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using Bind.Structures; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Bind.GL2 { class Generator : IBind { #region --- Fields --- protected static string glTypemap = "GL2\\gl.tm"; protected static string csTypemap = "csharp.tm"; protected static string enumSpec = "GL2\\enum.spec"; protected static string enumSpecExt = "GL2\\enumext.spec"; protected static string glSpec = "GL2\\gl.spec"; protected static string glSpecExt = ""; protected static string importsFile = "GLCore.cs"; protected static string delegatesFile = "GLDelegates.cs"; protected static string enumsFile = "GLEnums.cs"; protected static string wrappersFile = "GL.cs"; protected static string loadAllFuncName = "LoadAll"; protected static Regex enumToDotNet = new Regex("_[a-z|A-Z]?", RegexOptions.Compiled); #endregion #region --- Constructors --- public Generator() { if (Settings.Compatibility == Settings.Legacy.Tao) { Settings.OutputNamespace = "Tao.OpenGl"; Settings.OutputClass = "Gl"; } else { // Defaults } } #endregion #region public void Process() public virtual void Process() { // Matches functions that cannot have their trailing 'v' trimmed for CLS-Compliance reasons. // Built through trial and error :) Function.endingsAddV = new Regex(@"(Coord1|Attrib(I?)1(u?)|Stream1|Uniform2(u?)|(Point|Convolution|Transform|Sprite|List|Combiner|Tex)Parameter|Fog(Coord)?.*|VertexWeight|(Fragment)?Light(Model)?|Material|ReplacementCodeu?b?|Tex(Gen|Env)|Indexu?.v)", RegexOptions.Compiled); Bind.Structures.Type.Initialize(glTypemap, csTypemap); Bind.Structures.Enum.Initialize(enumSpec, enumSpecExt); Bind.Structures.Function.Initialize(); Bind.Structures.Delegate.Initialize(glSpec, glSpecExt); if (!Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums.ContainsKey("SGIX_icc_texture")) { // Add missing enum Trace.WriteLine("Spec error: SGIX_icc_texture enum missing, adding by hand."); Bind.Structures.Enum e = new Bind.Structures.Enum("SGIX_icc_texture"); e.ConstantCollection.Add("RGB_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("RGB_ICC_SGIX", "0x8460")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("RGBA_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("RGBA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8461")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8462")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("LUMINANCE_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("LUMINANCE_ICC_SGIX", "0x8463")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("INTENSITY_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("INTENSITY_ICC_SGIX", "0x8464")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8465")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("R5_G6_B5_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("R5_G6_B5_ICC_SGIX", "0x8466")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("R5_G6_B5_A8_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("R5_G6_B5_A8_ICC_SGIX", "0x8467")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("ALPHA16_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("ALPHA16_ICC_SGIX", "0x8468")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("LUMINANCE16_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("LUMINANCE16_ICC_SGIX", "0x8469")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("INTENSITY16_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("INTENSITY16_ICC_SGIX", "0x846A")); e.ConstantCollection.Add("LUMINANCE16_ALPHA8_ICC_SGIX", new Constant("LUMINANCE16_ALPHA8_ICC_SGIX", "0x846B")); Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums.Add(e.Name, e); foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values) { Utilities.Merge(Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums[Settings.CompleteEnumName], c); } } // Process enums and delegates - create wrappers. Trace.WriteLine("Processing specs, please wait..."); this.Translate(); this.WriteBindings( Bind.Structures.Delegate.Delegates, Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers, Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums); } #endregion #region private void Translate() protected virtual void Translate() { Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums.Translate(); //foreach (Bind.Structures.Enum e in Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums.Values) //{ // TranslateEnum(e); //} //foreach (Bind.Structures.Delegate d in Bind.Structures.Delegate.Delegates.Values) { //wrappers.AddRange(d.CreateWrappers()); } } #endregion #region private void TranslateEnum(Bind.Structures.Enum e) private void TranslateEnum(Bind.Structures.Enum e) { foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values) { // There are cases when a value is an aliased constant, with no enum specified. // (e.g. FOG_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE = GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE) // In this case try searching all enums for the correct constant to alias (stupid opengl specs). if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Reference) && !Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0])) { foreach (Bind.Structures.Enum @enum in Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums.Values) { // Skip generic GLenum if (@enum.Name == "GLenum") continue; if (@enum.ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Value)) { c.Reference = @enum.Name; } } } } } #endregion #region ISpecReader Members #region public virtual DelegateCollection ReadDelegates(StreamReader specFile) public virtual DelegateCollection ReadDelegates(StreamReader specFile) { Console.WriteLine("Reading function specs."); //List delegates = new List(); DelegateCollection delegates = new DelegateCollection(); do { string line = NextValidLine(specFile); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) break; while (line.Contains("(") && !specFile.EndOfStream) { // Get next OpenGL function Bind.Structures.Delegate d = new Bind.Structures.Delegate(); // Get function name: d.Name = line.Split(Utilities.Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; //if (d.Name.Contains("QueryHyperpipeBestAttribSGIX")) //{ //} do { // Get function parameters and return value line = specFile.ReadLine(); List words = new List( line.Replace('\t', ' ').Split(Utilities.Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) ); if (words.Count == 0) break; // Identify line: switch (words[0]) { case "return": // Line denotes return value d.ReturnType.CurrentType = words[1]; break; case "param": // Line denotes parameter Parameter p = new Parameter(); p.Name = Utilities.Keywords.Contains(words[1]) ? "@" + words[1] : words[1]; p.CurrentType = words[2]; p.Pointer = words[4].Contains("array") ? true : words[4].Contains("reference") ? true : false; p.Flow = words[3] == "in" ? Parameter.FlowDirection.In : Parameter.FlowDirection.Out; d.Parameters.Add(p); break; // Version directive is not used. GetTexParameterIivEXT and GetTexParameterIuivEXT define two(!) versions (why?) //case "version": // Line denotes function version (i.e. 1.0, 1.2, 1.5) // d.UserData.Add("version", words[1]); // break; case "category": d.Category = words[1]; break; } } while (!specFile.EndOfStream); d.Translate(); delegates.Add(d); } } while (!specFile.EndOfStream); return delegates; } #endregion #region public virtual EnumCollection ReadEnums(StreamReader specFile) public virtual EnumCollection ReadEnums(StreamReader specFile) { Trace.WriteLine("Reading opengl enumerant specs."); Trace.Indent(); EnumCollection enums = new EnumCollection(); // complete_enum contains all opengl enumerants. Bind.Structures.Enum complete_enum = new Bind.Structures.Enum(); complete_enum.Name = Settings.CompleteEnumName; do { string line = NextValidLine(specFile); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) break; line = line.Replace('\t', ' '); // We just encountered the start of a new enumerant: while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && line.Contains("enum")) { string[] words = line.Split(Utilities.Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words.Length == 0) continue; // Declare a new enumerant Bind.Structures.Enum e = new Bind.Structures.Enum(); e.Name = Char.IsDigit(words[0][0]) ? Settings.ConstantPrefix + words[0] : words[0]; // And fill in the values for this enumerant do { line = NextValidLine(specFile); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.StartsWith("#")) continue; if (line.Contains("enum:") || specFile.EndOfStream) break; line = line.Replace('\t', ' '); words = line.Split(Utilities.Separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words.Length == 0) continue; // If we reach this point, we have found a new value for the current enumerant Constant c = new Constant(); if (line.Contains("=")) { // Trim the name's prefix, but only if not in Tao compat mode. if (Settings.Compatibility == Settings.Legacy.Tao) { } else { if (words[0].StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix)) words[0] = words[0].Substring(Settings.ConstantPrefix.Length); if (Char.IsDigit(words[0][0])) words[0] = Settings.ConstantPrefix + words[0]; } c.Name = words[0]; uint number; if (UInt32.TryParse(words[2].Replace("0x", String.Empty), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out number)) { // The value is a number, check if it should be unchecked. if (number > 0x7FFFFFFF) { c.Unchecked = true; } } else { // The value is not a number. Strip the prefix. if (words[2].StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix)) words[2] = words[2].Substring(Settings.ConstantPrefix.Length); // If the name now starts with a digit (doesn't matter whether we // stripped "GL_" above), add a "GL_" prefix. // (e.g. GL_4_BYTES). if (Char.IsDigit(words[2][0])) words[2] = Settings.ConstantPrefix + words[2]; } c.Value = words[2]; } else if (words[0] == "use") { // Trim the prefix. if (words[2].StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix)) words[2] = words[2].Substring(Settings.ConstantPrefix.Length); // If the remaining string starts with a digit, we were wrong above. // Re-add the "GL_" if (Char.IsDigit(words[2][0])) words[2] = Settings.ConstantPrefix + words[2]; c.Name = words[2]; if (words[1] == "LightProperty") { Trace.WriteLine( String.Format( "Spec error: Enum LightProperty.{0} does no exist, changing to LightParameter.{0}", words[2] ) ); words[1] = "LightParameter"; } c.Reference = words[1]; c.Value = words[2]; } #if false // Translate the enum's name to match .Net naming conventions if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.AllCapsEnums) == Settings.Legacy.None) { int pos; // e.Name = enumToDotNet.Replace(e.Name, while ((pos = e.Name.IndexOf("_")) != -1) { e.Name = e.Name.Insert(pos, Char.ToUpper(e.Name[pos + 1]).ToString()); e.Name = e.Name.Remove(pos + 1, 2); } //e.Name = e.Name.Replace("_", ""); } #endif // Translate the constant's name to match .Net naming conventions if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoAdvancedEnumProcessing) == Settings.Legacy.None) { int pos; c.Name = c.Name[0] + c.Name.Substring(1).ToLower(); while ((pos = c.Name.IndexOf("_")) != -1) { c.Name = c.Name.Insert(pos, Char.ToUpper(c.Name[pos + 1]).ToString()); c.Name = c.Name.Remove(pos + 1, 2); } } //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Name) && !e.Members.Contains.Contains(c)) //SpecTranslator.Merge(e.Members, c); if (!e.ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Name)) { e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); } else { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format( "Spec error: Constant {0} defined twice in enum {1}, discarding last definition.", c.Name, e.Name)); } // Insert the current constant in the list of all constants. //SpecTranslator.Merge(complete_enum.Members, c); complete_enum = Utilities.Merge(complete_enum, c); } while (!specFile.EndOfStream); // At this point, the complete value list for the current enumerant has been read, so add this // enumerant to the list. //e.StartDirectives.Add(new CodeRegionDirective(CodeRegionMode.Start, "public enum " + e.Name)); //e.EndDirectives.Add(new CodeRegionDirective(CodeRegionMode.End, "public enum " + e.Name)); // (disabled) Hack - discard Boolean enum, it fsucks up the fragile translation code ahead. //if (!e.Name.Contains("Bool")) //Utilities.Merge(enums, e); if (!enums.ContainsKey(e.Name)) { enums.Add(e.Name, e); } else { // The enum already exists, merge constants. Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Conflict: Enum {0} already exists, merging constants.", e.Name)); foreach (Constant t in e.ConstantCollection.Values) { Utilities.Merge(enums[e.Name], t); } } //enums.Add(e); } //SpecTranslator.Merge(enums, complete_enum); } while (!specFile.EndOfStream); enums.Add(complete_enum.Name, complete_enum); Trace.Unindent(); return enums; } #endregion #region public virtual Dictionary ReadTypeMap(StreamReader specFile) public virtual Dictionary ReadTypeMap(StreamReader specFile) { Console.WriteLine("Reading opengl types."); Dictionary GLTypes = new Dictionary(); do { string line = specFile.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.StartsWith("#")) continue; string[] words = line.Split(" ,*\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words[0].ToLower() == "void") { // Special case for "void" -> "". We make it "void" -> "void" GLTypes.Add(words[0], "void"); } else if (words[0] == "VoidPointer" || words[0] == "ConstVoidPointer") { // "(Const)VoidPointer" -> "void*" GLTypes.Add(words[0], "void*"); } /*else if (words[0] == "CharPointer" || words[0] == "charPointerARB") { GLTypes.Add(words[0], "System.String"); } else if (words[0].Contains("Pointer")) { GLTypes.Add(words[0], words[1].Replace("Pointer", "*")); }*/ else if (words[1].Contains("GLvoid")) { GLTypes.Add(words[0], "void"); } else { GLTypes.Add(words[0], words[1]); } } while (!specFile.EndOfStream); return GLTypes; } #endregion #region public virtual Dictionary ReadCSTypeMap(StreamReader specFile) public virtual Dictionary ReadCSTypeMap(StreamReader specFile) { Dictionary CSTypes = new Dictionary(); Console.WriteLine("Reading C# types."); while (!specFile.EndOfStream) { string line = specFile.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.StartsWith("#")) continue; string[] words = line.Split(" ,\t".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (words.Length < 2) continue; CSTypes.Add(words[0], words[1]); } return CSTypes; } #endregion #region private string NextValidLine(StreamReader sr) private string NextValidLine(System.IO.StreamReader sr) { string line; do { if (sr.EndOfStream) return null; line = sr.ReadLine().Trim(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) || line.StartsWith("#") || // Disregard comments. line.StartsWith("passthru") || // Disregard passthru statements. line.StartsWith("required-props:") || line.StartsWith("param:") || line.StartsWith("dlflags:") || line.StartsWith("glxflags:") || line.StartsWith("vectorequiv:") || //line.StartsWith("category:") || line.StartsWith("version:") || line.StartsWith("glxsingle:") || line.StartsWith("glxropcode:") || line.StartsWith("glxvendorpriv:") || line.StartsWith("glsflags:") || line.StartsWith("glsopcode:") || line.StartsWith("glsalias:") || line.StartsWith("wglflags:") || line.StartsWith("extension:") || line.StartsWith("alias:") || line.StartsWith("offset:")) continue; return line; } while (true); } #endregion #endregion #region ISpecWriter Members #region void WriteBindings public void WriteBindings(DelegateCollection delegates, FunctionCollection functions, EnumCollection enums) { if (!Directory.Exists(Settings.OutputPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(Settings.OutputPath); using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, enumsFile))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); sw.WriteLine("public static partial class {0}", Settings.OutputClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); WriteEnums(sw, Bind.Structures.Enum.GLEnums); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, delegatesFile))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); sw.WriteLine("using System;"); sw.WriteLine("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); sw.WriteLine("#pragma warning disable 0649"); WriteDelegates(sw, Bind.Structures.Delegate.Delegates); sw.WriteLine("#pragma warning restore 0649"); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, importsFile))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); //specWriter.WriteTypes(sw, Bind.Structures.Type.CSTypes); sw.WriteLine("using System;"); sw.WriteLine("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); WriteImports(sw, Bind.Structures.Delegate.Delegates); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, wrappersFile))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); //specWriter.WriteTypes(sw, Bind.Structures.Type.CSTypes); sw.WriteLine("using System;"); sw.WriteLine("using System.Runtime.InteropServices;"); WriteWrappers(sw, Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers, Bind.Structures.Type.CSTypes); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } } #endregion #region void WriteDelegates public virtual void WriteDelegates(BindStreamWriter sw, DelegateCollection delegates) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Writing delegates to {0}.{1}", Settings.OutputNamespace, Settings.DelegatesClass)); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("partial class {0}", Settings.OutputClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); sw.WriteLine("internal static partial class {0}", Settings.DelegatesClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); foreach (Bind.Structures.Delegate d in delegates.Values) { sw.WriteLine("[System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity()]"); sw.WriteLine("internal {0};", d.ToString()); sw.WriteLine("internal {0}static {1} {2}{1};", // = null d.Unsafe ? "unsafe " : "", d.Name, Settings.FunctionPrefix); } sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } #endregion #region void WriteImports public virtual void WriteImports(BindStreamWriter sw, DelegateCollection delegates) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Writing imports to {0}.{1}", Settings.OutputNamespace, Settings.ImportsClass)); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("partial class {0}", Settings.OutputClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("internal static partial class {0}", Settings.ImportsClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); //sw.WriteLine("static {0}() {1} {2}", Settings.ImportsClass, "{", "}"); // Disable BeforeFieldInit sw.WriteLine(); foreach (Bind.Structures.Delegate d in delegates.Values) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(d.Extension) || d.Extension == "Core") { sw.WriteLine("[System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity()]"); sw.WriteLine( "[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport({0}.Library, EntryPoint = \"{1}{2}\"{3})]", Settings.OutputClass, Settings.FunctionPrefix, d.Name, d.Name.EndsWith("W") || d.Name.EndsWith("A") ? ", CharSet = CharSet.Auto" : ", ExactSpelling = true" ); sw.WriteLine("internal extern static {0};", d.DeclarationString()); } } sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } #endregion #region void WriteWrappers public void WriteWrappers(BindStreamWriter sw, FunctionCollection wrappers, Dictionary CSTypes) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Writing wrappers to {0}.{1}", Settings.OutputNamespace, Settings.OutputClass)); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("public static partial class {0}", Settings.OutputClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); //sw.WriteLine("static {0}() {1} {2}", className, "{", "}"); // Static init in GLHelper.cs sw.WriteLine(); foreach (string key in wrappers.Keys) { if (((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoSeparateFunctionNamespaces) == Settings.Legacy.None) && key != "Core") { if (!Char.IsDigit(key[0])) { sw.WriteLine("public static partial class {0}", key); } else { // Identifiers cannot start with a number: sw.WriteLine("public static partial class {0}{1}", Settings.ConstantPrefix, key); } sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); } foreach (Function f in wrappers[key]) { if (!f.CLSCompliant) { sw.WriteLine("[System.CLSCompliant(false)]"); } sw.WriteLine("public static "); sw.Write(f); sw.WriteLine(); } if (((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoSeparateFunctionNamespaces) == Settings.Legacy.None) && key != "Core") { sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.WriteLine(); } } sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } #endregion #region void WriteTypes public void WriteTypes(BindStreamWriter sw, Dictionary CSTypes) { sw.WriteLine("using System;"); sw.WriteLine(); foreach (string s in CSTypes.Keys) { sw.WriteLine("using {0} = System.{1};", s, CSTypes[s]); } } #endregion #region void WriteEnums public void WriteEnums(BindStreamWriter sw, EnumCollection enums) { Trace.WriteLine(String.Format("Writing enums to {0}.{1}", Settings.OutputNamespace, Settings.OutputClass)); if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.ConstIntEnums) == Settings.Legacy.None) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.NestedEnumsClass)) { sw.WriteLine("public class Enums"); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); } foreach (Bind.Structures.Enum @enum in enums.Values) { sw.Write(@enum); sw.WriteLine(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.NestedEnumsClass)) { sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } } else { // Tao legacy mode: dump all enums as constants in GLClass. foreach (Bind.Structures.Constant c in enums[Settings.CompleteEnumName].ConstantCollection.Values) { // Print constants avoiding circular definitions if (c.Name != c.Value) { sw.WriteLine(String.Format( "public const int {0} = {2}((int){1});", c.Name.StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix) ? c.Name : Settings.ConstantPrefix + c.Name, Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0]) ? c.Value : c.Value.StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix) ? c.Value : Settings.ConstantPrefix + c.Value, c.Unchecked ? "unchecked" : "")); } else { } } } } #endregion #endregion } }