#region License // // LinuxKeyboardLibInput.cs // // Author: // Stefanos A. // // Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Stefanos Apostolopoulos // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using OpenTK.Input; namespace OpenTK.Platform.Linux { class LinuxInput : IKeyboardDriver2, IMouseDriver2, IDisposable { class DeviceBase { readonly IntPtr Device; string name; string output; public DeviceBase(IntPtr device, int id) { Device = device; Id = id; } public int Id { get { return GetId(Device); } set { LibInput.DeviceSetData(Device, (IntPtr)value); } } public string Name { get { name = name ?? LibInput.DeviceGetName(Device); return name; } } public string Output { get { output = output ?? LibInput.DeviceGetOutputName(Device); return output; } } } class KeyboardDevice : DeviceBase { public KeyboardState State; public KeyboardDevice(IntPtr device, int id) : base(device, id) { State.SetIsConnected(true); } } class MouseDevice : DeviceBase { public MouseState State; public MouseDevice(IntPtr device, int id) : base(device, id) { State.SetIsConnected(true); } } static readonly object Sync = new object(); static readonly Key[] KeyMap = Evdev.KeyMap; static long DeviceFDCount; DeviceCollection Keyboards = new DeviceCollection(); DeviceCollection Mice = new DeviceCollection(); // Todo: do we need to maintain the geometry of each display separately? Rectangle bounds; // Global mouse cursor state Vector2 CursorPosition = Vector2.Zero; // Global mouse cursor offset (used for emulating SetPosition) Vector2 CursorOffset = Vector2.Zero; IntPtr udev; IntPtr input_context; InputInterface input_interface = new InputInterface( OpenRestricted, CloseRestricted); int fd; Thread input_thread; long exit; public LinuxInput() { Debug.Print("[Linux] Initializing {0}", GetType().Name); Debug.Indent(); try { Semaphore ready = new Semaphore(0, 1); input_thread = new Thread(InputThreadLoop); input_thread.IsBackground = true; input_thread.Start(ready); // Wait until the input thread is ready. // Note: it would be nicer if we could avoid this. // however we need to marshal errors back to the caller // as exceptions. // Todo: in a future version, we should add an "Application" object // to handle all communication with the OS (including event processing.) // Once we do that, we can remove all separate input threads. ready.WaitOne(); if (exit != 0) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } } finally { Debug.Print("Initialization {0}", exit == 0 ? "complete" : "failed"); Debug.Unindent(); } } #region Private Members static CloseRestrictedCallback CloseRestricted = CloseRestrictedHandler; static void CloseRestrictedHandler(int fd, IntPtr data) { Debug.Print("[Input] Closing fd {0}", fd); int ret = Libc.close(fd); if (ret < 0) { Debug.Print("[Input] Failed to close fd {0}. Error: {1}", fd, ret); } else { Interlocked.Decrement(ref DeviceFDCount); } } static OpenRestrictedCallback OpenRestricted = OpenRestrictedHandler; static int OpenRestrictedHandler(IntPtr path, int flags, IntPtr data) { int fd = Libc.open(path, (OpenFlags)flags); Debug.Print("[Input] Opening '{0}' with flags {1}. fd:{2}", Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(path), (OpenFlags)flags, fd); if (fd >= 0) { Interlocked.Increment(ref DeviceFDCount); } return fd; } void InputThreadLoop(object semaphore) { Debug.Print("[Input] Running on thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); Setup(); // Inform the parent thread that initialization has completed successfully (semaphore as Semaphore).Release(); Debug.Print("[Input] Released main thread.", input_context); // Use a blocking poll for input messages, in order to reduce CPU usage PollFD poll_fd = new PollFD(); poll_fd.fd = fd; poll_fd.events = PollFlags.In; Debug.Print("[Input] Created PollFD({0}, {1})", poll_fd.fd, poll_fd.events); Debug.Print("[Input] Entering input loop.", poll_fd.fd, poll_fd.events); while (Interlocked.Read(ref exit) == 0) { int ret = Libc.poll(ref poll_fd, 1, -1); ErrorNumber error = (ErrorNumber)Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); bool is_error = ret < 0 && !(error == ErrorNumber.Again || error == ErrorNumber.Interrupted) || (poll_fd.revents & (PollFlags.Hup | PollFlags.Error | PollFlags.Invalid)) != 0; // We need to query the desktop bounds in order to position the mouse cursor correctly. // This value will be used for the current bunch of input events. If a monitor changes // resolution in the meantime, we might be slightly off in our calculations - this error // will be corrected when the next bunch of input events arrives. UpdateDisplayBounds(); if (ret > 0 && (poll_fd.revents & (PollFlags.In | PollFlags.Pri)) != 0) { ProcessEvents(input_context); } if (is_error) { Debug.Print("[Input] Exiting input loop {0} due to poll error [ret:{1} events:{2}]. Error: {3}.", input_thread.ManagedThreadId, ret, poll_fd.revents, error); Interlocked.Increment(ref exit); } } Debug.Print("[Input] Exited input loop.", poll_fd.fd, poll_fd.events); } void UpdateDisplayBounds() { bounds = Rectangle.Empty; for (DisplayIndex i = DisplayIndex.First; i < DisplayIndex.Sixth; i++) { DisplayDevice display = DisplayDevice.GetDisplay(i); if (display != null) { bounds = Rectangle.Union(bounds, display.Bounds); } } } void UpdateCursor() { Point p = new Point( (int)Math.Round(CursorPosition.X + CursorOffset.X), (int)Math.Round(CursorPosition.Y + CursorOffset.Y)); DisplayDevice display = DisplayDevice.FromPoint(p.X, p.Y) ?? DisplayDevice.Default; if (display != null) { LinuxDisplay d = (LinuxDisplay)display.Id; Drm.MoveCursor(d.FD, d.Id, p.X, p.Y); } } void Setup() { // Todo: add static path fallback when udev is not installed. udev = Udev.New(); if (udev == IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Print("[Input] Udev.New() failed."); Interlocked.Increment(ref exit); return; } Debug.Print("[Input] Udev.New() = {0:x}", udev); input_context = LibInput.CreateContext(input_interface, IntPtr.Zero, udev, "seat0"); if (input_context == IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Print("[Input] LibInput.CreateContext({0:x}) failed.", udev); Interlocked.Increment(ref exit); return; } Debug.Print("[Input] LibInput.CreateContext({0:x}) = {1:x}", udev, input_context); fd = LibInput.GetFD(input_context); if (fd < 0) { Debug.Print("[Input] LibInput.GetFD({0:x}) failed.", input_context); Interlocked.Increment(ref exit); return; } Debug.Print("[Input] LibInput.GetFD({0:x}) = {1}.", input_context, fd); ProcessEvents(input_context); LibInput.Resume(input_context); Debug.Print("[Input] LibInput.Resume({0:x})", input_context); if (Interlocked.Read(ref DeviceFDCount) <= 0) { Debug.Print("[Error] Failed to open any input devices."); Debug.Print("[Error] Ensure that you have access to '/dev/input/event*'."); Interlocked.Increment(ref exit); } } void ProcessEvents(IntPtr input_context) { // Process all events in the event queue while (true) { // Data available int ret = LibInput.Dispatch(input_context); if (ret != 0) { Debug.Print("[Input] LibInput.Dispatch({0:x}) failed. Error: {1}", input_context, ret); break; } IntPtr pevent = LibInput.GetEvent(input_context); if (pevent == IntPtr.Zero) { break; } IntPtr device = LibInput.GetDevice(pevent); InputEventType type = LibInput.GetEventType(pevent); lock (Sync) { switch (type) { case InputEventType.DeviceAdded: HandleDeviceAdded(input_context, device); break; case InputEventType.DeviceRemoved: HandleDeviceRemoved(input_context, device); break; case InputEventType.KeyboardKey: HandleKeyboard(GetKeyboard(device), LibInput.GetKeyboardEvent(pevent)); break; case InputEventType.PointerAxis: HandlePointerAxis(GetMouse(device), LibInput.GetPointerEvent(pevent)); break; case InputEventType.PointerButton: HandlePointerButton(GetMouse(device), LibInput.GetPointerEvent(pevent)); break; case InputEventType.PointerMotion: HandlePointerMotion(GetMouse(device), LibInput.GetPointerEvent(pevent)); break; case InputEventType.PointerMotionAbsolute: HandlePointerMotionAbsolute(GetMouse(device), LibInput.GetPointerEvent(pevent)); break; } } LibInput.DestroyEvent(pevent); } } void HandleDeviceAdded(IntPtr context, IntPtr device) { if (LibInput.DeviceHasCapability(device, DeviceCapability.Keyboard)) { KeyboardDevice keyboard = new KeyboardDevice(device, Keyboards.Count); Keyboards.Add(keyboard.Id, keyboard); Debug.Print("[Input] Added keyboard device {0}", keyboard.Id); } if (LibInput.DeviceHasCapability(device, DeviceCapability.Mouse)) { MouseDevice mouse = new MouseDevice(device, Mice.Count); Mice.Add(mouse.Id, mouse); Debug.Print("[Input] Added mouse device {0}", mouse.Id); } if (LibInput.DeviceHasCapability(device, DeviceCapability.Touch)) { Debug.Print("[Input] Todo: touch device."); } } void HandleDeviceRemoved(IntPtr context, IntPtr device) { if (LibInput.DeviceHasCapability(device, DeviceCapability.Keyboard)) { int id = GetId(device); Keyboards.Remove(id); } if (LibInput.DeviceHasCapability(device, DeviceCapability.Mouse)) { int id = GetId(device); Mice.Remove(id); } } void HandleKeyboard(KeyboardDevice device, KeyboardEvent e) { if (device != null) { Key key = Key.Unknown; uint raw = e.Key; if (raw >= 0 && raw < KeyMap.Length) { key = KeyMap[raw]; } if (key == Key.Unknown) { Debug.Print("[Linux] Unknown key with code '{0}'", raw); } device.State.SetKeyState(key, e.KeyState == KeyState.Pressed); } } void HandlePointerAxis(MouseDevice mouse, PointerEvent e) { if (mouse != null) { double value = e.AxisValue; PointerAxis axis = e.Axis; switch (axis) { case PointerAxis.HorizontalScroll: mouse.State.SetScrollRelative((float)value, 0); break; case PointerAxis.VerticalScroll: mouse.State.SetScrollRelative(0, (float)value); break; default: Debug.Print("[Input] Unknown scroll axis {0}.", axis); break; } } } void HandlePointerButton(MouseDevice mouse, PointerEvent e) { if (mouse != null) { MouseButton button = Evdev.GetMouseButton(e.Button); ButtonState state = e.ButtonState; mouse.State[(MouseButton)button] = state == ButtonState.Pressed; } } void HandlePointerMotion(MouseDevice mouse, PointerEvent e) { Vector2 delta = new Vector2((float)e.X, (float)e.Y); if (mouse != null) { mouse.State.Position += delta; } CursorPosition = new Vector2( MathHelper.Clamp(CursorPosition.X + delta.X, bounds.Left, bounds.Right - 1), MathHelper.Clamp(CursorPosition.Y + delta.Y, bounds.Top, bounds.Bottom - 1)); UpdateCursor(); } void HandlePointerMotionAbsolute(MouseDevice mouse, PointerEvent e) { if (mouse != null) { mouse.State.Position = new Vector2(e.X, e.Y); } CursorPosition = new Vector2( e.TransformedX(bounds.Width), e.TransformedY(bounds.Height)); UpdateCursor(); } static int GetId(IntPtr device) { return LibInput.DeviceGetData(device).ToInt32(); } KeyboardDevice GetKeyboard(IntPtr device) { int id = GetId(device); KeyboardDevice keyboard = Keyboards.FromHardwareId(id); if (keyboard == null) { Debug.Print("[Input] Keyboard {0} does not exist in device list.", id); } return keyboard; } MouseDevice GetMouse(IntPtr device) { int id = GetId(device); MouseDevice mouse = Mice.FromHardwareId(id); if (mouse == null) { Debug.Print("[Input] Mouse {0} does not exist in device list.", id); } return mouse; } #endregion #region IKeyboardDriver2 implementation KeyboardState IKeyboardDriver2.GetState() { lock (Sync) { KeyboardState state = new KeyboardState(); foreach (KeyboardDevice keyboard in Keyboards) { state.MergeBits(keyboard.State); } return state; } } KeyboardState IKeyboardDriver2.GetState(int index) { lock (Sync) { KeyboardDevice device = Keyboards.FromIndex(index); if (device != null) { return device.State; } else { return new KeyboardState(); } } } string IKeyboardDriver2.GetDeviceName(int index) { lock (Sync) { KeyboardDevice device = Keyboards.FromIndex(index); if (device != null) { return device.Name; } else { return String.Empty; } } } #endregion #region IMouseDriver2 implementation MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetState() { lock (Sync) { MouseState state = new MouseState(); foreach (MouseDevice mouse in Mice) { state.MergeBits(mouse.State); } return state; } } MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetState(int index) { lock (Sync) { MouseDevice device = Mice.FromIndex(index); if (device != null) { return device.State; } else { return new MouseState(); } } } void IMouseDriver2.SetPosition(double x, double y) { // Todo: this does not appear to be supported in libinput. // We will have to emulate this in the KMS mouse rendering code. CursorOffset = new Vector2( (float)x - CursorPosition.X, (float)y - CursorPosition.Y); UpdateCursor(); } MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetCursorState() { MouseState state = (this as IMouseDriver2).GetState(); state.Position = CursorPosition + CursorOffset; return state; } #endregion #region IDisposable implementation public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (input_context != IntPtr.Zero) { LibInput.Suspend(input_context); Interlocked.Increment(ref exit); LibInput.DestroyContext(input_context); input_context = IntPtr.Zero; } if (udev != IntPtr.Zero) { Udev.Destroy(udev); udev = IntPtr.Zero; } input_interface = null; } } ~LinuxInput() { Dispose(false); } #endregion } }