Generic Todos: + Correctly implement disposable pattern in all relevant classes (WIP as of 0.3.8). + Investigate startup lag. OpenTK.OpenGL todos: * Change the GCHandle method of pinning to 'fixed'. The behaviour is different: fixed guarantees pinning of the whole object. * Different classes for each extension category (ARB.Foo, instead of FooARB). + Inline XML documentation. + Add complete Wgl, Glx, Agl and Glu bindings. + Get rid of the "object" overloads in favour of generics. OpenTK.Platform: * GLContext class: + Add more constructors. + Add native support for the MacOS X platform (now goes through X). * GLControl class: + Improve the interface. Add more constructors. * GameWindow class: + Add input support. OpenTK.Input todos: * Make Key class non-static. Static means all GameWindows share the same input! * Complete the Key class. * Implement mouse input. + Implement other input devices. OpenTK.Timing todos: + Start implementing the Timer module. Examples: + Add comments were needed. + Add more Tutorials and WinForms examples. OpenTK.Math todos: + Start implementing the Math module. OpenTK.OpenAL todos: + Start researching the OpenAL module. + Take a look at the OpenALDotNet wrapper.