#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos * Contributions from Erik Ylvisaker * See license.txt for license info */ #endregion #region --- Using Directives --- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using OpenTK.Graphics; #endregion namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows { /// /// Provides methods to create and control an opengl context on the Windows platform. /// This class supports OpenTK, and is not intended for use by OpenTK programs. /// internal sealed class WinGLContext : IGraphicsContext, IGLContextInternal, IGLContextCreationHack { IntPtr deviceContext; ContextHandle renderContext; static IntPtr opengl32Handle; const string opengl32Name = "OPENGL32.DLL"; WinWindowInfo windowInfo = new WinWindowInfo(); GraphicsFormat format; //DisplayMode mode = null; bool vsync_supported; bool disposed; #region --- Contructors --- static WinGLContext() { // Set the GetCurrentContext implementation. // TODO: Does this belong here? if (GraphicsContext.GetCurrentContext == null) GraphicsContext.GetCurrentContext = WinGLContext.GetCurrentContext; // Dynamically load the OpenGL32.dll in order to use the extension loading capabilities of Wgl. if (opengl32Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { opengl32Handle = Functions.LoadLibrary(opengl32Name); if (opengl32Handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("LoadLibrary(\"{0}\") call failed with code {1}", opengl32Name, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Loaded opengl32.dll: {0}", opengl32Handle)); } } GraphicsFormat SelectFormat(GraphicsFormat format) { using (WinGLNative native = new WinGLNative(16, 16)) //using (WinGLContext context = new WinGLContext(format, native.WindowInfo, null)) { // Find the best multisampling mode. return format; } } public WinGLContext(GraphicsFormat format, IWindowInfo window, IGraphicsContext sharedContext) { //format = this.SelectFormat(format); this.windowInfo = (WinWindowInfo)window; Debug.Print("OpenGL will be bound to handle: {0}", this.windowInfo.Handle); if (this.windowInfo.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException("window", "Must be a valid window."); Debug.Print("Setting pixel format..."); this.format = this.SetGraphicsFormatPFD(format); Debug.Write("Creating render context... "); // Do not rely on OpenTK.Platform.Windows.Wgl - the context is not ready yet, // and Wgl extensions will fail to load. renderContext = new ContextHandle(Wgl.Imports.CreateContext(deviceContext)); if (renderContext == IntPtr.Zero) throw new GraphicsContextException(String.Format("Context creation failed. Wgl.CreateContext() error: {0}.", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("done! (id: {0})", renderContext)); Wgl.Imports.MakeCurrent(deviceContext, renderContext); Wgl.LoadAll(); GL.LoadAll(); Glu.LoadAll(); vsync_supported = Wgl.Arb.SupportsExtension(this, "WGL_EXT_swap_control") && Wgl.Load("wglGetSwapIntervalEXT") && Wgl.Load("wglSwapIntervalEXT"); if (sharedContext != null) { Debug.Print("Sharing state with context {0}", sharedContext.ToString()); Wgl.Imports.ShareLists(renderContext, (sharedContext as IGLContextInternal).Context); } } #endregion #region --- IGraphicsContext Members --- #region public void CreateContext() public void CreateContext() { throw new NotSupportedException(); this.CreateContext(true, null); } #endregion #region public void CreateContext(bool direct) public void CreateContext(bool direct) { throw new NotSupportedException(); this.CreateContext(direct, null); } #endregion #region public void CreateContext(bool direct, IGraphicsContext source) public void CreateContext(bool direct, IGraphicsContext source) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } #endregion #region public void SwapBuffers() public void SwapBuffers() { Functions.SwapBuffers(deviceContext); } #endregion #region public void MakeCurrent() public void MakeCurrent() { if (!Wgl.Imports.MakeCurrent(deviceContext, renderContext)) { Debug.Print("WinGLContext.MakeCurrent() call failed. Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } #endregion #region public bool IsCurrent public bool IsCurrent { get { return Wgl.GetCurrentContext() == this.renderContext; } set { if (value) Wgl.MakeCurrent(this.deviceContext, this.renderContext); else Wgl.MakeCurrent(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } } #endregion #region public bool VSync /// /// Gets or sets a System.Boolean indicating whether SwapBuffer calls are synced to the screen refresh rate. /// public bool VSync { get { return vsync_supported && Wgl.Ext.GetSwapInterval() != 0; } set { if (vsync_supported) Wgl.Ext.SwapInterval(value ? 1 : 0); } } #endregion public event DestroyEvent Destroy; #endregion #region --- IGLContextInternal Members --- #region ContextHandle IGLContextInternal.Context ContextHandle IGLContextInternal.Context { get { return renderContext; } } #endregion #region IWindowInfo IGLContextInternal.Info IWindowInfo IGLContextInternal.Info { get { return (IWindowInfo)windowInfo; } } #endregion #region GraphicsFormat IGLContextInternal.GraphicsFormat GraphicsFormat IGLContextInternal.GraphicsFormat { get { return format; } } #endregion #region public IntPtr GetAddress(string function_string) public IntPtr GetAddress(string function_string) { return Wgl.Imports.GetProcAddress(function_string); } #endregion #region public DisplayMode[] GetDisplayModes() public IEnumerable GetDisplayModes() { throw new NotSupportedException("See OpenTK.Graphics.DisplayDevice.AvailableModes instead."); } #endregion #region void IGLContextInternal.RegisterForDisposal(IDisposable resource) void IGLContextInternal.RegisterForDisposal(IDisposable resource) { throw new NotSupportedException("Use OpenTK.GraphicsContext instead."); } #endregion #region void IGLContextInternal.DisposeResources() void IGLContextInternal.DisposeResources() { throw new NotSupportedException("Use OpenTK.GraphicsContext instead."); } #endregion #endregion #region --- Private Methods --- #region GraphicsFormat SetGraphicsFormatPFD(GraphicsFormat format) GraphicsFormat SetGraphicsFormatPFD(GraphicsFormat format) { deviceContext = Functions.GetDC(this.windowInfo.Handle); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Device context: {0}", deviceContext)); Debug.Write("Setting pixel format... "); PixelFormatDescriptor pixelFormat = new PixelFormatDescriptor(); pixelFormat.Size = API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize; pixelFormat.Version = API.PixelFormatDescriptorVersion; pixelFormat.Flags = PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_OPENGL | PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DRAW_TO_WINDOW; pixelFormat.ColorBits = (byte)(format.ColorFormat.Red + format.ColorFormat.Green + format.ColorFormat.Blue); pixelFormat.PixelType = format.ColorFormat.IsIndexed ? PixelType.INDEXED : PixelType.RGBA; pixelFormat.PixelType = PixelType.RGBA; pixelFormat.RedBits = (byte)format.ColorFormat.Red; pixelFormat.GreenBits = (byte)format.ColorFormat.Green; pixelFormat.BlueBits = (byte)format.ColorFormat.Blue; pixelFormat.AlphaBits = (byte)format.ColorFormat.Alpha; if (format.AccumulatorFormat != null) { pixelFormat.AccumBits = (byte)(format.AccumulatorFormat.Red + format.AccumulatorFormat.Green + format.AccumulatorFormat.Blue); pixelFormat.AccumRedBits = (byte)format.AccumulatorFormat.Red; pixelFormat.AccumGreenBits = (byte)format.AccumulatorFormat.Green; pixelFormat.AccumBlueBits = (byte)format.AccumulatorFormat.Blue; pixelFormat.AccumAlphaBits = (byte)format.AccumulatorFormat.Alpha; } pixelFormat.DepthBits = (byte)format.Depth; pixelFormat.StencilBits = (byte)format.Stencil; if (format.Depth <= 0) pixelFormat.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DEPTH_DONTCARE; if (format.Stereo) pixelFormat.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.STEREO; if (format.Buffers > 1) pixelFormat.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER; int pixel = Functions.ChoosePixelFormat(deviceContext, ref pixelFormat); if (pixel == 0) throw new GraphicsModeException(String.Format("The requested format is not available: {0}.", format)); // Find out what we really got as a format: PixelFormatDescriptor pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor(); pixelFormat.Size = API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize; pixelFormat.Version = API.PixelFormatDescriptorVersion; Functions.DescribePixelFormat(deviceContext, pixel, API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize, ref pfd); GraphicsFormat fmt = new GraphicsFormat( new ColorDepth(pfd.RedBits, pfd.GreenBits, pfd.BlueBits, pfd.AlphaBits), pfd.DepthBits, pfd.StencilBits, 0, new ColorDepth(pfd.AccumBits), (pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER) != 0 ? 2 : 1, (pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.STEREO) != 0); if (!Functions.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, pixel, ref pixelFormat)) throw new GraphicsContextException(String.Format("Requested GraphicsFormat not available. SetPixelFormat error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); Debug.Print("done! (format: {0})", pixel); return fmt; } #endregion #region GraphicsFormat SetGraphicsFormatARB(GraphicsFormat format) GraphicsFormat SetGraphicsFormatARB(GraphicsFormat format) { return null; } #endregion #endregion #region --- IGLContextCreationHack Members --- #region bool IGLContextCreationHack.SelectDisplayMode(DisplayMode mode, IWindowInfo info) /// /// HACK! This function will be removed in 0.3.15 /// Checks if the specified OpenTK.Platform.DisplayMode is available, and selects it if it is. /// /// The OpenTK.Platform.DisplayMode to select. /// The OpenTK.Platform.IWindowInfo that describes the display to use. Note: a window handle is not necessary for this function! /// True if the DisplayMode is available, false otherwise. bool IGLContextCreationHack.SelectDisplayMode(DisplayMode mode, IWindowInfo info) { // Dynamically load the OpenGL32.dll in order to use the extension loading capabilities of Wgl. if (opengl32Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { opengl32Handle = Functions.LoadLibrary(opengl32Name); if (opengl32Handle == IntPtr.Zero) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("LoadLibrary({0}) set error code: {1}. Will not load extensions.", _dll_name, error_code); throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("LoadLibrary(\"{0}\") call failed with code {1}", opengl32Name, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Loaded opengl32.dll: {0}", opengl32Handle)); } deviceContext = Functions.GetDC(this.windowInfo.Handle); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Device context: {0}", deviceContext)); Debug.Write("Setting pixel format... "); PixelFormatDescriptor pixelFormat = new PixelFormatDescriptor(); pixelFormat.Size = API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize; pixelFormat.Version = API.PixelFormatDescriptorVersion; pixelFormat.Flags = PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_OPENGL | PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DRAW_TO_WINDOW; pixelFormat.ColorBits = (byte)(mode.Color.Red + mode.Color.Green + mode.Color.Blue); if (mode.Color.IsIndexed) { pixelFormat.PixelType = PixelType.INDEXED; } else { pixelFormat.PixelType = PixelType.RGBA; pixelFormat.RedBits = (byte)mode.Color.Red; pixelFormat.GreenBits = (byte)mode.Color.Green; pixelFormat.BlueBits = (byte)mode.Color.Blue; pixelFormat.AlphaBits = (byte)mode.Color.Alpha; } /* if (accum != null) { pixelFormat.AccumBits = (byte)(accum.Red + accum.Green + accum.Blue); pixelFormat.AccumRedBits = (byte)accum.Red; pixelFormat.AccumGreenBits = (byte)accum.Green; pixelFormat.AccumBlueBits = (byte)accum.Blue; pixelFormat.AccumAlphaBits = (byte)accum.Alpha; } */ pixelFormat.DepthBits = (byte)mode.DepthBits; pixelFormat.StencilBits = (byte)mode.StencilBits; if (mode.DepthBits <= 0) { pixelFormat.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DEPTH_DONTCARE; } if (mode.Stereo) { pixelFormat.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.STEREO; } if (mode.Buffers > 1) { pixelFormat.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER; } // TODO: More elaborate mode setting, using DescribePixelFormat. /* unsafe { int pixel = Wgl.Imports.ChoosePixelFormat(deviceContext, &pixelFormat); if (pixel == 0) { throw new ApplicationException("The requested pixel format is not supported by the hardware configuration."); } Wgl.Imports.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, pixel, &pixelFormat); Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("done! (format: {0})", pixel)); } */ int pixel = Functions.ChoosePixelFormat(deviceContext, ref pixelFormat); if (pixel == 0) { Debug.Print("format not available..."); return false; } Functions.SetPixelFormat(deviceContext, pixel, ref pixelFormat); Debug.Print("done! (format: {0})", pixel); return true; } #endregion void IGLContextCreationHack.SetWindowHandle(IntPtr handle) { this.windowInfo.Handle = handle; } #endregion #region --- Internal Methods --- #region internal IntPtr Device internal IntPtr Device { get { return deviceContext; } } #endregion #region static ContextHandle GetCurrentContext() static ContextHandle GetCurrentContext() { return Wgl.GetCurrentContext(); } #endregion #endregion #region --- Overrides --- /// Returns a System.String describing this OpenGL context. /// A System.String describing this OpenGL context. public override string ToString() { return (this as IGLContextInternal).Context.ToString(); } #endregion #region --- IDisposable Members --- public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } private void Dispose(bool calledManually) { if (!disposed) { DestroyContext(); if (calledManually) { // Safe to clean managed resources } disposed = true; } } ~WinGLContext() { Dispose(false); } #region private void DestroyContext() private void DestroyContext() { if (Destroy != null) Destroy(this, EventArgs.Empty); if (renderContext != IntPtr.Zero) { Wgl.Imports.MakeCurrent(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (!Wgl.Imports.DeleteContext(renderContext)) { //throw new ApplicationException("Could not destroy the OpenGL render context. Error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); //Debug.Print("Could not destroy the OpenGL render context. Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } renderContext = null; } if (deviceContext != IntPtr.Zero) { if (!Functions.ReleaseDC(this.windowInfo.Handle, deviceContext)) { //throw new ApplicationException("Could not release device context. Error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); //Debug.Print("Could not destroy the device context. Error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } } /* if (opengl32Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { if (!Functions.FreeLibrary(opengl32Handle)) { //throw new ApplicationException("FreeLibray call failed ('opengl32.dll'), Error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); //Debug.Print("Could not release {0}. Error: {1}", opengl32Name, Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } opengl32Handle = IntPtr.Zero; } */ } #endregion #endregion } }