#region License // // The Open Toolkit Library License // // Copyright (c) 2006 - 2010 the Open Toolkit library. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to // use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of // the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do // so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Threading; using OpenTK.Input; namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11 { sealed class XI2MouseKeyboard : IKeyboardDriver2, IMouseDriver2, IDisposable { const XEventName ExitEvent = XEventName.LASTEvent + 1; readonly object Sync = new object(); readonly Thread ProcessingThread; readonly X11KeyMap KeyMap; bool disposed; class XIMouse { public MouseState State; public XIDeviceInfo DeviceInfo; public XIScrollClassInfo ScrollX = new XIScrollClassInfo { number = -1 }; public XIScrollClassInfo ScrollY = new XIScrollClassInfo { number = -1 }; public XIValuatorClassInfo MotionX = new XIValuatorClassInfo { number = -1 }; public XIValuatorClassInfo MotionY = new XIValuatorClassInfo { number = -1 }; public string Name; } class XIKeyboard { public KeyboardState State; public XIDeviceInfo DeviceInfo; public string Name; } // Atoms //static readonly IntPtr ButtonLeft; //static readonly IntPtr ButtonMiddle; ////static readonly IntPtr ButtonRight; //static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelUp; //static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelDown; //static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelLeft; //static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelRight; static readonly IntPtr RelX; static readonly IntPtr RelY; //static readonly IntPtr RelHorizScroll; //static readonly IntPtr RelVertScroll; //static readonly IntPtr RelHorizWheel; //static readonly IntPtr RelVertWheel; long cursor_x, cursor_y; // For GetCursorState() List devices = new List(); // list of connected mice Dictionary rawids = new Dictionary(); // maps hardware device ids to XIMouse ids List keyboards = new List(); // list of connected keybords Dictionary keyboard_ids = new Dictionary(); // maps hardware device ids to XIKeyboard ids internal readonly X11WindowInfo window; internal static int XIOpCode { get; private set; } internal static int XIVersion { get; private set; } static readonly Functions.EventPredicate PredicateImpl = IsEventValid; readonly IntPtr Predicate = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(PredicateImpl); static XI2MouseKeyboard() { using (new XLock(API.DefaultDisplay)) { // Mouse //ButtonLeft = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Left", false); //ButtonMiddle = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Middle", false); //ButtonRight = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Right", false); //ButtonWheelUp = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Wheel Up", false); //ButtonWheelDown = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Wheel Down", false); //ButtonWheelLeft = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Horiz Wheel Left", false); //ButtonWheelRight = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Horiz Wheel Right", false); RelX = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel X", false); RelY = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Y", false); //RelHorizWheel = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Horiz Wheel", false); //RelVertWheel = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Vert Wheel", false); //RelHorizScroll = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Horiz Scroll", false); //RelVertScroll = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Vert Scroll", false); // Multitouch //TouchX = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Position X", false); //TouchY = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Position Y", false); //TouchMajor = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Touch Major", false); //TouchMinor = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Touch Minor", false); //TouchPressure = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Pressure", false); //TouchId = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Tracking ID", false); //TouchMaxContacts = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Max Contacts", false); } } public XI2MouseKeyboard() { window = new X11WindowInfo(); window.Display = Functions.XOpenDisplay(IntPtr.Zero); using (new XLock(window.Display)) { window.Screen = Functions.XDefaultScreen(window.Display); window.RootWindow = Functions.XRootWindow(window.Display, window.Screen); window.Handle = window.RootWindow; KeyMap = new X11KeyMap(window.Display); } if (!IsSupported(window.Display)) throw new NotSupportedException("XInput2 not supported."); using (new XLock(window.Display)) using (XIEventMask mask = new XIEventMask(1, XIEventMasks.RawKeyPressMask | XIEventMasks.RawKeyReleaseMask | XIEventMasks.RawButtonPressMask | XIEventMasks.RawButtonReleaseMask | XIEventMasks.RawMotionMask | XIEventMasks.MotionMask | XIEventMasks.DeviceChangedMask | (XIEventMasks)(1 << (int)ExitEvent))) { XI.SelectEvents(window.Display, window.Handle, mask); UpdateDevices(); } ProcessingThread = new Thread(ProcessEvents); ProcessingThread.IsBackground = true; ProcessingThread.Start(); } // Checks whether XInput2 is supported on the specified display. // If a display is not specified, the default display is used. internal static bool IsSupported(IntPtr display) { try { if (display == IntPtr.Zero) { display = API.DefaultDisplay; } using (new XLock(display)) { int major, ev, error; if (Functions.XQueryExtension(display, "XInputExtension", out major, out ev, out error) != 0) { XIOpCode = major; int minor = 2; while (minor >= 0) { if (XI.QueryVersion(display, ref major, ref minor) == ErrorCodes.Success) { XIVersion = major * 100 + minor * 10; return true; } minor--; } } } } catch (DllNotFoundException e) { Debug.Print(e.ToString()); Debug.Print("XInput2 extension not supported. Mouse support will suffer."); } return false; } #region IKeyboardDriver2 Members KeyboardState IKeyboardDriver2.GetState() { lock (Sync) { KeyboardState state = new KeyboardState(); foreach (XIKeyboard k in keyboards) { state.MergeBits(k.State); } return state; } } KeyboardState IKeyboardDriver2.GetState(int index) { lock (Sync) { if (index >= 0 && index < keyboards.Count) { return keyboards[index].State; } return new KeyboardState(); } } string IKeyboardDriver2.GetDeviceName(int index) { lock (Sync) { if (index >= 0 && index < keyboards.Count) { return keyboards[index].Name; } return String.Empty; } } #endregion #region IMouseDriver2 Members MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetState() { lock (Sync) { MouseState master = new MouseState(); foreach (var d in devices) { master.MergeBits(d.State); } return master; } } MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetState(int index) { lock (Sync) { if (index >= 0 && index < devices.Count) { return devices[index].State; } return new MouseState(); } } MouseState IMouseDriver2.GetCursorState() { lock (Sync) { MouseState master = (this as IMouseDriver2).GetState(); master.X = (int)Interlocked.Read(ref cursor_x); master.Y = (int)Interlocked.Read(ref cursor_y); return master; } } void IMouseDriver2.SetPosition(double x, double y) { // Note: we cannot use window.Display here, because // that will deadlock the input thread, which is // blocking inside XIfEvent using (new XLock(API.DefaultDisplay)) { Functions.XWarpPointer(API.DefaultDisplay, IntPtr.Zero, window.RootWindow, 0, 0, 0, 0, (int)x, (int)y); Functions.XFlush(API.DefaultDisplay); Interlocked.Exchange(ref cursor_x, (long)x); Interlocked.Exchange(ref cursor_y, (long)y); } } #endregion #region Private Members void UpdateDevices() { lock (Sync) { devices.Clear(); keyboards.Clear(); int count; unsafe { XIDeviceInfo* list = (XIDeviceInfo*)XI.QueryDevice(window.Display, XI.XIAllDevices, out count); Debug.Print("Refreshing input device list"); Debug.Print("{0} input devices detected", count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { switch ((list + i)->use) { case XIDeviceType.MasterKeyboard: //case XIDeviceType.SlaveKeyboard: { XIKeyboard k = new XIKeyboard(); k.DeviceInfo = *(list + i); k.State.SetIsConnected(k.DeviceInfo.enabled); k.Name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(k.DeviceInfo.name); int id = k.DeviceInfo.deviceid; if (!keyboard_ids.ContainsKey(id)) { keyboard_ids.Add(k.DeviceInfo.deviceid, 0); } keyboard_ids[id] = keyboards.Count; keyboards.Add(k); } break; case XIDeviceType.MasterPointer: //case XIDeviceType.SlavePointer: case XIDeviceType.FloatingSlave: { XIMouse d = new XIMouse(); d.DeviceInfo = *(list + i); d.State.SetIsConnected(d.DeviceInfo.enabled); d.Name = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(d.DeviceInfo.name); Debug.Print("Device {0} \"{1}\" is {2} and has:", i, d.Name, d.DeviceInfo.enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled"); // Decode the XIDeviceInfo to axes, buttons and scroll types for (int j = 0; j < d.DeviceInfo.num_classes; j++) { XIAnyClassInfo* class_info = *((XIAnyClassInfo**)d.DeviceInfo.classes + j); switch (class_info->type) { case XIClassType.Button: { XIButtonClassInfo* button = (XIButtonClassInfo*)class_info; Debug.Print("\t{0} buttons", button->num_buttons); } break; case XIClassType.Scroll: { XIScrollClassInfo* scroll = (XIScrollClassInfo*)class_info; switch (scroll->scroll_type) { case XIScrollType.Vertical: Debug.WriteLine("\tSmooth vertical scrolling"); d.ScrollY = *scroll; break; case XIScrollType.Horizontal: Debug.WriteLine("\tSmooth horizontal scrolling"); d.ScrollX = *scroll; break; default: Debug.Print("\tUnknown scrolling type {0}", scroll->scroll_type); break; } } break; case XIClassType.Valuator: { XIValuatorClassInfo* valuator = (XIValuatorClassInfo*)class_info; if (valuator->label == RelX) { Debug.WriteLine("\tRelative X movement"); d.MotionX = *valuator; } else if (valuator->label == RelY) { Debug.WriteLine("\tRelative Y movement"); d.MotionY = *valuator; } } break; } } // Map the hardware device id to the current XIMouse id int id = d.DeviceInfo.deviceid; if (!rawids.ContainsKey(id)) { rawids.Add(id, 0); } rawids[id] = devices.Count; devices.Add(d); } break; } } XI.FreeDeviceInfo((IntPtr)list); } } } void ProcessEvents() { while (!disposed) { XEvent e = new XEvent(); XGenericEventCookie cookie; using (new XLock(window.Display)) { Functions.XIfEvent(window.Display, ref e, Predicate, new IntPtr(XIOpCode)); if (e.type == ExitEvent) { return; } IntPtr dummy; int x, y, dummy2; Functions.XQueryPointer(window.Display, window.RootWindow, out dummy, out dummy, out x, out y, out dummy2, out dummy2, out dummy2); Interlocked.Exchange(ref cursor_x, (long)x); Interlocked.Exchange(ref cursor_y, (long)y); cookie = e.GenericEventCookie; if (Functions.XGetEventData(window.Display, ref cookie) != 0) { switch ((XIEventType)cookie.evtype) { case XIEventType.Motion: // Nothing to do break; case XIEventType.RawKeyPress: case XIEventType.RawKeyRelease: case XIEventType.RawMotion: case XIEventType.RawButtonPress: case XIEventType.RawButtonRelease: // Delivered to all XIMouse instances ProcessRawEvent(ref cookie); break; case XIEventType.DeviceChanged: UpdateDevices(); break; } } Functions.XFreeEventData(window.Display, ref cookie); } } } void ProcessRawEvent(ref XGenericEventCookie cookie) { lock (Sync) { unsafe { XIRawEvent raw = *(XIRawEvent*)cookie.data; XIMouse mouse; XIKeyboard keyboard; switch (raw.evtype) { case XIEventType.RawMotion: if (GetMouseDevice(raw.deviceid, out mouse)) { ProcessRawMotion(mouse, ref raw); } break; case XIEventType.RawButtonPress: case XIEventType.RawButtonRelease: if (GetMouseDevice(raw.deviceid, out mouse)) { float dx, dy; MouseButton button = X11KeyMap.TranslateButton(raw.detail, out dx, out dy); mouse.State[button] = raw.evtype == XIEventType.RawButtonPress; } break; case XIEventType.RawKeyPress: case XIEventType.RawKeyRelease: if (GetKeyboardDevice(raw.deviceid, out keyboard)) { Key key; if (KeyMap.TranslateKey(raw.detail, out key)) { keyboard.State[key] = raw.evtype == XIEventType.RawKeyPress; } } break; } } } } bool GetMouseDevice(int deviceid, out XIMouse mouse) { if (!rawids.ContainsKey(deviceid)) { Debug.Print("Unknown mouse device {0} encountered, ignoring.", deviceid); mouse = null; return false; } mouse = devices[rawids[deviceid]]; return true; } bool GetKeyboardDevice(int deviceid, out XIKeyboard keyboard) { if (!keyboard_ids.ContainsKey(deviceid)) { Debug.Print("Unknown keyboard device {0} encountered, ignoring.", deviceid); keyboard = null; return false; } keyboard = keyboards[keyboard_ids[deviceid]]; return true; } unsafe static void ProcessRawMotion(XIMouse d, ref XIRawEvent raw) { // Note: we use the raw values here, without pointer // ballistics and any other modification. double x = ReadRawValue(ref raw, d.MotionX.number); double y = ReadRawValue(ref raw, d.MotionY.number); double h = ReadRawValue(ref raw, d.ScrollX.number) / d.ScrollX.increment; double v = ReadRawValue(ref raw, d.ScrollY.number) / d.ScrollY.increment; d.State.X += (int)Math.Round(x); d.State.Y += (int)Math.Round(y); // Note: OpenTK follows the windows scrolling convention where // (+h, +v) = (right, up). XI2 uses (+h, +v) = (right, down) // instead, so we need to flip the vertical offset. d.State.SetScrollRelative((float)h, (float)(-v)); } unsafe static double ReadRawValue(ref XIRawEvent raw, int bit) { double value = 0; if (IsBitSet(raw.valuators.mask, bit)) { // Find the offset where this value is stored. // The offset is equal to the number of bits // set in raw.valuators.mask between [0, bit) int offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bit; i++) { if (IsBitSet(raw.valuators.mask, i)) { offset++; } } value = *((double*)raw.raw_values + offset); } return value; } static bool IsEventValid(IntPtr display, ref XEvent e, IntPtr arg) { bool valid = false; if ((long)e.GenericEventCookie.extension == arg.ToInt64()) { valid |= e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawKeyPress; valid |= e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawKeyRelease; valid |= e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawMotion; valid |= e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawButtonPress; valid |= e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawButtonRelease; valid |= e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.DeviceChanged; } valid |= e.AnyEvent.type == ExitEvent; return valid; } static bool IsBitSet(IntPtr mask, int bit) { unsafe { return bit >= 0 && (*((byte*)mask + (bit >> 3)) & (1 << (bit & 7))) != 0; } } #endregion #region IDisposable Members public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposed) { if (disposing) { using (new XLock(API.DefaultDisplay)) { XEvent e = new XEvent(); e.type = ExitEvent; Functions.XSendEvent(API.DefaultDisplay, window.Handle, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref e); Functions.XFlush(API.DefaultDisplay); } } disposed = true; } } ~XI2MouseKeyboard() { Dispose(false); } #endregion } }