=== Installation === OpenTK does not require installation. Simply decompress the archive to a folder of your choice. === Usage === Three simple steps: 1. copy "OpenTK.dll" and "OpenTK.dll.config" to your project folder. These can be found under Binaries/OpenTK/Release/ 2. add "OpenTK.dll" to your project references. (Right-click "References" -> "Add Reference" -> "Browse" and locate "OpenTK.dll") 3. set "OpenTK.dll.config" to be copied to your output directory. (Right-click "OpenTK.dll.config" -> "Properties" and set "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy Always".) For more details, refer to http://www.opentk.com/doc === Build instructions === Use OpenTK.sln to build the library. You can use Visual Studio 2010+, SharpDevelop 3.0+, MonoDevelop 2.0+ or Xamarin Studio. You can also build from the commandline using: msbuild OpenTK.sln /p:Configuration=Release - or - xbuild OpenTK.sln /p:Configuration=Release The resulting binaries will be placed under the Binaries/OpenTK/[Release|Debug] folders.