#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos * See license.txt for license info */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace Bind.Structures { public class Function : Delegate, IEquatable, IComparable { #region Static Members internal static FunctionCollection Wrappers; static bool loaded; #region internal static void Initialize() internal static void Initialize() { if (!loaded) { Wrappers = new FunctionCollection(); loaded = true; } } #endregion #endregion #region Fields Delegate wrapped_delegate; int index; #endregion #region --- Constructors --- public Function(Delegate d) : base(d) { Name = d.Name; Body = new FunctionBody(); WrappedDelegate = d; } public Function(Function f) : this((Delegate)f) { this.Body = new FunctionBody(f.Body); } #endregion #region public Delegate WrappedDelegate public Delegate WrappedDelegate { get { return wrapped_delegate; } set { wrapped_delegate = value; } } #endregion #region public void TurnVoidPointersToIntPtr() public void TurnVoidPointersToIntPtr() { foreach (Parameter p in this.Parameters) { if (p.Pointer != 0 && p.CurrentType == "void") { p.CurrentType = "IntPtr"; p.Pointer = 0; } } } #endregion #region public override bool Unsafe public override bool Unsafe { get { if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoPublicUnsafeFunctions) != Settings.Legacy.None) return false; return base.Unsafe; } } #endregion #region public FunctionBody Body FunctionBody _body; public FunctionBody Body { get { return _body; } set { _body = value; } } #endregion #region public string TrimmedName public string TrimmedName; #endregion #region public override string Name /// /// Gets or sets the name of the opengl function. /// If no Tao compatibility is set, set TrimmedName to Name, after removing /// [u][bsifd][v]. /// public override string Name { get { return base.Name; } set { base.Name = value; if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoTrimFunctionEnding) != Settings.Legacy.None) { // If we don't need compatibility with Tao, // remove the Extension and the overload information from the name // (Extension == "ARB", "EXT", etc, overload == [u][bsidf][v]) // TODO: Use some regex's here, to reduce clutter. TrimmedName = value; } else { TrimmedName = Utilities.StripGL2Extension(value); Match m = endingsNotToTrim.Match(TrimmedName); if ((m.Index + m.Length) != TrimmedName.Length) { // Some endings should not be trimmed, for example: 'b' from Attrib m = endings.Match(TrimmedName); if (m.Length > 0 && m.Index + m.Length == TrimmedName.Length) { // Only trim endings, not internal matches. if (m.Value[m.Length - 1] == 'v' && endingsAddV.IsMatch(Name) && !Name.StartsWith("Get") && !Name.StartsWith("MatrixIndex")) { // Only trim ending 'v' when there is a number TrimmedName = TrimmedName.Substring(0, m.Index) + "v"; } else { if (!TrimmedName.EndsWith("xedv")) TrimmedName = TrimmedName.Substring(0, m.Index); else TrimmedName = TrimmedName.Substring(0, m.Index + 1); } } } } } } #endregion #region public override string ToString() public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(Unsafe ? "unsafe " : ""); sb.Append(ReturnType); sb.Append(" "); if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoTrimFunctionEnding) != Settings.Legacy.None) { sb.Append(Settings.FunctionPrefix); } sb.Append(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(TrimmedName) ? TrimmedName : Name); if (Parameters.HasGenericParameters) { sb.Append("<"); foreach (Parameter p in Parameters) { if (p.Generic) { sb.Append(p.CurrentType); sb.Append(","); } } sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); sb.Append(">"); } sb.AppendLine(Parameters.ToString(false)); if (Parameters.HasGenericParameters) { foreach (Parameter p in Parameters) { if (p.Generic) sb.AppendLine(String.Format(" where {0} : struct", p.CurrentType)); } } if (Body.Count > 0) { sb.Append(Body.ToString()); } return sb.ToString(); } #endregion #region IEquatable Members public bool Equals(Function other) { return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.TrimmedName) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(other.TrimmedName) && this.TrimmedName == other.TrimmedName && this.Parameters.ToString(true) == other.Parameters.ToString(true); } #endregion #region public void WrapParameters(List wrappers) public void WrapParameters(List wrappers) { Function f; if (Parameters.HasPointerParameters) { Function _this = new Function(this); // Array overloads foreach (Parameter p in _this.Parameters) { if (p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ArrayParameter && p.ElementCount != 1) { p.Reference = false; p.Array++; p.Pointer--; } } f = new Function(_this); f.CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(f); new Function(f).WrapVoidPointers(wrappers); _this = new Function(this); // Reference overloads foreach (Parameter p in _this.Parameters) { if (p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ArrayParameter) { p.Reference = true; p.Array--; p.Pointer--; } } f = new Function(_this); f.CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(f); new Function(f).WrapVoidPointers(wrappers); _this = this; // Pointer overloads // Should be last to work around Intellisense bug, where // array overloads are not reported if there is a pointer overload. foreach (Parameter p in _this.Parameters) { if (p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ArrayParameter) { p.Reference = false; //p.Array--; //p.Pointer++; } } f = new Function(_this); f.CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(f); new Function(f).WrapVoidPointers(wrappers); } else { //wrappers.Add(DefaultWrapper(new Function(this))); f = new Function(this); f.CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(f); } } #endregion #region public void WrapVoidPointers(List wrappers) public void WrapVoidPointers(List wrappers) { if (index >= 0 && index < Parameters.Count) { if (Parameters[index].WrapperType == WrapperTypes.GenericParameter) { // Recurse to the last parameter ++index; WrapVoidPointers(wrappers); --index; // On stack rewind, create generic wrappers Parameters[index].Reference = true; Parameters[index].Array = 0; Parameters[index].Pointer = 0; Parameters[index].Generic = true; Parameters[index].CurrentType = "T" + index.ToString(); Parameters[index].Flow = FlowDirection.Undefined; Parameters.Rebuild = true; CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(new Function(this)); Parameters[index].Reference = false; Parameters[index].Array = 1; Parameters[index].Pointer = 0; Parameters[index].Generic = true; Parameters[index].CurrentType = "T" + index.ToString(); Parameters[index].Flow = FlowDirection.Undefined; Parameters.Rebuild = true; CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(new Function(this)); Parameters[index].Reference = false; Parameters[index].Array = 2; Parameters[index].Pointer = 0; Parameters[index].Generic = true; Parameters[index].CurrentType = "T" + index.ToString(); Parameters[index].Flow = FlowDirection.Undefined; Parameters.Rebuild = true; CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(new Function(this)); Parameters[index].Reference = false; Parameters[index].Array = 3; Parameters[index].Pointer = 0; Parameters[index].Generic = true; Parameters[index].CurrentType = "T" + index.ToString(); Parameters[index].Flow = FlowDirection.Undefined; Parameters.Rebuild = true; CreateBody(false); wrappers.Add(new Function(this)); } else { // Recurse to the last parameter ++index; WrapVoidPointers(wrappers); --index; } } } #endregion #region public void WrapReturnType() public void WrapReturnType() { switch (ReturnType.WrapperType) { case WrapperTypes.StringReturnType: ReturnType.CurrentType = "string"; break; } } #endregion #region public void CreateBody(bool wantCLSCompliance) readonly List handle_statements = new List(); readonly List handle_release_statements = new List(); readonly List fixed_statements = new List(); readonly List assign_statements = new List(); // For example, if parameter foo has indirection level = 1, then it // is consumed as 'foo*' in the fixed_statements and the call string. string[] indirection_levels = new string[] { "", "*", "**", "***", "****" }; public void CreateBody(bool wantCLSCompliance) { Function f = new Function(this); f.Body.Clear(); handle_statements.Clear(); handle_release_statements.Clear(); fixed_statements.Clear(); assign_statements.Clear(); // Obtain pointers by pinning the parameters foreach (Parameter p in f.Parameters) { if (p.NeedsPin) { if (p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.GenericParameter) { // Use GCHandle to obtain pointer to generic parameters and 'fixed' for arrays. // This is because fixed can only take the address of fields, not managed objects. handle_statements.Add(String.Format( "{0} {1}_ptr = {0}.Alloc({1}, GCHandleType.Pinned);", "GCHandle", p.Name)); handle_release_statements.Add(String.Format("{0}_ptr.Free();", p.Name)); if (p.Flow == FlowDirection.Out) { assign_statements.Add(String.Format( "{0} = ({1}){0}_ptr.Target;", p.Name, p.CurrentType)); } // Note! The following line modifies f.Parameters, *not* this.Parameters p.Name = "(IntPtr)" + p.Name + "_ptr.AddrOfPinnedObject()"; } else if (p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.PointerParameter || p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ArrayParameter || p.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ReferenceParameter) { // A fixed statement is issued for all non-generic pointers, arrays and references. fixed_statements.Add(String.Format( "fixed ({0}{3} {1} = {2})", wantCLSCompliance && !p.CLSCompliant ? p.GetCLSCompliantType() : p.CurrentType, p.Name + "_ptr", p.Array > 0 ? p.Name : "&" + p.Name, indirection_levels[p.IndirectionLevel])); if (p.Flow == FlowDirection.Out && p.Array == 0) // Fixed Arrays of blittable types don't need explicit assignment. { assign_statements.Add(String.Format("{0} = *{0}_ptr;", p.Name)); } p.Name = p.Name + "_ptr"; } else { throw new ApplicationException("Unknown parameter type"); } } } // Automatic OpenGL error checking. // See OpenTK.Graphics.ErrorHelper for more information. // Make sure that no error checking is added to the GetError function, // as that would cause infinite recursion! if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoDebugHelpers) == 0) { if (f.TrimmedName != "GetError") { f.Body.Add("#if DEBUG"); f.Body.Add("using (new ErrorHelper(GraphicsContext.CurrentContext))"); f.Body.Add("{"); if (f.TrimmedName == "Begin") f.Body.Add("GraphicsContext.CurrentContext.ErrorChecking = false;"); f.Body.Add("#endif"); } } if (!f.Unsafe && fixed_statements.Count > 0) { f.Body.Add("unsafe"); f.Body.Add("{"); f.Body.Indent(); } if (fixed_statements.Count > 0) { f.Body.AddRange(fixed_statements); f.Body.Add("{"); f.Body.Indent(); } if (handle_statements.Count > 0) { f.Body.AddRange(handle_statements); f.Body.Add("try"); f.Body.Add("{"); f.Body.Indent(); } if (assign_statements.Count > 0) { // Call function if (f.ReturnType.CurrentType.ToLower().Contains("void")) f.Body.Add(String.Format("{0};", f.CallString())); else if (ReturnType.CurrentType.ToLower().Contains("string")) f.Body.Add(String.Format("{0} {1} = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi({2});", ReturnType.CurrentType, "retval", CallString())); else f.Body.Add(String.Format("{0} {1} = {2};", f.ReturnType.CurrentType, "retval", f.CallString())); // Assign out parameters f.Body.AddRange(assign_statements); // Return if (!f.ReturnType.CurrentType.ToLower().Contains("void")) { f.Body.Add("return retval;"); } } else { //if (Name == "EnqueueCopyBufferToImage") // Debugger.Break(); // Call function and return if (f.ReturnType.CurrentType.ToLower().Contains("void")) f.Body.Add(String.Format("{0};", f.CallString())); else if (ReturnType.CurrentType.ToLower().Contains("string")) f.Body.Add(String.Format("return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi({0});", CallString())); else f.Body.Add(String.Format("return {0};", f.CallString())); } // Free all allocated GCHandles if (handle_statements.Count > 0) { f.Body.Unindent(); f.Body.Add("}"); f.Body.Add("finally"); f.Body.Add("{"); f.Body.Indent(); f.Body.AddRange(handle_release_statements); f.Body.Unindent(); f.Body.Add("}"); } if (!f.Unsafe && fixed_statements.Count > 0) { f.Body.Unindent(); f.Body.Add("}"); } if (fixed_statements.Count > 0) { f.Body.Unindent(); f.Body.Add("}"); } if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoDebugHelpers) == 0) { if (f.TrimmedName != "GetError") { f.Body.Add("#if DEBUG"); if (f.TrimmedName == "End") f.Body.Add("GraphicsContext.CurrentContext.ErrorChecking = true;"); f.Body.Add("}"); f.Body.Add("#endif"); } } this.Body = f.Body; } #endregion #region IComparable Members public int CompareTo(Function other) { int ret = Name.CompareTo(other.Name); if (ret == 0) ret = Parameters.ToString().CompareTo(other.Parameters.ToString()); if (ret == 0) ret = ReturnType.ToString().CompareTo(other.ReturnType.ToString()); return ret; } #endregion } #region class FunctionBody : List public class FunctionBody : List { public FunctionBody() { } public FunctionBody(FunctionBody fb) { foreach (string s in fb) { this.Add(s); } } private string indent = ""; public void Indent() { indent += " "; } public void Unindent() { if (indent.Length >= 4) indent = indent.Substring(4); } new public void Add(string s) { base.Add(indent + s); } new public void AddRange(IEnumerable collection) { foreach (string t in collection) { this.Add(t); } } public override string ToString() { if (this.Count == 0) return String.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(this.Count); sb.AppendLine("{"); foreach (string s in this) { sb.AppendLine(" " + s); } sb.Append("}"); return sb.ToString(); } } #endregion #region class FunctionCollection : SortedDictionary> class FunctionCollection : SortedDictionary> { Regex unsignedFunctions = new Regex(@".+(u[dfisb]v?)", RegexOptions.Compiled); public void Add(Function f) { if (!this.ContainsKey(f.Extension)) { this.Add(f.Extension, new List()); this[f.Extension].Add(f); } else { this[f.Extension].Add(f); } } public void AddRange(IEnumerable functions) { foreach (Function f in functions) { this.Add(f); } } /// /// Adds the function to the collection, if a function with the same name and parameters doesn't already exist. /// /// The Function to add. public void AddChecked(Function f) { if (Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers.ContainsKey(f.Extension)) { int index = Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers[f.Extension].IndexOf(f); if (index == -1) { Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers.Add(f); } else { Function existing = Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers[f.Extension][index]; if ((existing.Parameters.HasUnsignedParameters && !unsignedFunctions.IsMatch(existing.Name) && unsignedFunctions.IsMatch(f.Name)) || (!existing.Parameters.HasUnsignedParameters && unsignedFunctions.IsMatch(existing.Name) && !unsignedFunctions.IsMatch(f.Name))) { Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers[f.Extension].RemoveAt(index); Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers[f.Extension].Add(f); } } } else { Bind.Structures.Function.Wrappers.Add(f); } } } #endregion }