#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos * See license.txt for license info */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Diagnostics; using OpenTK.Graphics; namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11 { /// \internal /// /// Provides methods to create and control an opengl context on the X11 platform. /// This class supports OpenTK, and is not intended for use by OpenTK programs. /// internal sealed class X11GLContext : DesktopGraphicsContext { #region Fields // We assume that we cannot move a GL context to a different display connection. // For this reason, we'll "lock" onto the display of the window used in the context // constructor and we'll throw an exception if the user ever tries to make the context // current on window originating from a different display. IntPtr display; X11WindowInfo currentWindow; bool vsync_ext_supported; bool vsync_mesa_supported; bool vsync_sgi_supported; bool vsync_tear_supported; int sgi_swap_interval = 1; // As defined in GLX_SGI_swap_control readonly X11GraphicsMode ModeSelector = new X11GraphicsMode(); string extensions = null; #endregion #region --- Constructors --- static X11GLContext() { new Glx().LoadEntryPoints(); } public X11GLContext(GraphicsMode mode, IWindowInfo window, IGraphicsContext shared, bool direct, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags) { if (mode == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("mode"); if (window == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("window"); // Do not move this lower, as almost everything requires the Display // property to be correctly set. Display = ((X11WindowInfo)window).Display; // Check that GLX is supported. We cannot proceed to create // an OpenGL context without the GLX extension. int error_base; int event_base; int glx_major; int glx_minor; using (new XLock(Display)) { bool supported = Glx.QueryExtension(Display, out error_base, out event_base); supported &= Glx.QueryVersion(Display, out glx_major, out glx_minor); if (supported) { Debug.Print("[X11] GLX supported. Version is {0}.{1}", glx_major, glx_minor); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("[X11] GLX extension is not supported."); } } IntPtr visual = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr fbconfig = IntPtr.Zero; // Once a window has a visual, we cannot use a different // visual on the OpenGL context, or glXMakeCurrent might fail. // Note: we should only check X11WindowInfo.Visual, as that // is the only property that can be set by Utilities.CreateX11WindowInfo. currentWindow = (X11WindowInfo)window; if (currentWindow.Visual != IntPtr.Zero) { visual = currentWindow.Visual; fbconfig = currentWindow.FBConfig; Mode = currentWindow.GraphicsMode; } if (Mode == null || !Mode.Index.HasValue) { Mode = ModeSelector.SelectGraphicsMode(mode, out visual, out fbconfig); } ContextHandle shareHandle = shared != null ? (shared as IGraphicsContextInternal).Context : (ContextHandle)IntPtr.Zero; Debug.Write("Creating X11GLContext context: "); Debug.Write(direct ? "direct, " : "indirect, "); Debug.WriteLine(shareHandle.Handle == IntPtr.Zero ? "not shared... " : String.Format("shared with ({0})... ", shareHandle)); // Try using the new context creation method. If it fails, fall back to the old one. // For each of these methods, we try two times to create a context: // one with the "direct" flag intact, the other with the flag inversed. // HACK: It seems that Catalyst 9.1 - 9.4 on Linux have problems with contexts created through // GLX_ARB_create_context, including hideous input lag, no vsync and other madness. // Use legacy context creation if the user doesn't request a 3.0+ context. if (fbconfig != IntPtr.Zero && (major * 10 + minor >= 30) && SupportsCreateContextAttribs(Display, currentWindow)) { Handle = CreateContextAttribs(Display, currentWindow.Screen, fbconfig, direct, major, minor, flags, shareHandle); } if (Handle == ContextHandle.Zero) { Handle = CreateContextLegacy(Display, visual, direct, shareHandle); } if (Handle != ContextHandle.Zero) Debug.Print("Context created (id: {0}).", Handle); else throw new GraphicsContextException("Failed to create OpenGL context. Glx.CreateContext call returned 0."); using (new XLock(Display)) { if (!Glx.IsDirect(Display, Handle.Handle)) Debug.Print("Warning: Context is not direct."); } } public X11GLContext(ContextHandle handle, IWindowInfo window, IGraphicsContext shared, bool direct, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags) { if (handle == ContextHandle.Zero) throw new ArgumentException("handle"); if (window == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("window"); Handle = handle; currentWindow = (X11WindowInfo)window; Display = currentWindow.Display; } #endregion #region --- Private Methods --- static ContextHandle CreateContextAttribs( IntPtr display, int screen, IntPtr fbconfig, bool direct, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags, ContextHandle shareContext) { Debug.Write("Using GLX_ARB_create_context... "); IntPtr context = IntPtr.Zero; { // We need the FB config for the current GraphicsMode. List attributes = new List(); attributes.Add((int)ArbCreateContext.MajorVersion); attributes.Add(major); attributes.Add((int)ArbCreateContext.MinorVersion); attributes.Add(minor); if (flags != 0) { attributes.Add((int)ArbCreateContext.Flags); attributes.Add((int)GetARBContextFlags(flags)); attributes.Add((int)ArbCreateContext.ProfileMask); attributes.Add((int)GetARBProfileFlags(flags)); } // According to the docs, " specifies a list of attributes for the context. // The list consists of a sequence of pairs terminated by the // value 0. [...]" // Is this a single 0, or a <0, 0> pair? (Defensive coding: add two zeroes just in case). attributes.Add(0); attributes.Add(0); using (new XLock(display)) { context = Glx.Arb.CreateContextAttribs(display, fbconfig, shareContext.Handle, direct, attributes.ToArray()); if (context == IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Write(String.Format("failed. Trying direct: {0}... ", !direct)); context = Glx.Arb.CreateContextAttribs(display, fbconfig, shareContext.Handle, !direct, attributes.ToArray()); } } if (context == IntPtr.Zero) Debug.WriteLine("failed."); else Debug.WriteLine("success!"); } return new ContextHandle(context); } static ContextHandle CreateContextLegacy(IntPtr display, IntPtr info, bool direct, ContextHandle shareContext) { Debug.Write("Using legacy context creation... "); IntPtr context; using (new XLock(display)) { context = Glx.CreateContext(display, info, shareContext.Handle, direct); if (context == IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("failed. Trying direct: {0}... ", !direct)); context = Glx.CreateContext(display, info, shareContext.Handle, !direct); } } return new ContextHandle(context); } IntPtr Display { get { return display; } set { if (value == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); if (display != IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException("The display connection may not be changed after being set."); display = value; } } static ArbCreateContext GetARBContextFlags(GraphicsContextFlags flags) { ArbCreateContext result = 0; result |= (flags & GraphicsContextFlags.Debug) != 0 ? ArbCreateContext.DebugBit : 0; return result; } static ArbCreateContext GetARBProfileFlags(GraphicsContextFlags flags) { ArbCreateContext result = 0; result |= (flags & GraphicsContextFlags.ForwardCompatible) != 0 ? ArbCreateContext.CoreProfileBit : ArbCreateContext.CompatibilityProfileBit; return result; } bool SupportsExtension(IntPtr display, X11WindowInfo window, string e) { if (window == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("window"); if (e == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("e"); if (window.Display != display) throw new InvalidOperationException(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(extensions)) { using (new XLock(display)) { extensions = Glx.QueryExtensionsString(display, window.Screen); } } return !String.IsNullOrEmpty(extensions) && extensions.Contains(e); } bool SupportsCreateContextAttribs(IntPtr display, X11WindowInfo window) { return SupportsExtension(display, window, "GLX_ARB_create_context") && SupportsExtension(display, window, "GLX_ARB_create_context_profile"); } #endregion #region --- IGraphicsContext Members --- #region SwapBuffers() public override void SwapBuffers() { if (Display == IntPtr.Zero || currentWindow.Handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException( String.Format("Window is invalid. Display ({0}), Handle ({1}).", Display, currentWindow.Handle)); using (new XLock(Display)) { Glx.SwapBuffers(Display, currentWindow.Handle); } } #endregion #region MakeCurrent public override void MakeCurrent(IWindowInfo window) { if (window == currentWindow && IsCurrent) return; if (window != null && ((X11WindowInfo)window).Display != Display) throw new InvalidOperationException("MakeCurrent() may only be called on windows originating from the same display that spawned this GL context."); if (window == null) { Debug.Write(String.Format("Releasing context {0} from thread {1} (Display: {2})... ", Handle, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Display)); bool result; using (new XLock(Display)) { result = Glx.MakeCurrent(Display, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); if (result) { currentWindow = null; } } Debug.Print("{0}", result ? "done!" : "failed."); } else { X11WindowInfo w = (X11WindowInfo)window; bool result; Debug.Write(String.Format("Making context {0} current on thread {1} (Display: {2}, Screen: {3}, Window: {4})... ", Handle, System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, Display, w.Screen, w.Handle)); if (Display == IntPtr.Zero || w.Handle == IntPtr.Zero || Handle == ContextHandle.Zero) throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid display, window or context."); using (new XLock(Display)) { result = Glx.MakeCurrent(Display, w.Handle, Handle); if (result) { currentWindow = w; } } if (!result) throw new GraphicsContextException("Failed to make context current."); else Debug.WriteLine("done!"); } currentWindow = (X11WindowInfo)window; } #endregion #region IsCurrent public override bool IsCurrent { get { using (new XLock(Display)) { return Glx.GetCurrentContext() == Handle.Handle; } } } #endregion #region SwapInterval public override int SwapInterval { get { if (currentWindow == null) { Debug.Print("Context must be current"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } using (new XLock(display)) { if (vsync_ext_supported) { int value; Glx.QueryDrawable(Display, currentWindow.Handle, GLXAttribute.SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT, out value); return value; } else if (vsync_mesa_supported) { return Glx.Mesa.GetSwapInterval(); } else if (vsync_sgi_supported) { return sgi_swap_interval; } return 0; } } set { if (currentWindow == null) { Debug.Print("Context must be current"); throw new InvalidOperationException(); } if (value < 0 && !vsync_tear_supported) { value = 1; } ErrorCode error_code = 0; using (new XLock(Display)) { if (vsync_ext_supported) { Glx.Ext.SwapInterval(Display, currentWindow.Handle, value); } else if (vsync_mesa_supported) { error_code = Glx.Mesa.SwapInterval(value); } else if (vsync_sgi_supported) { error_code = Glx.Sgi.SwapInterval(value); } } if (error_code == X11.ErrorCode.NO_ERROR) sgi_swap_interval = value; else Debug.Print("VSync = {0} failed, error code: {1}.", value, error_code); } } #endregion #region LoadAll public override void LoadAll() { // Note: GLX entry points are always available, even // for extensions that are not currently supported by // the underlying driver. This means we can only check // the extension strings for support, not the entry // points themselves. vsync_ext_supported = SupportsExtension(display, currentWindow, "GLX_EXT_swap_control"); vsync_mesa_supported = SupportsExtension(display, currentWindow, "GLX_MESA_swap_control"); vsync_sgi_supported = SupportsExtension(display, currentWindow, "GLX_SGI_swap_control"); vsync_tear_supported = SupportsExtension(display, currentWindow, "GLX_EXT_swap_control_tear"); Debug.Print("Context supports vsync: {0}.", vsync_ext_supported || vsync_mesa_supported || vsync_sgi_supported); Debug.Print("Context supports adaptive vsync: {0}.", vsync_tear_supported); base.LoadAll(); } #endregion #endregion #region --- IGraphicsContextInternal Members --- #region GetAddress public override IntPtr GetAddress(IntPtr function) { using (new XLock(Display)) { return Glx.GetProcAddress(function); } } #endregion #endregion #region --- IDisposable Members --- public override void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } private void Dispose(bool manuallyCalled) { if (!IsDisposed) { if (manuallyCalled) { IntPtr display = Display; if (IsCurrent) { using (new XLock(display)) { Glx.MakeCurrent(display, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } } using (new XLock(display)) { Glx.DestroyContext(display, Handle); } } } else { Debug.Print("[Warning] {0} leaked.", this.GetType().Name); } IsDisposed = true; } ~X11GLContext() { this.Dispose(false); } #endregion } }