using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using Bind.Structures; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Bind.GL2 { class Generator : IBind { private SpecReader specReader = new SpecReader(); private SpecWriter specWriter = new SpecWriter(); DelegateCollection delegates = new DelegateCollection(); FunctionCollection wrappers = new FunctionCollection(); //List enums = new List(); EnumCollection enums = new EnumCollection(); EnumCollection extEnums = new EnumCollection(); Dictionary GLTypes = new Dictionary(); Dictionary CSTypes = new Dictionary(); string specFolder; public Generator(string folder) { specFolder = folder; } #region IBind Members /* public ISpecReader SpecReader { get { return specReader; } } */ #region public void Process() public void Process() { // Read using (StreamReader sr = Utilities.OpenSpecFile(Settings.InputPath, "gl2\\")) { GLTypes = specReader.ReadTypeMap(sr); } using (StreamReader sr = Utilities.OpenSpecFile(Settings.InputPath, "gl2\\")) { CSTypes = specReader.ReadCSTypeMap(sr); } using (StreamReader sr = Utilities.OpenSpecFile(Settings.InputPath, "gl2\\gl.spec")) { delegates = specReader.ReadDelegates(sr); } using (StreamReader sr = Utilities.OpenSpecFile(Settings.InputPath, "gl2\\enum.spec")) { enums = specReader.ReadEnums(sr); } using (StreamReader sr = Utilities.OpenSpecFile(Settings.InputPath, "gl2\\enumext.spec")) { extEnums = specReader.ReadEnums(sr); } // Merge all opengl enumerants in enums foreach (Bind.Structures.Enum e in extEnums.Values) { //enums.Add(e.Name, e); Utilities.Merge(enums, e); } // Process enums and delegates - create wrappers. this.Translate(); // Write using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, "GLEnums.cs"))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); sw.WriteLine("public static partial class {0}", Settings.GLClass); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); specWriter.WriteEnums(sw, enums); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, "GLDelegates.cs"))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); specWriter.WriteTypes(sw, CSTypes); specWriter.WriteDelegates(sw, delegates); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, "GLCore.cs"))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); specWriter.WriteTypes(sw, CSTypes); specWriter.WriteImports(sw, delegates); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } using (BindStreamWriter sw = new BindStreamWriter(Path.Combine(Settings.OutputPath, "GL.cs"))) { sw.WriteLine("namespace {0}", Settings.OutputNamespace); sw.WriteLine("{"); sw.Indent(); specWriter.WriteTypes(sw, CSTypes); specWriter.WriteWrappers(sw, wrappers, CSTypes); sw.Unindent(); sw.WriteLine("}"); } } #endregion #endregion #region private void Translate() private void Translate() { foreach (Bind.Structures.Enum e in enums.Values) { TranslateEnum(e); } foreach (Bind.Structures.Delegate d in delegates.Values) { TranslateReturnType(d); TranslateParameters(d); //wrappers.AddRange(d.CreateWrappers()); foreach (Function f in d.CreateWrappers(CSTypes)) { if (!f.CLSCompliant) { Function clsFunction = f.GetCLSCompliantFunction(CSTypes); if (clsFunction.Parameters.ToString(true) != f.Parameters.ToString(true)) wrappers.Add(clsFunction); } wrappers.Add(f); } } } #endregion #region private void TranslateReturnType(Bind.Structures.Delegate d) /// /// Translates the opengl return type to the equivalent C# type. /// /// The opengl function to translate. /// /// First, we use the official typemap ( to get the correct type. /// Then we override this, when it is: /// 1) A string (we have to use Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi, to avoid heap corruption) /// 2) An array (translates to IntPtr) /// 3) A generic object or void* (translates to IntPtr) /// 4) A GLenum (translates to int on Legacy.Tao or GL.Enums.GLenum otherwise). /// Return types must always be CLS-compliant, because .Net does not support overloading on return types. /// private void TranslateReturnType(Bind.Structures.Delegate d) { if (GLTypes.ContainsKey(d.ReturnType.Type)) { d.ReturnType.Type = GLTypes[d.ReturnType.Type]; } if (d.ReturnType.Type.ToLower().Contains("void") && d.ReturnType.Pointer) { d.ReturnType.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.GenericReturnType; } if (d.ReturnType.Type == "GLstring") { d.ReturnType.Type = "System.IntPtr"; d.ReturnType.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.StringReturnType; } if (d.ReturnType.Type.ToLower().Contains("object")) { d.ReturnType.Type = "System.IntPtr"; d.ReturnType.WrapperType |= WrapperTypes.GenericReturnType; } if (d.ReturnType.Type == "GLenum") { if (Settings.Compatibility == Settings.Legacy.None) d.ReturnType.Type = Settings.GLClass + ".Enums.GLenum"; else d.ReturnType.Type = "int"; } if (d.ReturnType.Type.ToLower().Contains("bool") && Settings.Compatibility == Settings.Legacy.Tao) { d.ReturnType.Type = "int"; } if (d.ReturnType.WrapperType != WrapperTypes.None) { d.NeedsWrapper = true; } d.ReturnType.Type = d.ReturnType.GetCLSCompliantType(CSTypes); } #endregion #region private void TranslateParameters(Bind.Structures.Delegate d) private void TranslateParameters(Bind.Structures.Delegate d) { string s; Bind.Structures.Enum @enum; foreach (Parameter p in d.Parameters) { // Translate enum parameters if (enums.TryGetValue(p.Type, out @enum) && @enum.Name != "GLenum") { if (Settings.Compatibility == Settings.Legacy.None) p.Type = p.Type.Insert(0, Settings.GLClass + ".Enums."); else p.Type = "int"; } else if (GLTypes.TryGetValue(p.Type, out s)) { // Check if the parameter is a generic GLenum. If yes, // check if a better match exists: if (s.Contains("GLenum") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(d.Category)) { if (Settings.Compatibility == Settings.Legacy.None) { // Better match: enum.Name == function.Category (e.g. GL_VERSION_1_1 etc) if (enums.ContainsKey(d.Category)) { p.Type = Settings.GLClass + ".Enums." + d.Category; } else { p.Type = Settings.GLClass + ".Enums.GLenum"; } } else { p.Type = "int"; } } else { // This is not enum, default translation: p.Type = s; } } // Translate pointer parameters if (p.Pointer) { p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.ArrayParameter; if (p.Type.ToLower().Contains("char") || p.Type.ToLower().Contains("string")) { // char* or string -> [In] String or [Out] StringBuilder p.Type = p.Flow == Parameter.FlowDirection.Out ? "System.Text.StringBuilder" : "System.String"; if (d.Name.Contains("ShaderSource")) { // Special case: these functions take a string[] //p.IsPointer = true; p.Array = 1; } p.Pointer = false; p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.None; } else if (p.Type.ToLower().Contains("void")) { p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.GenericParameter; } } // Check for LineStipple (should be unchecked) if (p.Type.ToLower().Contains("ushort") && d.Name.Contains("LineStipple")) { p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.UncheckedParameter; } if (p.Type.ToLower().Contains("bool")) { p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.BoolParameter; } if (p.WrapperType != WrapperTypes.None) { d.NeedsWrapper = true; } } } #endregion #region private void TranslateEnum(Bind.Structures.Enum e) private void TranslateEnum(Bind.Structures.Enum e) { foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values) { // There are cases when a value is an aliased constant, with no enum specified. // (e.g. FOG_COORD_ARRAY_TYPE = GL_FOG_COORDINATE_ARRAY_TYPE) // In this case try searching all enums for the correct constant to alias (stupid opengl specs). if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Reference) && !Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0])) { foreach (Bind.Structures.Enum @enum in enums.Values) { // Skip generic GLenum if (@enum.Name == "GLenum") continue; if (@enum.ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Value)) { c.Reference = @enum.Name; } } } } } #endregion } }