2010 Khronos Group glIsSampler 3G glIsSampler determine if a name corresponds to a sampler object C Specification GLboolean glIsSampler GLuint id Parameters id Specifies a value that may be the name of a sampler object. Description glIsSampler returns GL_TRUE if id is currently the name of a sampler object. If id is zero, or is a non-zero value that is not currently the name of a sampler object, or if an error occurs, glIsSampler returns GL_FALSE. A name returned by glGenSamplers, is the name of a sampler object. Notes glIsSampler is available only if the GL version is 3.3 or higher. See Also glGenSamplers, glBindSampler, glDeleteSamplers Copyright Copyright 2010 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. http://opencontent.org/openpub/.