#region License //Copyright (c) 2006 Stephen Apostolopoulos //See license.txt for license info #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Collections; namespace OpenTK.OpenGL.Bind { #region WrapperTypes enum public enum WrapperTypes { None, VoidPointerIn, VoidPointerOut, VoidPointer, ArrayOut, ArrayIn, Array, UShortMaskParameter, ReturnsString, ReturnsVoidPointer, } #endregion static class Translation { public static char[] Separators = { ' ', '\n', ',', '(', ')', ';', '#' }; #region Dictionaries static Dictionary parameter_names = new Dictionary(); #region GL types dictionary private static Dictionary _gl_types; public static Dictionary GLTypes { get { return Translation._gl_types; } set { Translation._gl_types = value; } } #endregion #region CS types dictionary private static Dictionary _cs_types; public static Dictionary CSTypes { get { return Translation._cs_types; } set { Translation._cs_types = value; } } #endregion #region GLX types dictionary private static Dictionary _glx_types; public static Dictionary GLXTypes { get { return _glx_types; } set { _glx_types = value; } } #endregion #region WGL types dictionary private static Dictionary _wgl_types; public static Dictionary WGLTypes { get { return _wgl_types; } set { _wgl_types = value; } } #endregion #endregion #region Constructor static Translation() { // Names parameter_names.Add("base", "@base"); parameter_names.Add("object", "@object"); parameter_names.Add("string", "@string"); parameter_names.Add("ref", "reference"); parameter_names.Add("params", "parameters"); parameter_names.Add("in", "@in"); parameter_names.Add("class", "@class"); } #endregion #region Translate enums public static void TranslateEnums(System.Collections.Hashtable enums) { // Add missing enums. { Enum e = new Enum(); Constant c; e.Name = "SGIX_icc_texture"; c = new Constant("RGB_ICC_SGIX", "0x8460"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("RGBA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8461"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8462"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("LUMINANCE_ICC_SGIX", "0x8463"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("INTENSITY_ICC_SGIX", "0x8464"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("LUMINANCE_ALPHA_ICC_SGIX", "0x8465"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("R5_G6_B5_ICC_SGIX", "0x8466"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("R5_G6_B5_A8_ICC_SGIX", "0x8467"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("ALPHA16_ICC_SGIX", "0x8468"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("LUMINANCE16_ICC_SGIX", "0x8469"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("INTENSITY16_ICC_SGIX", "0x846A"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); c = new Constant("LUMINANCE16_ALPHA8_ICC_SGIX", "0x846B"); e.ConstantCollection.Add(c.Name, c); enums.Add(e.Name, e); } // Translate enums. foreach (Enum e in enums.Values) { if (Char.IsDigit(e.Name[0])) e.Name = e.Name.Insert(0, "_"); if (e.Name == "Boolean") continue; foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values) { // Prepend an '_' if the first letter is a number (e.g. 4_BYTES -> _4_BYTES) if (Char.IsDigit(c.Name[0])) c.Name = c.Name.Insert(0, "_"); // Prepend an '_' to the aliased value, if it starts with a number (e.g. DataType.4_BYTES -> DataType._4_BYTES) if (c.Value.Contains(".") && Char.IsDigit(c.Value[c.Value.IndexOf('.') + 1])) c.Value = c.Value.Insert(c.Value.IndexOf('.') + 1, "_"); // There are cases when a value is not a number but an aliased constant, with no enum specified. // In this case try searching all enums for the correct constant to alias (stupid opengl group). if (!c.Value.Contains(".") && !c.Value.StartsWith("0x") && !Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0])) { if (c.Value.StartsWith("GL_")) c.Value = c.Value.TrimStart('G', 'L', '_'); if (Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0])) c.Value = c.Value.Insert(0, "_"); foreach (Enum search_enum in enums.Values) foreach (Constant search_constant in search_enum.ConstantCollection.Values) if (search_constant.Name == c.Value || search_constant.Name == c.Value.TrimStart('_')) c.Value = c.Value.Insert(0, search_enum.Name + "."); } // Handle enum.spec bugs: if (c.Value.Contains("LightProperty")) c.Value = c.Value.Replace("LightProperty", "LightParameter"); } } } #endregion #region Translate functions public static void TranslateFunctions(List functions, Hashtable enums, out List wrappers) { foreach (Function f in functions) { TranslateReturnValue(f, enums); TranslateParameters(f, enums); if (f.NeedsWrapper) f.Name = f.Name + "_"; } wrappers = GenerateWrappers(functions); } #region Translate return value private static void TranslateReturnValue(Function f, Hashtable enums) { string s; if (f.ReturnValue == "void") return; if (GLTypes.TryGetValue(f.ReturnValue, out s)) f.ReturnValue = s; if (f.ReturnValue == "void[]") { f.NeedsWrapper = true; f.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.ReturnsVoidPointer; f.ReturnValue = "IntPtr"; } if (f.ReturnValue == "GLstring") { f.NeedsWrapper = true; f.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.ReturnsString; f.ReturnValue = "IntPtr"; } } #endregion #region Translate parameters private static void TranslateParameters(Function f, Hashtable enums) { string s; // Map parameters. foreach (Parameter p in f.Parameters) { #region Default name translation if (parameter_names.TryGetValue(p.Name, out s)) p.Name = s; #endregion #region Default type translation if (p.Type.Contains("Boolean")) { p.Type = "GLboolean"; } else if (enums.ContainsKey(p.Type)) { p.Type = "Enums." + p.Type; } else if (p.Type == "GLenum") { if (enums.ContainsKey(f.Category)) p.Type = "Enums." + f.Category; } else if (GLTypes.TryGetValue(p.Type, out s)) p.Type = s; #endregion #region Wrapper translations if (p.Type.Contains("ushort") && f.Name.Contains("LineStipple")) { //f.NeedsWrapper = true; //f.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.UShortMaskParameter; p.NeedsWrapper = true; p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.UShortMaskParameter; p.Unchecked = true; } else if (p.Array && p.Type.Contains("string")) { p.NeedsWrapper = false; p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.None; } else if (p.Array && p.Type.Contains("char")) { if (p.Flow == Parameter.FlowDirection.Out) p.Type = "StringBuilder"; else p.Type = "string"; p.Array = false; //f.Nee } else if (p.Array) { //f.NeedsWrapper = true; p.NeedsWrapper = true; if (p.Type.Contains("void")) p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.VoidPointer; else p.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.Array; p.Type = "IntPtr"; p.Array = false; p.Flow = Parameter.FlowDirection.Undefined; } if (p.NeedsWrapper) { f.NeedsWrapper = true; //f.WrapperType = WrapperTypes.Array; f.WrapperType = p.WrapperType; } #endregion } } #endregion #region Generate wrappers private static List GenerateWrappers(List functions) { List wrappers = new List(); Function w; foreach (Function f in functions) { if (f.NeedsWrapper) { if (f.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.UShortMaskParameter) { w = new Function(f); w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_'); // Search and replace ushort parameters with ints. Predicate is_ushort_parameter = new Predicate(delegate(Parameter p) { return p.Type == "GLushort"; }); Parameter oldp = w.Parameters.Find(is_ushort_parameter); Parameter newp = new Parameter(oldp); newp.Type = "GLint"; w.Parameters = w.Parameters.ReplaceAll(oldp, newp); // Call the low-level function wrapping (all parameters marked with Unchecked will automatically // be decorated with the unchecked keyword). w.Body.Add((f.ReturnValue.Contains("void") ? "" : "return ") + f.CallString() + ";"); // Add the wrapper. wrappers.Add(w); continue; } if (f.WrapperType == WrapperTypes.ReturnsString) { w = new Function(f); w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_'); // Replace the IntPtr return value with string. w.ReturnValue = "string"; // Wrap the call to the low-level function (marshal the IntPtr to string). w.Body.Add("return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(" + f.CallString() + ");"); // Add the wrapper. wrappers.Add(w); continue; } //if ( WrapPointers(f, wrappers); count = 0; } } return wrappers; } static int count = 0; private static void WrapPointers(Function f, List wrappers) { if (count == 0) { wrappers.Add(IntPtrToIntPtr(f)); } if (count >= 0 && count < f.Parameters.Count) { if (f.Parameters[count].NeedsWrapper) { ++count; WrapPointers(f, wrappers); --count; Function w = IntPtrToObject(f, count); wrappers.Add(w); ++count; WrapPointers(w, wrappers); --count; if (f.Parameters[count].WrapperType == WrapperTypes.Array) { w = IntPtrToArray(f, count); wrappers.Add(w); ++count; WrapPointers(w, wrappers); --count; } } else { ++count; WrapPointers(f, wrappers); --count; } } } // IntPtr -> IntPtr wrapper. private static Function IntPtrToIntPtr(Function f) { Function w = new Function(f); w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_'); w.Body.Add((f.ReturnValue.Contains("void") ? "" : "return ") + f.CallString() + ";"); return w; } // IntPtr -> object wrapper. private static Function IntPtrToObject(Function f, int index) { Function w = new Function(f); w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_'); Parameter newp = new Parameter(f.Parameters[index]); newp.Type = "object"; if (newp.Flow == Parameter.FlowDirection.Out) newp.Flow = Parameter.FlowDirection.Undefined; w.Parameters = w.Parameters.Replace(f.Parameters[index], newp); // In the function body we should pin all objects in memory before calling the // low-level function. w.Body = GenerateBodyForPins(w); return w; } // IntPtr -> GL[...] wrapper. private static Function IntPtrToArray(Function f, int index) { Function w = new Function(f); w.Name = w.Name.TrimEnd('_'); // Search and replace IntPtr parameters with the know parameter types: Parameter newp = new Parameter(f.Parameters[index]); newp.Type = f.Parameters[index].PreviousType; newp.Array = true; w.Parameters = w.Parameters.Replace(f.Parameters[index], newp); // In the function body we should pin all objects in memory before calling the // low-level function. w.Body = GenerateBodyForPins(w); return w; } private static FunctionBody GenerateBodyForPins(Function w) { FunctionBody body = new FunctionBody(); int i = 0; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("("); foreach (Parameter p in w.Parameters) { if (p.Type == "object" || p.Array && !p.Type.Contains("string")) // we should allow the default marshalling behavior for strings. { body.Add("GCHandle h" + i + " = GCHandle.Alloc(" + p.Name + ", GCHandleType.Pinned);"); sb.Append("h" + i + ".AddrOfPinnedObject()" + ", "); i++; } else { sb.Append(p.Name + ", "); } } sb.Replace(", ", ")", sb.Length - 2, 2); body.Add("try"); body.Add("{"); body.Add( " " + (w.ReturnValue.Contains("void") ? "" : "return ") + w.Name + "_" + sb.ToString() + ";"); body.Add("}"); body.Add("finally"); body.Add("{"); while (i > 0) { body.Add(" h" + --i + ".Free();"); } body.Add("}"); return body; } #endregion #endregion } }