using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; namespace OpenTK.Platform { using Graphics; static class Factory { static IPlatformFactory implementation; static Factory() { if (Configuration.RunningOnWindows) implementation = new Windows.WinFactory(); else if (Configuration.RunningOnX11) implementation = new X11.X11Factory(); else if (Configuration.RunningOnMacOS) implementation = new MacOS.MacOSFactory(); else implementation = new UnsupportedPlatform(); } internal static INativeGLWindow CreateNativeGLWindow() { return implementation.CreateGLNative(); } internal static IGLControl CreateGLControl(GraphicsMode mode, GLControl owner) { return implementation.CreateGLControl(mode, owner); } internal static IDisplayDeviceDriver CreateDisplayDeviceDriver() { return implementation.CreateDisplayDeviceDriver(); } internal static IGraphicsContext CreateGLContext(GraphicsMode mode, IWindowInfo window, IGraphicsContext shareContext, bool directRendering, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags) { return implementation.CreateGLContext(mode, window, shareContext, directRendering, major, minor, flags); } internal static IGraphicsMode CreateGraphicsMode() { return implementation.CreateGraphicsMode(); } class UnsupportedPlatform : IPlatformFactory { #region IPlatformFactory Members public INativeGLWindow CreateGLNative() { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Please, refer to for more information."); } public IGLControl CreateGLControl(GraphicsMode mode, GLControl owner) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Please, refer to for more information."); } public IDisplayDeviceDriver CreateDisplayDeviceDriver() { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Please, refer to for more information."); } public IGraphicsContext CreateGLContext(GraphicsMode mode, IWindowInfo window, IGraphicsContext shareContext, bool DirectRendering, int major, int minor, GraphicsContextFlags flags) { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Please, refer to for more information."); } public IGraphicsMode CreateGraphicsMode() { throw new PlatformNotSupportedException("Please, refer to for more information."); } #endregion } } }