#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos * See license.txt for license info */ #endregion #region --- Using directives --- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Diagnostics; using OpenTK.OpenGL; using OpenTK.Input; #endregion namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows { /// /// Drives GameWindow on Windows. /// This class supports OpenTK, and is not intended for use by OpenTK programs. /// internal sealed class WinGLNative : System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow, INativeGLWindow { #region --- Fields --- private DisplayMode mode = new DisplayMode(); private IInputDriver driver; //private bool fullscreen; private bool disposed; private bool isExiting; private bool exists; private WindowInfo window = new WindowInfo(); private int top, bottom, left, right; private ResizeEventArgs resizeEventArgs = new ResizeEventArgs(); /// /// For use in PeekMessage. /// private MSG myGoodMsg = new MSG(); /// /// For use in WndProc only. /// private int width = 0, height = 0; private int left_border, right_border, top_border, bottom_border; #endregion #region --- Contructors --- /// /// Constructs a new WinGLNative class. Call CreateWindow to create the /// actual render window. /// public WinGLNative() { Debug.Print("Native window driver: {0}", this.ToString()); } #endregion #region protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) /// /// Processes incoming WM_* messages. /// /// Reference to the incoming Windows Message. protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { switch ((WindowMessage)m.Msg) { case WindowMessage.WINDOWPOSCHANGED: // Get window size width = Marshal.ReadInt32(m.LParam, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(WindowPosition), "cx")); height = Marshal.ReadInt32(m.LParam, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(WindowPosition), "cy")); width -= (left_border + right_border); height -= (top_border + bottom_border); //if (resizeEventArgs.Width != width || resizeEventArgs.Height != height) if (this.mode.Width != width || this.mode.Height != height) { mode.Width = width; mode.Height = height; // If the size has changed, raise the ResizeEvent. //resizeEventArgs.Width = width; //resizeEventArgs.Height = height; //this.OnResize(resizeEventArgs); // The message was processed. return; } // If the message was not a resize notification, send it to the default WndProc. break; case WindowMessage.CREATE: // Set the window width and height: this.mode.Width = Marshal.ReadInt32(m.LParam, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(CreateStruct), "cx")); this.mode.Height = Marshal.ReadInt32(m.LParam, (int)Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(CreateStruct), "cy")); this.mode.Width -= (left_border + right_border); this.mode.Height -= (top_border + bottom_border); // Raise the Create event this.OnCreate(EventArgs.Empty); return; case WindowMessage.CLOSE: //this.DestroyWindow(); this.OnDestroy(EventArgs.Empty); //return; break; case WindowMessage.DESTROY: //this.OnDestroy(EventArgs.Empty); exists = false; isExiting = true; break; case WindowMessage.QUIT: isExiting = true; //this.Dispose(); //Debug.WriteLine("Application quit."); return; } //DefWndProc(ref m); base.WndProc(ref m); } #endregion #region --- INativeGLWindow Members --- #region public void ProcessEvents() private int ret; MSG msg; public void ProcessEvents() { while (!IsIdle) { ret = Functions.GetMessage(ref msg, Handle, 0, 0); if (ret == -1) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format( "An error happened while processing the message queue. Windows error: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } Functions.DispatchMessage(ref msg); //WndProc(ref msg); } } #endregion #region public IInputDriver InputDriver public IInputDriver InputDriver { get { return driver; } } #endregion #region public bool Exists /// /// Returns true if a render window/context exists. /// public bool Exists { get { return exists; } } #endregion #region public bool Quit public bool IsExiting { get { return isExiting; } } #endregion #region public bool Fullscreen public bool Fullscreen { get { return false; //throw new NotImplementedException(); } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); //fullscreen = false; } } #endregion #region public bool IsIdle public bool IsIdle { get { //return !API.PeekMessage(out msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, 0); return !Functions.PeekMessage(ref myGoodMsg, this.Handle, 0, 0, 0); //return API.GetQueueStatus(API.QueueStatusFlags.ALLEVENTS) == 0; } } #endregion #region public string Text public string Title { get { StringBuilder title = new StringBuilder(256); Functions.GetWindowText(window.Handle, title, title.Capacity); return title.ToString(); } set { #if DEBUG bool ret = Functions.SetWindowText(window.Handle, value); if (ret) Debug.Print("Window {0} title changed to {1}.", window.Handle, value); else Debug.Print("Window {0} title failed to change to {1}.", window.Handle, value); #else Functions.SetWindowText(window.Handle, value); #endif } } #endregion #region public bool Visible /// /// TODO /// public bool Visible { get { //Functions.GetW return true; } set { } } #endregion #region public IWindowInfo WindowInfo public IWindowInfo WindowInfo { get { return window; } //private set { window = value as WindowInfo; } } #endregion #region public void CreateWindow(DisplayMode mode, GLContext context) public void CreateWindow(DisplayMode windowMode, GLContext context) { Debug.Print("Creating native window with mode: {0}", windowMode.ToString()); Debug.Indent(); CreateParams cp = new CreateParams(); cp.ClassStyle = (int)WindowClassStyle.OwnDC | (int)WindowClassStyle.VRedraw | (int)WindowClassStyle.HRedraw | (int)WindowClassStyle.Ime; cp.Style = (int)WindowStyle.Visible | (int)WindowStyle.ClipChildren | (int)WindowStyle.ClipSiblings | (int)WindowStyle.OverlappedWindow; Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); rect.top = rect.left = 0; rect.bottom = windowMode.Height; rect.right = windowMode.Width; Functions.AdjustWindowRect(ref rect, WindowStyle.OverlappedWindow, false); // Not used Top = 0; Left = 0; Right = windowMode.Width; Bottom = windowMode.Height; // -------- top_border = -rect.top; left_border = -rect.left; bottom_border = rect.bottom - windowMode.Height; right_border = rect.right - windowMode.Width; cp.Width = rect.right - rect.left; cp.Height = rect.bottom - rect.top; cp.Caption = "OpenTK Game Window"; // Keep in mind that some construction code runs in WM_CREATE, // which is raised CreateHandle() CreateHandle(cp); if (this.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.WriteLine("Window creation succesful."); //context.Info = new OpenTK.Platform.WindowInfo(this); //context.CreateContext(); //Debug.WriteLine("Context creation successful."); exists = true; } else throw new ApplicationException(String.Format( "Could not create native window and/or context. Handle: {0}", this.Handle)); Functions.SetWindowPos(this.Handle, WindowPlacementOptions.TOP, Left, Top, cp.Width, cp.Height, SetWindowPosFlags.SHOWWINDOW); Debug.Unindent(); } #endregion #region OnCreate public event CreateEvent Create; public void OnCreate(EventArgs e) { this.window.Handle = this.Handle; this.window.Parent = null; //this.window = new WindowInfo(this); //driver = new WinRawInput(this.window); // Disabled until the mouse issues are resolved. driver = new WMInput(this.window); Debug.Print("Window created: {0}", window); if (this.Create != null) this.Create(this, e); } #endregion #region private void DestroyWindow() /// /// Starts the teardown sequence for the current window. /// public void DestroyWindow() { Debug.Print("Destroying window: {0}", window.ToString()); Functions.PostMessage(this.Handle, WindowMessage.DESTROY, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } #endregion #region OnDestroy public void OnDestroy(EventArgs e) { Debug.Print("Destroy event fired from window: {0}", window.ToString()); if (this.Destroy != null) this.Destroy(this, e); /* if (this.Handle != IntPtr.Zero) { Debug.Print("Window handle {0} destroyed.", this.Handle); //this.DestroyHandle(); // Destroyed automatically by DefWndProc //this.Dispose(); exists = false; } */ //API.PostQuitMessage(0); } public event DestroyEvent Destroy; #endregion #region PointToClient public void PointToClient(ref System.Drawing.Point p) { if (!Functions.ScreenToClient(this.Handle, ref p)) throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format( "Could not convert point {0} from client to screen coordinates. Windows error: {1}", p.ToString(), Marshal.GetLastWin32Error())); } #endregion #region PointToScreen public void PointToScreen(ref System.Drawing.Point p) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion #endregion #region --- IResizable Members --- #region public int Width public int Width { get { return mode.Width; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); } } #endregion #region public int Height public int Height { get { return mode.Height; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(); //WinApi.PostMessage( // this.Handle, // WinApi.Constants.WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, //mode.Height = value; } } #endregion #region public void OnResize public event ResizeEvent Resize; public void OnResize(ResizeEventArgs e) { mode.Width = e.Width; mode.Height = e.Height; if (this.Resize != null) this.Resize(this, e); } #endregion public int Top { get { return top; } private set { top = value; } } public int Bottom { get { return bottom; } private set { bottom = value; } } public int Left { get { return left; } private set { left = value; } } public int Right { get { return right; } private set { right = value; } } #endregion #region --- IDisposable Members --- public void Dispose() { this.Dispose(true); //GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } private void Dispose(bool calledManually) { if (!disposed) { // Clean unmanaged resources here: if (calledManually) { // Safe to clean managed resources //base.DestroyHandle(); } disposed = true; } } /* ~WinGLNative() { Dispose(false); } */ #endregion } #region class WindowHandle : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid /* class WindowHandle : Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid { protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { throw new Exception("The method or operation is not implemented."); } public override bool IsInvalid { get { return base.IsInvalid; } } } */ #endregion }