2010-2013 Khronos Group glDeleteFramebuffers 3G glDeleteFramebuffers delete framebuffer objects C Specification void glDeleteFramebuffers GLsizei n GLuint *framebuffers Parameters n Specifies the number of framebuffer objects to be deleted. framebuffers A pointer to an array containing n framebuffer objects to be deleted. Description glDeleteFramebuffers deletes the n framebuffer objects whose names are stored in the array addressed by framebuffers. The name zero is reserved by the GL and is silently ignored, should it occur in framebuffers, as are other unused names. Once a framebuffer object is deleted, its name is again unused and it has no attachments. If a framebuffer that is currently bound to one or more of the targets GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER or GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER is deleted, it is as though glBindFramebuffer had been executed with the corresponding target and framebuffer zero. Errors GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative. See Also glGenFramebuffers, glBindFramebuffer, glCheckFramebufferStatus Copyright Copyright 2010-2013 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. http://opencontent.org/openpub/.