#region --- License --- /* Copyright (c) 2006, 2007 Stefanos Apostolopoulos * See license.txt for license info */ #endregion using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.IO; using System.Drawing; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Fonts; using OpenTK.OpenGL; using OpenTK.Input; using OpenTK.OpenGL.Enums; using System.Diagnostics; namespace Examples.Tutorial { /// /// Shows how to render and scroll large amounts of text. /// public class Text : GameWindow, IExample { TextureFont serif = new TextureFont(new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 24.0f)); TextHandle poem_handle; ITextPrinter text = new TextPrinter(); public Text() : base(new DisplayMode(800, 600), String.Format("OpenTK | Tutorial {0}: Text", order)) { } string poem = new StreamReader("Data/Poem.txt").ReadToEnd(); int lines; // How many lines the poem contains. float scroll_speed; float initial_position; float warparound_position; float current_position; #region OnLoad public override void OnLoad(EventArgs e) { GL.ClearColor(Color.SteelBlue); current_position = initial_position; scroll_speed = -1.0f; text.Prepare(poem, serif, out poem_handle); // Count the amount of lines in the text, to find out the correct // warparound position. We want the text to scroll until the last // line moves outside the screen, then warp it around from the // other side of the screen. foreach (char c in poem) if (c == '\n') lines++; warparound_position = -(lines + 1) * serif.Height; } #endregion #region OnUnload public override void OnUnload(EventArgs e) { poem_handle.Dispose(); serif.Dispose(); } #endregion #region OnResize protected override void OnResize(OpenTK.Platform.ResizeEventArgs e) { GL.Viewport(0, 0, Width, Height); initial_position = Height + serif.Height; // Start one line below the screen. warparound_position = -(lines + 1) * serif.Height; } #endregion #region OnUpdateFrame public override void OnUpdateFrame(UpdateFrameEventArgs e) { if (Keyboard[Key.Space]) scroll_speed = 0.0f; if (Keyboard[Key.Down]) scroll_speed += 1; if (Keyboard[Key.Up]) scroll_speed -= 1; if (Keyboard[Key.Escape]) this.Exit(); } #endregion #region OnRenderFrame public override void OnRenderFrame(RenderFrameEventArgs e) { GL.Clear(ClearBufferMask.ColorBufferBit); // We'll start printing from the lower left corner of the screen. The text // will slowly move updwards - the user can control the movement speed with // the keyboard arrows and the space bar. current_position += scroll_speed * (float)e.ScaleFactor; if (scroll_speed > 0.0f && current_position > initial_position) current_position = warparound_position; else if (scroll_speed < 0.0f && current_position < warparound_position) current_position = initial_position; // Prepare to draw text. We want pixel perfect precision, so we setup a 2D mode, // with size equal to the window (in pixels). // While we could also render text in 3D mode, it would be very hard to get // pixel-perfect precision. GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Projection); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.Ortho(0.0, Width, Height, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.LoadIdentity(); GL.Translate(0.0f, current_position, 0.0f); text.Draw(poem_handle); SwapBuffers(); } #endregion #region --- IExample Members --- public static readonly int order = 7; public void Launch() { Run(30.0, 0.0); } #endregion } }