using System; using OpenTK; using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL; using Ryujinx.Common; namespace Ryujinx.Profiler.UI { public partial class ProfileWindow { // Colour index equal to timing flag type as int private Color[] _timingFlagColours = new[] { new Color(150, 25, 25, 50), // FrameSwap = 0 new Color(25, 25, 150, 50), // SystemFrame = 1 }; private TimingFlag[] _timingFlags; private const float GraphMoveSpeed = 40000; private const float GraphZoomSpeed = 50; private float _graphZoom = 1; private float _graphPosition = 0; private void DrawGraph(float xOffset, float yOffset, float width) { if (_sortedProfileData.Count != 0) { int left, right; float top, bottom; int verticalIndex = 0; float graphRight = xOffset + width; float barHeight = (LineHeight - LinePadding); long history = Profile.HistoryLength; double timeWidthTicks = history / (double)_graphZoom; long graphPositionTicks = (long)(_graphPosition * PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond); long ticksPerPixel = (long)(timeWidthTicks / width); // Reset start point if out of bounds if (timeWidthTicks + graphPositionTicks > history) { graphPositionTicks = history - (long)timeWidthTicks; _graphPosition = (float)graphPositionTicks / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond; } graphPositionTicks = _captureTime - graphPositionTicks; GL.Enable(EnableCap.ScissorTest); // Draw timing flags if (_displayFlags) { TimingFlagType prevType = TimingFlagType.Count; GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactor.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactor.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Lines); foreach (TimingFlag timingFlag in _timingFlags) { if (prevType != timingFlag.FlagType) { prevType = timingFlag.FlagType; GL.Color4(_timingFlagColours[(int)prevType]); } int x = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - timingFlag.Timestamp) / timeWidthTicks) * width); GL.Vertex2(x, 0); GL.Vertex2(x, Height); } GL.End(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); } // Draw bars GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Triangles); foreach (var entry in _sortedProfileData) { long furthest = 0; bottom = GetLineY(yOffset, LineHeight, LinePadding, true, verticalIndex); top = bottom + barHeight; // Skip rendering out of bounds bars if (top < 0 || bottom > Height) { verticalIndex++; continue; } GL.Color3(Color.Green); foreach (Timestamp timestamp in entry.Value.GetAllTimestamps()) { // Skip drawing multiple timestamps on same pixel if (timestamp.EndTime < furthest) continue; furthest = timestamp.EndTime + ticksPerPixel; left = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - timestamp.BeginTime) / timeWidthTicks) * width); right = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - timestamp.EndTime) / timeWidthTicks) * width); // Make sure width is at least 1px right = Math.Max(left + 1, right); GL.Vertex2(left, bottom); GL.Vertex2(left, top); GL.Vertex2(right, top); GL.Vertex2(right, top); GL.Vertex2(right, bottom); GL.Vertex2(left, bottom); } // Currently capturing timestamp GL.Color3(Color.Red); long entryBegin = entry.Value.BeginTime; if (entryBegin != -1) { left = (int)(graphRight - ((graphPositionTicks - entryBegin) / timeWidthTicks) * width); // Make sure width is at least 1px left = Math.Min(left - 1, (int)graphRight); GL.Vertex2(left, bottom); GL.Vertex2(left, top); GL.Vertex2(graphRight, top); GL.Vertex2(graphRight, top); GL.Vertex2(graphRight, bottom); GL.Vertex2(left, bottom); } verticalIndex++; } GL.End(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.ScissorTest); string label = $"-{MathF.Round(_graphPosition, 2)} ms"; // Dummy draw for measure float labelWidth = _fontService.DrawText(label, 0, 0, LineHeight, false); _fontService.DrawText(label, graphRight - labelWidth - LinePadding, FilterHeight + LinePadding, LineHeight); _fontService.DrawText($"-{MathF.Round((float)((timeWidthTicks / PerformanceCounter.TicksPerMillisecond) + _graphPosition), 2)} ms", xOffset + LinePadding, FilterHeight + LinePadding, LineHeight); } } } }