using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gal; using Ryujinx.HLE.Gpu.Texture; using Ryujinx.HLE.Logging; using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Handles; using Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Services.Nv.NvMap; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using static Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Services.Android.Parcel; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.OsHle.Services.Android { class NvFlinger : IDisposable { private delegate long ServiceProcessParcel(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader); private Dictionary<(string, int), ServiceProcessParcel> Commands; private KEvent ReleaseEvent; private IGalRenderer Renderer; private const int BufferQueueCount = 0x40; private const int BufferQueueMask = BufferQueueCount - 1; [Flags] private enum HalTransform { FlipX = 1 << 0, FlipY = 1 << 1, Rotate90 = 1 << 2 } private enum BufferState { Free, Dequeued, Queued, Acquired } private struct Rect { public int Top; public int Left; public int Right; public int Bottom; } private struct BufferEntry { public BufferState State; public HalTransform Transform; public Rect Crop; public GbpBuffer Data; } private BufferEntry[] BufferQueue; private ManualResetEvent WaitBufferFree; private bool Disposed; public NvFlinger(IGalRenderer Renderer, KEvent ReleaseEvent) { Commands = new Dictionary<(string, int), ServiceProcessParcel>() { { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0x1), GbpRequestBuffer }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0x3), GbpDequeueBuffer }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0x4), GbpDetachBuffer }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0x7), GbpQueueBuffer }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0x8), GbpCancelBuffer }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0x9), GbpQuery }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0xa), GbpConnect }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0xb), GbpDisconnect }, { ("android.gui.IGraphicBufferProducer", 0xe), GbpPreallocBuffer } }; this.Renderer = Renderer; this.ReleaseEvent = ReleaseEvent; BufferQueue = new BufferEntry[0x40]; WaitBufferFree = new ManualResetEvent(false); } public long ProcessParcelRequest(ServiceCtx Context, byte[] ParcelData, int Code) { using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream(ParcelData)) { BinaryReader Reader = new BinaryReader(MS); MS.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current); int StrSize = Reader.ReadInt32(); string InterfaceName = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(Reader.ReadBytes(StrSize * 2)); long Remainder = MS.Position & 0xf; if (Remainder != 0) { MS.Seek(0x10 - Remainder, SeekOrigin.Current); } MS.Seek(0x50, SeekOrigin.Begin); if (Commands.TryGetValue((InterfaceName, Code), out ServiceProcessParcel ProcReq)) { Context.Ns.Log.PrintDebug(LogClass.ServiceVi, $"{InterfaceName} {ProcReq.Method.Name}"); return ProcReq(Context, Reader); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"{InterfaceName} {Code}"); } } } private long GbpRequestBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { int Slot = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(MS); BufferEntry Entry = BufferQueue[Slot]; int BufferCount = 1; //? long BufferSize = Entry.Data.Size; Writer.Write(BufferCount); Writer.Write(BufferSize); Entry.Data.Write(Writer); Writer.Write(0); return MakeReplyParcel(Context, MS.ToArray()); } } private long GbpDequeueBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { //TODO: Errors. int Format = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Width = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Height = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int GetTimestamps = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Usage = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Slot = GetFreeSlotBlocking(Width, Height); return MakeReplyParcel(Context, Slot, 1, 0x24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } private long GbpQueueBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { Context.Ns.Statistics.RecordGameFrameTime(); //TODO: Errors. int Slot = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Unknown4 = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Unknown8 = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Unknownc = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Timestamp = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int IsAutoTimestamp = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int CropTop = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int CropLeft = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int CropRight = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int CropBottom = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int ScalingMode = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Transform = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int StickyTransform = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Unknown34 = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Unknown38 = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int IsFenceValid = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Fence0Id = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Fence0Value = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Fence1Id = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int Fence1Value = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); BufferQueue[Slot].Transform = (HalTransform)Transform; BufferQueue[Slot].Crop.Top = CropTop; BufferQueue[Slot].Crop.Left = CropLeft; BufferQueue[Slot].Crop.Right = CropRight; BufferQueue[Slot].Crop.Bottom = CropBottom; BufferQueue[Slot].State = BufferState.Queued; SendFrameBuffer(Context, Slot); return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 1280, 720, 0, 0, 0); } private long GbpDetachBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 0); } private long GbpCancelBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { //TODO: Errors. int Slot = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); BufferQueue[Slot].State = BufferState.Free; return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 0); } private long GbpQuery(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 0, 0); } private long GbpConnect(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 1280, 720, 0, 0, 0); } private long GbpDisconnect(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 0); } private long GbpPreallocBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, BinaryReader ParcelReader) { int Slot = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); int BufferCount = ParcelReader.ReadInt32(); if (BufferCount > 0) { long BufferSize = ParcelReader.ReadInt64(); BufferQueue[Slot].State = BufferState.Free; BufferQueue[Slot].Data = new GbpBuffer(ParcelReader); } return MakeReplyParcel(Context, 0); } private long MakeReplyParcel(ServiceCtx Context, params int[] Ints) { using (MemoryStream MS = new MemoryStream()) { BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(MS); foreach (int Int in Ints) { Writer.Write(Int); } return MakeReplyParcel(Context, MS.ToArray()); } } private long MakeReplyParcel(ServiceCtx Context, byte[] Data) { long ReplyPos = Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Position; long ReplySize = Context.Request.ReceiveBuff[0].Size; byte[] Reply = MakeParcel(Data, new byte[0]); Context.Memory.WriteBytes(ReplyPos, Reply); return 0; } private void SendFrameBuffer(ServiceCtx Context, int Slot) { int FbWidth = BufferQueue[Slot].Data.Width; int FbHeight = BufferQueue[Slot].Data.Height; int NvMapHandle = BitConverter.ToInt32(BufferQueue[Slot].Data.RawData, 0x4c); int BufferOffset = BitConverter.ToInt32(BufferQueue[Slot].Data.RawData, 0x50); NvMapHandle Map = NvMapIoctl.GetNvMap(Context, NvMapHandle);; long FbAddr = Map.Address + BufferOffset; BufferQueue[Slot].State = BufferState.Acquired; Rect Crop = BufferQueue[Slot].Crop; bool FlipX = BufferQueue[Slot].Transform.HasFlag(HalTransform.FlipX); bool FlipY = BufferQueue[Slot].Transform.HasFlag(HalTransform.FlipY); //Rotation is being ignored int Top = Crop.Top; int Left = Crop.Left; int Right = Crop.Right; int Bottom = Crop.Bottom; Renderer.QueueAction(() => Renderer.FrameBuffer.SetTransform(FlipX, FlipY, Top, Left, Right, Bottom)); //TODO: Support double buffering here aswell, it is broken for GPU //frame buffers because it seems to be completely out of sync. if (Context.Ns.Gpu.Engine3d.IsFrameBufferPosition(FbAddr)) { //Frame buffer is rendered to by the GPU, we can just //bind the frame buffer texture, it's not necessary to read anything. Renderer.QueueAction(() => Renderer.FrameBuffer.Set(FbAddr)); } else { //Frame buffer is not set on the GPU registers, in this case //assume that the app is manually writing to it. TextureInfo Texture = new TextureInfo(FbAddr, FbWidth, FbHeight); byte[] Data = TextureReader.Read(Context.Memory, Texture); Renderer.QueueAction(() => Renderer.FrameBuffer.Set(Data, FbWidth, FbHeight)); } Context.Ns.Gpu.Renderer.QueueAction(() => ReleaseBuffer(Slot)); } private void ReleaseBuffer(int Slot) { BufferQueue[Slot].State = BufferState.Free; ReleaseEvent.WaitEvent.Set(); lock (WaitBufferFree) { WaitBufferFree.Set(); } } private int GetFreeSlotBlocking(int Width, int Height) { int Slot; do { lock (WaitBufferFree) { if ((Slot = GetFreeSlot(Width, Height)) != -1) { break; } if (Disposed) { break; } WaitBufferFree.Reset(); } WaitBufferFree.WaitOne(); } while (!Disposed); return Slot; } private int GetFreeSlot(int Width, int Height) { lock (BufferQueue) { for (int Slot = 0; Slot < BufferQueue.Length; Slot++) { if (BufferQueue[Slot].State != BufferState.Free) { continue; } GbpBuffer Data = BufferQueue[Slot].Data; if (Data.Width == Width && Data.Height == Height) { BufferQueue[Slot].State = BufferState.Dequeued; return Slot; } } } return -1; } public void Dispose() { Dispose(true); } protected virtual void Dispose(bool Disposing) { if (Disposing && !Disposed) { Disposed = true; lock (WaitBufferFree) { WaitBufferFree.Set(); } WaitBufferFree.Dispose(); } } } }