using ARMeilleure.State; using System; namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions { static class SoftFallback { #region "ShlReg" public static long SignedShlReg(long value, long shift, bool round, int size) { int eSize = 8 << size; int shiftLsB = (sbyte)shift; if (shiftLsB < 0) { return SignedShrReg(value, -shiftLsB, round, eSize); } else if (shiftLsB > 0) { if (shiftLsB >= eSize) { return 0L; } return value << shiftLsB; } else /* if (shiftLsB == 0) */ { return value; } } public static ulong UnsignedShlReg(ulong value, ulong shift, bool round, int size) { int eSize = 8 << size; int shiftLsB = (sbyte)shift; if (shiftLsB < 0) { return UnsignedShrReg(value, -shiftLsB, round, eSize); } else if (shiftLsB > 0) { if (shiftLsB >= eSize) { return 0UL; } return value << shiftLsB; } else /* if (shiftLsB == 0) */ { return value; } } public static long SignedShlRegSatQ(long value, long shift, bool round, int size) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); int eSize = 8 << size; int shiftLsB = (sbyte)shift; if (shiftLsB < 0) { return SignedShrReg(value, -shiftLsB, round, eSize); } else if (shiftLsB > 0) { if (shiftLsB >= eSize) { return SignedSignSatQ(value, eSize, context); } if (eSize == 64) { long shl = value << shiftLsB; long shr = shl >> shiftLsB; if (shr != value) { return SignedSignSatQ(value, eSize, context); } else /* if (shr == value) */ { return shl; } } else /* if (eSize != 64) */ { return SignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(value << shiftLsB, size); } } else /* if (shiftLsB == 0) */ { return value; } } public static ulong UnsignedShlRegSatQ(ulong value, ulong shift, bool round, int size) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); int eSize = 8 << size; int shiftLsB = (sbyte)shift; if (shiftLsB < 0) { return UnsignedShrReg(value, -shiftLsB, round, eSize); } else if (shiftLsB > 0) { if (shiftLsB >= eSize) { return UnsignedSignSatQ(value, eSize, context); } if (eSize == 64) { ulong shl = value << shiftLsB; ulong shr = shl >> shiftLsB; if (shr != value) { return UnsignedSignSatQ(value, eSize, context); } else /* if (shr == value) */ { return shl; } } else /* if (eSize != 64) */ { return UnsignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(value << shiftLsB, size); } } else /* if (shiftLsB == 0) */ { return value; } } private static long SignedShrReg(long value, int shift, bool round, int eSize) // shift := [1, 128]; eSize := {8, 16, 32, 64}. { if (round) { if (shift >= eSize) { return 0L; } long roundConst = 1L << (shift - 1); long add = value + roundConst; if (eSize == 64) { if ((~value & (value ^ add)) < 0L) { return (long)((ulong)add >> shift); } else { return add >> shift; } } else /* if (eSize != 64) */ { return add >> shift; } } else /* if (!round) */ { if (shift >= eSize) { if (value < 0L) { return -1L; } else /* if (value >= 0L) */ { return 0L; } } return value >> shift; } } private static ulong UnsignedShrReg(ulong value, int shift, bool round, int eSize) // shift := [1, 128]; eSize := {8, 16, 32, 64}. { if (round) { if (shift > 64) { return 0UL; } ulong roundConst = 1UL << (shift - 1); ulong add = value + roundConst; if (eSize == 64) { if ((add < value) && (add < roundConst)) { if (shift == 64) { return 1UL; } return (add >> shift) | (0x8000000000000000UL >> (shift - 1)); } else { if (shift == 64) { return 0UL; } return add >> shift; } } else /* if (eSize != 64) */ { if (shift == 64) { return 0UL; } return add >> shift; } } else /* if (!round) */ { if (shift >= eSize) { return 0UL; } return value >> shift; } } private static long SignedSignSatQ(long op, int eSize, ExecutionContext context) // eSize := {8, 16, 32, 64}. { long tMaxValue = (1L << (eSize - 1)) - 1L; long tMinValue = -(1L << (eSize - 1)); if (op > 0L) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMaxValue; } else if (op < 0L) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMinValue; } else { return 0L; } } private static ulong UnsignedSignSatQ(ulong op, int eSize, ExecutionContext context) // eSize := {8, 16, 32, 64}. { ulong tMaxValue = ulong.MaxValue >> (64 - eSize); if (op > 0UL) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMaxValue; } else { return 0UL; } } #endregion #region "ShrImm64" public static long SignedShrImm64(long value, long roundConst, int shift) { if (roundConst == 0L) { if (shift <= 63) { return value >> shift; } else /* if (shift == 64) */ { if (value < 0L) { return -1L; } else /* if (value >= 0L) */ { return 0L; } } } else /* if (roundConst == 1L << (shift - 1)) */ { if (shift <= 63) { long add = value + roundConst; if ((~value & (value ^ add)) < 0L) { return (long)((ulong)add >> shift); } else { return add >> shift; } } else /* if (shift == 64) */ { return 0L; } } } public static ulong UnsignedShrImm64(ulong value, long roundConst, int shift) { if (roundConst == 0L) { if (shift <= 63) { return value >> shift; } else /* if (shift == 64) */ { return 0UL; } } else /* if (roundConst == 1L << (shift - 1)) */ { ulong add = value + (ulong)roundConst; if ((add < value) && (add < (ulong)roundConst)) { if (shift <= 63) { return (add >> shift) | (0x8000000000000000UL >> (shift - 1)); } else /* if (shift == 64) */ { return 1UL; } } else { if (shift <= 63) { return add >> shift; } else /* if (shift == 64) */ { return 0UL; } } } } #endregion #region "Rounding" public static double Round(double value) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); FPRoundingMode roundMode = context.Fpcr.GetRoundingMode(); if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.ToNearest) { return Math.Round(value); // even } else if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.TowardsPlusInfinity) { return Math.Ceiling(value); } else if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.TowardsMinusInfinity) { return Math.Floor(value); } else /* if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.TowardsZero) */ { return Math.Truncate(value); } } public static float RoundF(float value) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); FPRoundingMode roundMode = context.Fpcr.GetRoundingMode(); if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.ToNearest) { return MathF.Round(value); // even } else if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.TowardsPlusInfinity) { return MathF.Ceiling(value); } else if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.TowardsMinusInfinity) { return MathF.Floor(value); } else /* if (roundMode == FPRoundingMode.TowardsZero) */ { return MathF.Truncate(value); } } public static int FloatToInt32(float value) { return SatF32ToS32(RoundF(value)); } public static int DoubleToInt32(double value) { return SatF64ToS32(Round(value)); } public static uint FloatToUInt32(float value) { return SatF32ToU32(RoundF(value)); } public static uint DoubleToUInt32(double value) { return SatF64ToU32(Round(value)); } #endregion #region "Saturation" public static int SatF32ToS32(float value) { if (float.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : value <= int.MinValue ? int.MinValue : (int)value; } public static long SatF32ToS64(float value) { if (float.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= long.MaxValue ? long.MaxValue : value <= long.MinValue ? long.MinValue : (long)value; } public static uint SatF32ToU32(float value) { if (float.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= uint.MaxValue ? uint.MaxValue : value <= uint.MinValue ? uint.MinValue : (uint)value; } public static ulong SatF32ToU64(float value) { if (float.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= ulong.MaxValue ? ulong.MaxValue : value <= ulong.MinValue ? ulong.MinValue : (ulong)value; } public static int SatF64ToS32(double value) { if (double.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : value <= int.MinValue ? int.MinValue : (int)value; } public static long SatF64ToS64(double value) { if (double.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= long.MaxValue ? long.MaxValue : value <= long.MinValue ? long.MinValue : (long)value; } public static uint SatF64ToU32(double value) { if (double.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= uint.MaxValue ? uint.MaxValue : value <= uint.MinValue ? uint.MinValue : (uint)value; } public static ulong SatF64ToU64(double value) { if (double.IsNaN(value)) return 0; return value >= ulong.MaxValue ? ulong.MaxValue : value <= ulong.MinValue ? ulong.MinValue : (ulong)value; } #endregion #region "Saturating" public static long SignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(long op, int size) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); int eSize = 8 << size; long tMaxValue = (1L << (eSize - 1)) - 1L; long tMinValue = -(1L << (eSize - 1)); if (op > tMaxValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMaxValue; } else if (op < tMinValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMinValue; } else { return op; } } public static ulong SignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(long op, int size) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); int eSize = 8 << size; ulong tMaxValue = (1UL << eSize) - 1UL; ulong tMinValue = 0UL; if (op > (long)tMaxValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMaxValue; } else if (op < (long)tMinValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMinValue; } else { return (ulong)op; } } public static long UnsignedSrcSignedDstSatQ(ulong op, int size) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); int eSize = 8 << size; long tMaxValue = (1L << (eSize - 1)) - 1L; if (op > (ulong)tMaxValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMaxValue; } else { return (long)op; } } public static ulong UnsignedSrcUnsignedDstSatQ(ulong op, int size) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); int eSize = 8 << size; ulong tMaxValue = (1UL << eSize) - 1UL; if (op > tMaxValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return tMaxValue; } else { return op; } } public static long UnarySignedSatQAbsOrNeg(long op) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); if (op == long.MinValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return long.MaxValue; } else { return op; } } public static long BinarySignedSatQAdd(long op1, long op2) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); long add = op1 + op2; if ((~(op1 ^ op2) & (op1 ^ add)) < 0L) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; if (op1 < 0L) { return long.MinValue; } else { return long.MaxValue; } } else { return add; } } public static ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQAdd(ulong op1, ulong op2) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); ulong add = op1 + op2; if ((add < op1) && (add < op2)) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return ulong.MaxValue; } else { return add; } } public static long BinarySignedSatQSub(long op1, long op2) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); long sub = op1 - op2; if (((op1 ^ op2) & (op1 ^ sub)) < 0L) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; if (op1 < 0L) { return long.MinValue; } else { return long.MaxValue; } } else { return sub; } } public static ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQSub(ulong op1, ulong op2) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); ulong sub = op1 - op2; if (op1 < op2) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return ulong.MinValue; } else { return sub; } } public static long BinarySignedSatQAcc(ulong op1, long op2) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); if (op1 <= (ulong)long.MaxValue) { // op1 from ulong.MinValue to (ulong)long.MaxValue // op2 from long.MinValue to long.MaxValue long add = (long)op1 + op2; if ((~op2 & add) < 0L) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return long.MaxValue; } else { return add; } } else if (op2 >= 0L) { // op1 from (ulong)long.MaxValue + 1UL to ulong.MaxValue // op2 from (long)ulong.MinValue to long.MaxValue context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return long.MaxValue; } else { // op1 from (ulong)long.MaxValue + 1UL to ulong.MaxValue // op2 from long.MinValue to (long)ulong.MinValue - 1L ulong add = op1 + (ulong)op2; if (add > (ulong)long.MaxValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return long.MaxValue; } else { return (long)add; } } } public static ulong BinaryUnsignedSatQAcc(long op1, ulong op2) { ExecutionContext context = NativeInterface.GetContext(); if (op1 >= 0L) { // op1 from (long)ulong.MinValue to long.MaxValue // op2 from ulong.MinValue to ulong.MaxValue ulong add = (ulong)op1 + op2; if ((add < (ulong)op1) && (add < op2)) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return ulong.MaxValue; } else { return add; } } else if (op2 > (ulong)long.MaxValue) { // op1 from long.MinValue to (long)ulong.MinValue - 1L // op2 from (ulong)long.MaxValue + 1UL to ulong.MaxValue return (ulong)op1 + op2; } else { // op1 from long.MinValue to (long)ulong.MinValue - 1L // op2 from ulong.MinValue to (ulong)long.MaxValue long add = op1 + (long)op2; if (add < (long)ulong.MinValue) { context.Fpsr |= FPSR.Qc; return ulong.MinValue; } else { return (ulong)add; } } } #endregion #region "Count" public static ulong CountLeadingSigns(ulong value, int size) // size is 8, 16, 32 or 64 (SIMD&FP or Base Inst.). { value ^= value >> 1; int highBit = size - 2; for (int bit = highBit; bit >= 0; bit--) { if (((int)(value >> bit) & 0b1) != 0) { return (ulong)(highBit - bit); } } return (ulong)(size - 1); } private static ReadOnlySpan ClzNibbleTbl => new byte[] { 4, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; public static ulong CountLeadingZeros(ulong value, int size) // size is 8, 16, 32 or 64 (SIMD&FP or Base Inst.). { if (value == 0ul) { return (ulong)size; } int nibbleIdx = size; int preCount, count = 0; do { nibbleIdx -= 4; preCount = ClzNibbleTbl[(int)(value >> nibbleIdx) & 0b1111]; count += preCount; } while (preCount == 4); return (ulong)count; } #endregion #region "Table" public static V128 Tbl1(V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0) { return TblOrTbx(default, vector, bytes, tb0); } public static V128 Tbl2(V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0, V128 tb1) { return TblOrTbx(default, vector, bytes, tb0, tb1); } public static V128 Tbl3(V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0, V128 tb1, V128 tb2) { return TblOrTbx(default, vector, bytes, tb0, tb1, tb2); } public static V128 Tbl4(V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0, V128 tb1, V128 tb2, V128 tb3) { return TblOrTbx(default, vector, bytes, tb0, tb1, tb2, tb3); } public static V128 Tbx1(V128 dest, V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0) { return TblOrTbx(dest, vector, bytes, tb0); } public static V128 Tbx2(V128 dest, V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0, V128 tb1) { return TblOrTbx(dest, vector, bytes, tb0, tb1); } public static V128 Tbx3(V128 dest, V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0, V128 tb1, V128 tb2) { return TblOrTbx(dest, vector, bytes, tb0, tb1, tb2); } public static V128 Tbx4(V128 dest, V128 vector, int bytes, V128 tb0, V128 tb1, V128 tb2, V128 tb3) { return TblOrTbx(dest, vector, bytes, tb0, tb1, tb2, tb3); } private static V128 TblOrTbx(V128 dest, V128 vector, int bytes, params V128[] tb) { byte[] res = new byte[16]; if (dest != default) { Buffer.BlockCopy(dest.ToArray(), 0, res, 0, bytes); } byte[] table = new byte[tb.Length * 16]; for (byte index = 0; index < tb.Length; index++) { Buffer.BlockCopy(tb[index].ToArray(), 0, table, index * 16, 16); } byte[] v = vector.ToArray(); for (byte index = 0; index < bytes; index++) { byte tblIndex = v[index]; if (tblIndex < table.Length) { res[index] = table[tblIndex]; } } return new V128(res); } #endregion #region "Crc32" private const uint Crc32RevPoly = 0xedb88320; private const uint Crc32cRevPoly = 0x82f63b78; public static uint Crc32b(uint crc, byte value) => Crc32 (crc, Crc32RevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32h(uint crc, ushort value) => Crc32h(crc, Crc32RevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32w(uint crc, uint value) => Crc32w(crc, Crc32RevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32x(uint crc, ulong value) => Crc32x(crc, Crc32RevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32cb(uint crc, byte value) => Crc32 (crc, Crc32cRevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32ch(uint crc, ushort value) => Crc32h(crc, Crc32cRevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32cw(uint crc, uint value) => Crc32w(crc, Crc32cRevPoly, value); public static uint Crc32cx(uint crc, ulong value) => Crc32x(crc, Crc32cRevPoly, value); private static uint Crc32h(uint crc, uint poly, ushort val) { crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 0)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 8)); return crc; } private static uint Crc32w(uint crc, uint poly, uint val) { crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 0)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 8)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 16)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 24)); return crc; } private static uint Crc32x(uint crc, uint poly, ulong val) { crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 0)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 8)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 16)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 24)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 32)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 40)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 48)); crc = Crc32(crc, poly, (byte)(val >> 56)); return crc; } private static uint Crc32(uint crc, uint poly, byte val) { crc ^= val; for (int bit = 7; bit >= 0; bit--) { uint mask = (uint)(-(int)(crc & 1)); crc = (crc >> 1) ^ (poly & mask); } return crc; } #endregion #region "Aes" public static V128 Decrypt(V128 value, V128 roundKey) { return CryptoHelper.AesInvSubBytes(CryptoHelper.AesInvShiftRows(value ^ roundKey)); } public static V128 Encrypt(V128 value, V128 roundKey) { return CryptoHelper.AesSubBytes(CryptoHelper.AesShiftRows(value ^ roundKey)); } public static V128 InverseMixColumns(V128 value) { return CryptoHelper.AesInvMixColumns(value); } public static V128 MixColumns(V128 value) { return CryptoHelper.AesMixColumns(value); } #endregion #region "Sha1" public static V128 HashChoose(V128 hash_abcd, uint hash_e, V128 wk) { for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint t = ShaChoose(hash_abcd.Extract(1), hash_abcd.Extract(2), hash_abcd.Extract(3)); hash_e += Rol(hash_abcd.Extract(0), 5) + t + wk.Extract(e); t = Rol(hash_abcd.Extract(1), 30); hash_abcd.Insert(1, t); Rol32_160(ref hash_e, ref hash_abcd); } return hash_abcd; } public static uint FixedRotate(uint hash_e) { return hash_e.Rol(30); } public static V128 HashMajority(V128 hash_abcd, uint hash_e, V128 wk) { for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint t = ShaMajority(hash_abcd.Extract(1), hash_abcd.Extract(2), hash_abcd.Extract(3)); hash_e += Rol(hash_abcd.Extract(0), 5) + t + wk.Extract(e); t = Rol(hash_abcd.Extract(1), 30); hash_abcd.Insert(1, t); Rol32_160(ref hash_e, ref hash_abcd); } return hash_abcd; } public static V128 HashParity(V128 hash_abcd, uint hash_e, V128 wk) { for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint t = ShaParity(hash_abcd.Extract(1), hash_abcd.Extract(2), hash_abcd.Extract(3)); hash_e += Rol(hash_abcd.Extract(0), 5) + t + wk.Extract(e); t = Rol(hash_abcd.Extract(1), 30); hash_abcd.Insert(1, t); Rol32_160(ref hash_e, ref hash_abcd); } return hash_abcd; } public static V128 Sha1SchedulePart1(V128 w0_3, V128 w4_7, V128 w8_11) { ulong t2 = w4_7.Extract(0); ulong t1 = w0_3.Extract(1); V128 result = new V128(t1, t2); return result ^ (w0_3 ^ w8_11); } public static V128 Sha1SchedulePart2(V128 tw0_3, V128 w12_15) { V128 t = tw0_3 ^ (w12_15 >> 32); uint tE0 = t.Extract(0); uint tE1 = t.Extract(1); uint tE2 = t.Extract(2); uint tE3 = t.Extract(3); return new V128(tE0.Rol(1), tE1.Rol(1), tE2.Rol(1), tE3.Rol(1) ^ tE0.Rol(2)); } private static void Rol32_160(ref uint y, ref V128 x) { uint xE3 = x.Extract(3); x <<= 32; x.Insert(0, y); y = xE3; } private static uint ShaChoose(uint x, uint y, uint z) { return ((y ^ z) & x) ^ z; } private static uint ShaMajority(uint x, uint y, uint z) { return (x & y) | ((x | y) & z); } private static uint ShaParity(uint x, uint y, uint z) { return x ^ y ^ z; } private static uint Rol(this uint value, int count) { return (value << count) | (value >> (32 - count)); } #endregion #region "Sha256" public static V128 HashLower(V128 hash_abcd, V128 hash_efgh, V128 wk) { return Sha256Hash(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk, part1: true); } public static V128 HashUpper(V128 hash_abcd, V128 hash_efgh, V128 wk) { return Sha256Hash(hash_abcd, hash_efgh, wk, part1: false); } public static V128 Sha256SchedulePart1(V128 w0_3, V128 w4_7) { V128 result = new V128(); for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint elt = (e <= 2 ? w0_3 : w4_7).Extract(e <= 2 ? e + 1 : 0); elt = elt.Ror(7) ^ elt.Ror(18) ^ elt.Lsr(3); elt += w0_3.Extract(e); result.Insert(e, elt); } return result; } public static V128 Sha256SchedulePart2(V128 w0_3, V128 w8_11, V128 w12_15) { V128 result = new V128(); ulong t1 = w12_15.Extract(1); for (int e = 0; e <= 1; e++) { uint elt = t1.ULongPart(e); elt = elt.Ror(17) ^ elt.Ror(19) ^ elt.Lsr(10); elt += w0_3.Extract(e) + w8_11.Extract(e + 1); result.Insert(e, elt); } t1 = result.Extract(0); for (int e = 2; e <= 3; e++) { uint elt = t1.ULongPart(e - 2); elt = elt.Ror(17) ^ elt.Ror(19) ^ elt.Lsr(10); elt += w0_3.Extract(e) + (e == 2 ? w8_11 : w12_15).Extract(e == 2 ? 3 : 0); result.Insert(e, elt); } return result; } private static V128 Sha256Hash(V128 x, V128 y, V128 w, bool part1) { for (int e = 0; e <= 3; e++) { uint chs = ShaChoose(y.Extract(0), y.Extract(1), y.Extract(2)); uint maj = ShaMajority(x.Extract(0), x.Extract(1), x.Extract(2)); uint t1 = y.Extract(3) + ShaHashSigma1(y.Extract(0)) + chs + w.Extract(e); uint t2 = t1 + x.Extract(3); x.Insert(3, t2); t2 = t1 + ShaHashSigma0(x.Extract(0)) + maj; y.Insert(3, t2); Rol32_256(ref y, ref x); } return part1 ? x : y; } private static void Rol32_256(ref V128 y, ref V128 x) { uint yE3 = y.Extract(3); uint xE3 = x.Extract(3); y <<= 32; x <<= 32; y.Insert(0, xE3); x.Insert(0, yE3); } private static uint ShaHashSigma0(uint x) { return x.Ror(2) ^ x.Ror(13) ^ x.Ror(22); } private static uint ShaHashSigma1(uint x) { return x.Ror(6) ^ x.Ror(11) ^ x.Ror(25); } private static uint Ror(this uint value, int count) { return (value >> count) | (value << (32 - count)); } private static uint Lsr(this uint value, int count) { return value >> count; } private static uint ULongPart(this ulong value, int part) { return part == 0 ? (uint)(value & 0xFFFFFFFFUL) : (uint)(value >> 32); } #endregion public static V128 PolynomialMult64_128(ulong op1, ulong op2) { V128 result = V128.Zero; V128 op2_128 = new V128(op2, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (((op1 >> i) & 1) == 1) { result ^= op2_128 << i; } } return result; } } }