using Ryujinx.HLE.Exceptions; using System.IO; namespace Ryujinx.HLE.Loaders.Npdm { class Acid { private const int AcidMagic = 'A' << 0 | 'C' << 8 | 'I' << 16 | 'D' << 24; public byte[] Rsa2048Signature { get; } public byte[] Rsa2048Modulus { get; } public int Unknown1 { get; } public int Flags { get; } public long TitleIdRangeMin { get; } public long TitleIdRangeMax { get; } public FsAccessControl FsAccessControl { get; } public ServiceAccessControl ServiceAccessControl { get; } public KernelAccessControl KernelAccessControl { get; } public Acid(Stream stream, int offset) { stream.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin); BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream); Rsa2048Signature = reader.ReadBytes(0x100); Rsa2048Modulus = reader.ReadBytes(0x100); if (reader.ReadInt32() != AcidMagic) { throw new InvalidNpdmException("ACID Stream doesn't contain ACID section!"); } //Size field used with the above signature (?). Unknown1 = reader.ReadInt32(); reader.ReadInt32(); //Bit0 must be 1 on retail, on devunit 0 is also allowed. Bit1 is unknown. Flags = reader.ReadInt32(); TitleIdRangeMin = reader.ReadInt64(); TitleIdRangeMax = reader.ReadInt64(); int fsAccessControlOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); int fsAccessControlSize = reader.ReadInt32(); int serviceAccessControlOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); int serviceAccessControlSize = reader.ReadInt32(); int kernelAccessControlOffset = reader.ReadInt32(); int kernelAccessControlSize = reader.ReadInt32(); FsAccessControl = new FsAccessControl(stream, offset + fsAccessControlOffset, fsAccessControlSize); ServiceAccessControl = new ServiceAccessControl(stream, offset + serviceAccessControlOffset, serviceAccessControlSize); KernelAccessControl = new KernelAccessControl(stream, offset + kernelAccessControlOffset, kernelAccessControlSize); } } }